You must satisfy the requirements of a degree-specific major before you complete your course. The flexible structure of an undergraduate course allows you to try out a number of different subjects to see what interests you before nominating your degree-specific major. You have the choice to either nominate your degree-specific major when you first enrol in the course or delay nominating it until your second year.
To plan the first year of your study without nominating a degree-specific major, you are advised to choose units that will pave the way to two or more degree-specific majors that are of interest to you. For examples of the choice of units available in first year, search the first-year study plans.
To fully understand the structure of an undergraduate course, read the course structure information and the Undergraduate Degree Course Rules.
Majors by Field of Education
Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies
- Agribusiness [MJD-AGBUS]
- Agribusiness and Agricultural Science [MJD-AGBDM]
- Agricultural Science [MJD-AGSCI]
- Agricultural Science and Technology [MJD-AGTDM]
- Agricultural Technology [MJD-AGTEC]
- Environmental Management [MJD-ENVMT]
- Environmental Science [MJD-ENVSC]
- Environmental Science and Ecology [MJD-ENVEM]
- Environmental Science and Management [MJD-ENVDM]
- Geographical and Spatial Science [MJD-GSSCI]
Architecture and Building
- Architecture A [MJD-ARCTA]
- Architecture B [MJS-ARCTB]
- Landscape Architecture [MJD-LDARC]
Creative Arts
- Communication and Media Studies [MJD-CMMST]
- Contemporary Popular Music [MJD-MUSCO]
- Fine Arts [MJD-FNART]
- Media and Communication [MJD-MECOM]
- Music [MJD-MUSDM]
- Music and Society [MJD-MUSMS]
- Music General Studies [MJD-MSTGM]
- Music Studies [MJD-MUSST]
- Music Theatre [MJD-MUSMT]
- Music: Electronic Music and Sound Design [MJD-MEMSD]
- Primary Education [MJD-PEDUC]
Engineering And Related Technologies
- Automation and Robotics Engineering [MJD-EAUTO]
- Biomedical Engineering [MJD-EBMEG]
- Chemical Engineering [MJD-ECHEM]
- Civil Engineering [MJD-ECIVL]
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering [MJD-EELEC]
- Engineering Science [MJD-ENGSX]
- Environmental Engineering [MJD-EENVE]
- Mechanical Engineering [MJD-EMECH]
- Mining Engineering [MJD-EMINE]
- Exercise and Health [MJD-EXHSC]
- Human Sciences (Anatomy and Physiology) [MJD-HSANP]
- Humanities in Health and Medicine [MJD-HHMED]
- Integrated Dental Sciences [MJD-DENTS]
- Medical Science [MJD-MEDSI]
- Pathology and Laboratory Medicine [MJD-PLMED]
- Pharmaceutical Health [MJD-PHEAL]
- Public Health [MJD-PPHLH]
- Sport Science [MJD-SPTSC]
- Sport Science, Exercise and Health [MJD-SEHDM]
Information Technology
- Artificial Intelligence [MJD-ARIDM]
- Computer Science [MJD-CMPSC]
- Computing and Data Science [MJD-CDSDM]
- Cybersecurity [MJD-CYBER]
- Data Science [MJD-DATSC]
- International Cybersecurity [MJD-ICYDM]
- Quantum Computing [MJD-QCOMP]
- Software Engineering [MJD-ESOFT]
Management and Commerce
- Accounting [MJD-ACCTG]
- Business Analytics [MJD-BUSAN]
- Business Management [MJD-BMGMT]
- Enterprise and Innovation [MJD-ENTIN]
- Finance [MJD-FINCE]
- Financial Economics [MJD-FINEC]
- Global Business [MJD-GLBUS]
- Human Resource Management [MJD-HRSMT]
- Management [MJD-MGMNT]
- Marketing [MJD-MRKTG]
- Work and Employment Relations [MJD-WKERL]
Natural and Physical Sciences
- Anatomy and Human Biology [MJD-ANHBY]
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [MJD-BCHMB]
- Biochemistry of Nutrition [MJD-BCNDM]
- Biodiversity and Evolution [MJD-BIDEM]
- Botany [MJD-BOTNY]
- Chemistry [MJD-CHEMY]
- Conservation Biology [MJD-CONBI]
- Frontier Physics [MJD-FRODM]
- Genetics [MJD-GENET]
- Geochemistry [MJD-GECDM]
- Geographical Sciences [MJD-GGRPY]
- Geology [MJD-GEOGY]
- Human Science and Neuroscience [MJD-HSNEM]
- Human Sciences and Data Analytics [MJD-HSDEM]
- Integrated Earth and Marine Sciences [MJD-IEMDM]
- Integrated Medical Sciences and Clinical Practice [MJD-IMSCP]
- Marine and Coastal Processes [MJD-MARCP]
- Marine Biology [MJD-MBIOL]
- Marine Science [MJD-MARDM]
- Mathematics [MJD-MATHS]
- Mathematics [MJD-EMATH]
- Microbiology and Immunology [MJD-MCBIM]
- Molecular Life Sciences [MJD-MLSDM]
- Neuroscience [MJD-NEURS]
- Pharmacology [MJD-PHARY]
- Physics [MJD-PHYSC]
