Honours Overview


Honours in Classics and Ancient History is a combination of coursework and your own extended research essay, or dissertation. The assessment is equally divided between these two components. The coursework consists of four seminars in each of which you study a particular text, period of history, or methodology. You work in small groups with an expert in the field—the experience is challenging but the best possible transition between undergraduate learning and independent research. The dissertation component is your chance to try out extended research for yourself. You work closely with your supervisor who helps you select an appropriate and engaging topic and meets regularly with you to check your progress and to offer assistance and ideas. Many find the experience draws them on to a higher degree in the discipline, while others go on to make successful careers in such areas as teaching, commerce, the public service, and the arts and culture sectors.


Students are able to (1) produce advanced-level research that is methodologically informed; (2) articulate an independent critical position in scholarly debate in written and oral forms; (3) display a sophisticated use of a range of ancient material, including literature in the original classical languages as appropriate; (4) demonstrate familiarity with, and understanding of, current scholarship, scholarly resources and scholarly methodologies; and (5) demonstrate awareness of the multi-disciplinary nature of research in the Classical World.

Entry requirements

The equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 70 per cent in the Level 3 units of the Classics and Ancient History major.

Students must meet with their Discipline's Honours Coordinator to discuss their programme and research supervision prior to enrolment.

Intake periods

Beginning of year only


Honours in Classics and Ancient History can be taken as a specialisation in the following degrees:

No study plans found for this course. See study plans for more information.


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
Take all units (36 points):
AvailabilityUnit codeUnit nameUnit requirements
S1 CLAN4101 Researching the Classical World 1—Problems and Resources
enrolment in
honours in Classics and Ancient History
S2 CLAN4102 Researching the Classical World 2: Special Topics in Classical Studies
enrolment in
honours in Classics and Ancient History
S1, S2 HUMA4140 Humanities Dissertation 1
enrolment in
a School of Humanities honours program
S1, S2 HUMA4141 Humanities Dissertation 2
HUMA4140 Humanities Dissertation 1
Take unit(s) to the value of 12 points:
AvailabilityUnit codeUnit nameUnit requirements
S1 CLAN4103 Ancient Greek Language and Literature
enrolment in
honours in Classics and Ancient History
and CLAN3204 Greek 4
GREE7481 Honours Seminar 1 (Greek), GREE7482 Honours Seminar 2 (Greek), GREE7483 Honours Seminar 3 (Greek), GREE7484 Honours Seminar 4 (Greek)
S2 CLAN4104 Latin Language and Literature
enrolment in
honours in Classics and Ancient History
and CLAN3104 Latin 4
S1 CLAN4105 Literature, Narrative, History
enrolment in
honours in Classics and Ancient History
S2 CLAN4107 The Written Word
Enroled in the Classics and Ancient History honours programme.