Minor Overview

About this minor
The graduate labour market in Australia and internationally has evolved considerably in recent decades. Development of transferable skills and opportunities to apply technical skills to real-world situations is increasingly acknowledged as being critical to graduate employability and career prospects. At the same time, opportunities to foster collaboration with industry partners through practicums, internships and other innovative partnership approaches are highly sought after, and enhances graduates' ability to compete when seeking employment . The Professional Practice and Engagement in Health minor aims to develop the transferable and professional skills of students, to enable them to increase their capacity to succeed in a professional setting. Students who complete this minor will acquire knowledge of the following in a professional setting: i) organisational behaviour and management practices; ii) effective workplace communication skills and practices; iii) effective project management skills and practices; and, iv) leadership principles and knowledge in health. Furthermore, students will gain the opportunity to apply their knowledge in a professional setting through a practicum, internship or collaborative arrangement with an industry partner. For students taking a minor which shares units with their other unit sets (majors or minors): in order for minors to be recognised on academic and graduation documents, students may only have a maximum of one unit overlapping between their unit sets.
Students are able to (1) Describe concepts of individual behaviour, group behaviour, and management practice in a professional setting in health; (2) Demonstrate effective communication skills and practices in a professional setting in health; (3) Demonstrate effective project management skills and practices in a professional setting in health; (4) Describe leadership principles and knowledge in the health sector; and (5) Demonstrate team-based cooperation and collaboration to achieve team goals/outcomes in a professional setting in health.

MJD-PPHLH Public Health


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
non-standard teaching period

Students are required to take all Core Units (18 points) and 6 points of Options Units.

Take the following unit:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
S1, S2 MGMT1135 Organisational Behaviour
MGMT2235 Organisational Behaviour
Take the following unit:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
S1 PUBH2216 Communication and Project Planning in Health
Successful completion of level 1 24 points
or level 2 Unit(s) and any one
PUBH1101 Health and Illness in Human Populations
or PUBH1102 Foundations of Global Health
or ANHB1101 Human Biology I: Becoming Human
or ANHX1101 Human Biology 1 (Becoming Human)
or ANHB1102 Human Biology II: Being Human
or ANHX1102 Human Biology 2 (Being Human)
or ANTH1002 Global Change, Local Responses
or PSYC1101 Psychology: Mind and Brain
or PSYC1102 Psychology: Behaviour in Context
or IMED1001 Form and Function
or IMED1002 The Facts of Life
HSMD2216 Health Science Professional Practice
Take the following unit:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
S2 PUBH3301 Health Leadership
Successful completion of
48 points level 1
or level 2 Unit(s) or equivalent
Take units as per sequence notes:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
NS, S1, S2 SVLG2002 McCusker Centre for Citizenship Internship
SVLG1002 SVLG3003
Take as per sequence notes:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
NS SVLG3008 Approaches to Wicked Problems
Permission/approval is required to enrol.
Students must have completed at least 48 points and have Good Standing Status.
Take units as per sequence notes:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
S2 PUBH3300 Health Science Professional Placement
Successful completion of
72 points at UWA and approval of the unit coordinator to enrol in the unit