Minor Overview

About this minor
The rapid pace of globalisation in the past decades has been accompanied by increasing integration of countries, health systems, and economies. Health issues and challenges transcend geographical and political borders, with spillover effects into economic and political systems. The COVID-19 pandemic is only one of a number of major global health challenges that require multidisciplinary perspectives as well as cross-country and inter-sector collaboration to address. The global health minor will also focus on the impact of other key transnational determinants such as obesity and urbanisation and how these global issues affect both domestic health disparities as well as cross-border issues. The Global Health minor aims to provide multidisciplinary knowledge that will allow a broad understanding of global health issues and challenges and the efforts to tackle them. Furthermore, students who complete the Global Health minor will be able to critically analyse global health issues from various angles, the success stories and describe the barriers that still need to be overcome to address current and future global health challenges. For students taking a minor which shares units with their other unit sets (majors or minors): in order for minors to be recognised on academic and graduation documents, students may only have a maximum of one unit overlapping between their unit sets.
Students are able to (1) Describe current and emerging global health issues and challenges from multidisciplinary perspectives; (2) Demonstrate an understanding of global health issues and challenges specific to regions or countries; (3) Demonstrate an understanding of global health issues and challenges and how they relate to other sectors outside of health; (4) Critically analyse global health issues from multi-disciplinary perspectives; and (5) Describe the barriers to achieving global health priorities and challenges.

MJD-PPHLH Public Health;


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
non-standard teaching period

Students are required to take all Core Units (12 points) and 6 points of Option Units from Group A, and 6 points of Option Units from Groups B or C.

Take the following unit:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
S2 PUBH1102 Foundations of Global Health None
Take the following unit:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
S1 PUBH2204 Disease Prevention and Control
PUBH1101 Health and Illness in Human Populations
or PUBH1102 Health and Globalisation
or ANHB1101 Human Biology I: Becoming Human
or ANHX1101 Human Biology 1 (Becoming Human)
or ANHB1102 Human Biology II: Being Human
or ANHX1102 Human Biology 2 (Being Human)
or ANTH1001 Being Human: Culture, Identity and Society
or ANTH1002 Global Change, Local Responses
Group A—take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
S2 GEOG1104 Disasters! None
S2 POLS1102 Understanding Global Politics None
Group B—take as per sequence notes:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
NS PUBH2211 Population Health Field Trip
24 points of prior course study
IMED3303 Interprofessional Health Practice
Group C—take as per sequence notes:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
S1 PUBH3307 Health Systems and Policy
PUBH2204 Disease Prevention and Control