Studying online (if an online offering is shown below)

There are now 2 possible online modes for units:

Units with modes Online timetabled and Online flexible are available for any student to self-enrol and study online.

Click on an offering mode for more details.

Unit Overview


This elective unit is only available to Residential Advisers and Residents' Club Members (College Student Leaders) as nominated by the UWA Residential Colleges, with approval by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

The objective of the unit is to enable students who are appointed Resident Advisers and Residents' Club Members at their respective UWA Colleges to enrol in a unit for academic credit in recognition of their service contribution to life on campus. These representatives play a vital leadership role within the student body through which they learn, develop and apply a complex mix of knowledge and skills including communication, interpersonal, decision-making, prioritisation, planning, budgeting and time management skills, as well as goal setting and project management. College Leaders generally benefit from community recognition and this has the potential to greatly enhance their employment opportunities and leadership skills in the future.

The objective of this unit is to formalise the training and experiential learning that College Leaders undertake during the academic year at their respective Colleges and recognise their service contribution to the Colleges and the University through their fostering of life on campus and the learning experience of this role. By enrolling in this unit, students gain accreditation for their contribution to student development and the enriching experience of life on campus.

6 points
(see Timetable)
Semester 1UWA (Perth)Off-campus
Semester 2UWA (Perth)Off-campus
Details for undergraduate courses
  • Level 1 elective

Students are able to (1) integrate practical, real-world experience in leadership and professional responsibility, using their training, knowledge and skills to be an ambassador for their college community; (2) demonstrate responsibility and citizenship by using their knowledge and skills to contribute positively to the student experience of life on campus; (3) reflect, think deeply and discuss cogently how the service experience affected them and supported their learning about issues affecting students; (4) apply conceptual knowledge, skills and problem-solving techniques to real-life situations in a professional environment; and (5) enhance their professional skills around communication, leadership, team work, service to others and management, developing their ability to think innovatively, think independently and solve problems resourcefully.


Indicative assessments in this unit are as follows: (1) report from the service learning provider; (2) 2 x reflection pieces on a specific topic (500 words each); and (3) final report presentation. Further information is available in the unit outline.

This unit is assessed on an ungraded pass/ungraded failed basis. All assessment items must be successfully completed.

Student may be offered supplementary assessment in this unit if they meet the eligibility criteria.

Unit Coordinator(s)
Associate Professor Daniela Ulgiati
Unit rules
permission/approval is required to enrol
Contact hours
All students must participate in their respective UWA College's leadership training program (minimum 15 hours training) as well as complete 85 hours of internship experience there.
Students wishing to undertake this unit must obtain permission to enrol from the staff member that manages their position at their college. Written permission must then be forwarded to Paul Hollick, Dean of Residents at St Catherine's College at [email protected].
  • The availability of units in Semester 1, 2, etc. was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change.
  • All students are responsible for identifying when they need assistance to improve their academic learning, research, English language and numeracy skills; seeking out the services and resources available to help them; and applying what they learn. Students are encouraged to register for free online support through GETSmart; to help themselves to the extensive range of resources on UWA's STUDYSmarter website; and to participate in WRITESmart and (ma+hs)Smart drop-ins and workshops.
  • Visit the Essential Textbooks website to see if any textbooks are required for this Unit. The website is updated regularly so content may change. Students are recommended to purchase Essential Textbooks, but a limited number of copies of all Essential Textbooks are held in the Library in print, and as an ebook where possible. Recommended readings for the unit can be accessed in Unit Readings directly through the Learning Management System (LMS).
  • Contact hours provide an indication of the type and extent of in-class activities this unit may contain. The total amount of student work (including contact hours, assessment time, and self-study) will approximate 150 hours per 6 credit points.