- Physiology [MJD-PHYGY]
- Plant Biology [MJD-PLBEM]
- Podiatric Health and Medical Sciences [MJD-PHMSC]
- Statistics [MJD-STATS]
- Wildlife Conservation [MJD-WLCDM]
- Zoology [MJD-ZOOLY]
Society and Culture
- Anthropology [MJD-ANTHR]
- Applied Human Geography [MJD-APHGY]
- Archaeology [MJD-ARCGY]
- Art History and Curatorial Studies [MJD-ARHCU]
- Asian Studies [MJD-ASSTD]
- Business Economics [MJD-ECNSM]
- Business Law [MJD-BSLAW]
- CHNSA Chinese Studies [MJD-CHNSA]
- CHNSB Chinese Studies [MJD-CHNSB]
- CHNSI Chinese Studies [MJD-CHNSI]
- CHNSP Chinese Studies [MJD-CHNSP]
- Classics and Ancient History [MJD-CLANH]
- Criminology [MJD-CRIMN]
- Criminology and Criminal Justice [MJD-CRMDM]
- Economics [MJD-ECNPF]
- English and Literary Studies [MJD-EGCST]
- Environmental Geography and Planning [MJD-ENGEO]
- FRNHA French Studies [MJD-FRNHA]
- FRNHB French Studies [MJD-FRNHB]
- FRNHI French Studies [MJD-FRNHI]
- Gender Studies [MJD-GNWST]
- GRMNA German Studies [MJD-GRMNA]
- GRMNB German Studies [MJD-GRMNB]
- GRMNI German Studies [MJD-GRMNI]
- History [MJD-HISTY]
- History of Art [MJD-HYART]
- Human Rights [MJD-HMRDM]
- Indigenous Knowledge, History and Heritage [MJD-INKHH]
- INDNB Indonesian Studies [MJD-INDNB]
- INDNI Indonesian Studies [MJD-INDNI]
- INDNP Indonesian Studies [MJD-INDNP]
- International Relations [MJD-INTRL]
- ITLNA Italian Studies [MJD-ITLNA]
- ITLNB Italian Studies [MJD-ITLNB]
- ITLNI Italian Studies [MJD-ITLNI]
- JPNSB Japanese Studies [MJD-JPNSB]
- JPNSI Japanese Studies [MJD-JPNSI]
- JPNSP Japanese Studies [MJD-JPNSP]
- Korean Studies [MJD-KOREB]
- Korean Studies [MJD-KOREI]
- Law and Society [MJD-LWSOC]
- Linguistics [MJD-LINGO]
- Philosophy [MJD-PHILY]
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics [MJD-PPEDM]
- Political Science and International Relations [MJD-POLSC]
- Psychological and Behavioural Sciences [MJD-PSYCH]
- Psychology [MJD-PSYDM]
- Social and Environmental Sustainability [MJD-SUSTA]
- Social Work [MJD-SOCWK]
- Spanish Studies [MJD-SPNHB]
- Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing [MJD-ABHWB]
Minors by Field of Education
Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies
- Environmental Biology [MNR-ENVBI]
- Environmental Chemistry [MNR-ENVCH]
- Environmental Economics [MNR-EECON]
- Feeding the Future World [MNR-FCENV]
- Understanding the Environment [MNR-ENVST]
Creative Arts
- Applied Music [MNR-MUSAP]
- Creative Writing Studies [MNR-CRWRS]
- Digital Creativity [MNR-DCREA]
- Musicology [MNR-MUSCO]
- Video Game Music and Sound [MNR-MVGMS]
Engineering And Related Technologies
- Ocean Innovation [MNR-OCEAN]
- Process Engineering Science [MNR-PRENS]
- Exercise as Medicine [MNR-EXMED]
- Global Health [MNR-GLBHH]
- OneHealth: Human Health and Environment [MNR-ONHLT]
- Personal Health and Performance [MNR-PHAPN]
- Physical Activity and Health [MNR-PAHLT]
- Professional Engagement and Practice in Health [MNR-PEPIH]
- Sport and Exercise Physiology [MNR-SPHYS]
- Women's Health [MNR-WHLTH]
Information Technology
- Data Science [MNR-DATSC]
- Digital Citizenship [MNR-DGCIT]
Natural and Physical Sciences
- Anatomical Sciences [MNR-ANSCI]
- Applied Statistical Learning [MNR-ASTAT]
- Biological Anthropology [MNR-BIOAN]
- Brain and Behaviour [MNR-BRBEH]
- Earth's Environmental Challenges [MNR-ETHFT]
- Ecology [MNR-ECOLY]
- Geological and Archaeological Landscapes [MNR-GEARL]
- Human Systems Physiology [MNR-ORGPH]
- Mineral Resource Development [MNR-MRSDV]
- Physics for the Modern Era [MNR-PHYSI]
- Science in Society [MNR-SCILT]
Society and Culture
- Active Citizenship [MNR-CITZN]
- Advanced Studies on Contemporary China [MNR-CHIAS]
- Applied Ethics [MNR-ETHIC]
- Behavioural Data Science [MNR-BDSCI]
- Chinese Language and Culture [MNR-CHLAC]
- Cross Cultural Communication [MNR-CCCOM]
- Curatorial Studies [MNR-CURAT]
- Environmental Humanities [MNR-MEHUM]
- French [MNR-FRENB]
- German [MNR-GRMNB]
- Indonesian Language and Culture [MNR-INLAC]
- Italian [MNR-ITALB]
- Japanese Language and Culture [MNR-JALAC]
- Korean Language and Culture [MNR-KOLAC]
- Latin Language and Literature [MNR-LATNL]
- Minor in Film Studies [MNR-FILMS]
- Religion in History [MNR-RELST]
- Science and Policy: Climate Change and Environmental Planning [MNR-SPCEU]
- Science Communication [MNR-SCCOM]
- Spanish [MNR-SPNHB]