Studying online

There are now 2 possible online modes for units:

Units with modes Online timetabled and Online flexible are available for any student to self-enrol and study online.

Click on an offering mode for more details.

Unit Overview


This course will introduce the student to the principles of neonatal transport. The material will be covered via a multimodal delivery system, incorporating online lectures, reading material, assignments and student research of transport facilities.

The objectives of this unit include developing students' knowledge of the role of transport in neonatal /perinatal medicine; and introduce students to the complex physiological, pathological, communication and logistical implications of neonatal transport.

6 points
Not available in 2024OnlineOnline flexible

Students are able to (1) describe the history and development of neonatal transport; (2) understand basic neonatal physiology for ground and air transport; (3) describe the role of the transport team; (4) describe the constraints which may affect neonatal transport teams during retrieval of neonates from remote locations with limited resources; (5) describe management of difficult problems on transport (such as extreme prematurity, surgical emergencies etc.); (6) understand communication strategies which may be helpful for neonatal transport teams when communicating with multiple teams, transport services and patients' families.; and (7) develop an understanding of the unique nature of transport services in WA with respect to logistical hurdles..


Indicative assessments in this unit are as follows: (1) multiple-choice examination and (2) written assignments—3. Further information is available in the unit outline.

Student may be offered supplementary assessment in this unit if they meet the eligibility criteria.

Contact hours
lectures: 2 hours per week
  • The availability of units in Semester 1, 2, etc. was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change.
  • All students are responsible for identifying when they need assistance to improve their academic learning, research, English language and numeracy skills; seeking out the services and resources available to help them; and applying what they learn. Students are encouraged to register for free online support through GETSmart; to help themselves to the extensive range of resources on UWA's STUDYSmarter website; and to participate in WRITESmart and (ma+hs)Smart drop-ins and workshops.
  • Visit the Essential Textbooks website to see if any textbooks are required for this Unit. The website is updated regularly so content may change. Students are recommended to purchase Essential Textbooks, but a limited number of copies of all Essential Textbooks are held in the Library in print, and as an ebook where possible. Recommended readings for the unit can be accessed in Unit Readings directly through the Learning Management System (LMS).
  • Contact hours provide an indication of the type and extent of in-class activities this unit may contain. The total amount of student work (including contact hours, assessment time, and self-study) will approximate 150 hours per 6 credit points.