Minor Overview

About this minor
A minor in Human Systems Physiology will provide a broad background to the inner workings of the human body, with a particular specialisation on cardiorespiratory function. Interactions between individual systems will be discussed in both an environmental and exercise context. The minor will advance professional skills including scientific communication (report writing, poster construction, oral presentation), simple and more advanced statistical analysis of data, experimental design, health and safety when recruiting and studying human subjects, and preparation of research proposals for grant funding. For students taking a minor which shares units with their other unit sets (majors or minors): in order for minors to be recognised on academic and graduation documents, students may only have a maximum of one unit overlapping between their unit sets.
Students are able to (1) recall and integrate key knowledge and concepts about the function of organs and how their function is coordinated; (2) explain a range of physiological phenomena with reference to the underlying fundamental physicochemical processes; (3) describe the key elements of the scientific method and research design; (4) perform measurements of physiological phenomena from human subjects and animal tissue using a range of measurement equipment; (5) collaborate in small teams in a physiology laboratory setting and simulated scientific conference; (6) analyse and interpret physiological data derived from a range of measurement systems; (7) clearly communicate scientific facts and concepts in written and oral form, using standard scientific format and terminology; and (8) search and critically analyse research literature.

MJD-PHYGY Physiology;

MJD-SPTSC Sport Science;

MJD-SEHDM Sport Science, Exercise and Health;

MJD-HSANP Human Sciences (Anatomy and Physiology);

MJD-BCNDM Biochemistry of Nutrition;


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
Take the following unit:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
S1 PHYL1001 Physiology - How your body works
PHYL2001 Physiology of Human Body Systems
Take the following unit:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
S1 SSEH2260 Exercise Physiology
Successful completion of PHYL1001 Physiology - How Does the Human Body Work?
Enrolment in
CM017 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Public Health
or CM018 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
or CM019 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Applied Human Performance Science
or CM039 Bachelor of Human Sciences (Pharmaceutical Health) and Master of Pharmacy
or MJD-IMSCP Integrated Medical Sciences and Clinical Practice
or MJD-MEDSI Medical Science
Take all units (12 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
S1 PHYL3002 Clinical Physiology
Successful completion of
PHYL1001 Physiology - How your body works
and SSEH2260 Exercise Physiology
S2 PHYL3004 Extreme Environmental Physiology
Successful completion of Unit(s) PHYL1001 Physiology - How your body works and
PHYL2002 Physiology of Cells
or PHYL3002 Physiology of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
or Enrolment in
CM039 Bachelor of Human Sciences (Pharmaceutical Health) and Master of Pharmacy