- Current rules
- Student Rules
- Part 2—Admission and enrolment
- Division 2—Enrolment
9. Addition of a unit to an enrolment
(1) This rule applies to a student who is permitted by the rules that apply to their course to add a unit to their enrolment in a teaching period.
(2) If this rule applies to a student, the student may add the unit to their enrolment—
(a) no later than the relevant addition date set out in Schedule 1: Dates (changing enrolment); or
(b) after the relevant addition date, if—
(i) the student pays the relevant administrative charge set out in Schedule 2: Fees (undergraduate) and Schedule 2: Fees (postgraduate); and
(ii) the student satisfies the relevant school or board that exceptional circumstances exist that justify the addition of the unit; and
(iii) the relevant school or board agrees to the addition of the unit.
Note: The HES Act census date applies to Commonwealth-supported students in relation to the addition of units.
10. Repeating units
(1) Unless the relevant school or board decides that there are sound academic reasons for a student to do so, the student must not enrol in a unit with the same content, or substantially the same content, as the content of a unit that they have previously passed or had credited towards their course.
(2) If a student is permitted to repeat a unit, the unit is credited only once towards their course.
11. Non-award enrolments
Except in the case of—
(a) an enrolment under a student exchange program; or
(b) a cross-institutional enrolment; or
(c) an enrolment involving exceptional circumstances approved by the Registrar and the relevant school, a student proposing to enrol in a unit on a non-award basis must apply to UWA Admissions Office to take the unit on a continuing education or audit basis.
12. Withdrawal from a unit
(1) (2) applies to a student who is permitted by the rules that apply to their course to withdraw from enrolment in a unit.
(2) A student may withdraw from enrolment in the unit—
(a) without academic penalty—if the withdrawal is no later than the relevant withdrawal date set out in Schedule 1: Dates (changing enrolment); or
(b) subject to (3), with academic penalty—if the withdrawal is after the relevant withdrawal date set out in Schedule 1: Dates (changing enrolment)and no later than the last day of the teaching period for the unit.
(3) A student may withdraw from enrolment in a unit without academic penalty in the period described in (2)(b) if the student satisfies the relevant school or board that there are extreme mitigating circumstances.
(4) Subject to (5), a student cannot withdraw from enrolment in a unit after the last day of the teaching period for the unit.
(5) A student may withdraw from enrolment in a unit after the last day of the teaching period for the unit if the student satisfies the relevant school or board that there are extreme mitigating circumstances.
13. Prerequisite units, co-requisite units and incompatible units
When selecting units for a course, a student must comply with any relevant requirement relating to prerequisite units, co-requisite units or incompatible units, unless that requirement has been waived by the relevant school or board because of exceptional circumstances.
14. Relationship between majors
When nominating a major for a course, a student must comply with any relevant requirement relating to a prerequisite unit or a complementary unit, a co-requisite major or an incompatible major, unless that requirement has been waived by the relevant school or board because of exceptional circumstances.
15. Full-time and part-time enrolments, and overloads
(1) Although the standard annual full-time load for a student is 48 points, a student is considered to be enrolled on a full-time basis if enrolled in units—
(a) with a value of at least 18 points in a semester; or
(b) with a value at least equivalent to the value stated in (a), calculated on a proportional basis, for a teaching period that is other than a semester.
(2) If the value of units in which a student is enrolled is less than that described in (1)(a) for a semester or less than that described in (1)(b) for a teaching period other than a semester, the student is enrolled on a part-time basis.
(3) A student must apply to the relevant board for approval to enrol in units that will result in the standard annual full-time load being exceeded beyond the limits imposed by the course rules.
16. Concurrent enrolment in two courses
A student must apply to the relevant school or board for approval to enrol concurrently in two courses where such enrolment is permitted in terms of University policy.
17. Time limits for completion of courses
A student enrolled in a course must complete the course within the relevant time limit specified by the Academic Board unless the relevant school or board has given the student approval to complete the course within a specified extended time limit in recognition of exceptional circumstances.
Course Type Points Required Time Limit (years) Bachelor’s degree (single degree courses) 144 points 10 years 192 points 240 points 288 points 12 years Bachelor’s degree End-on honours 48 points 2 years Bachelor’s degree (combined degree courses – pre-2012) equal to or greater than 192 but less than 288 points 8 years equal to or greater than 288 but less than 336 points 9 years equal to or greater than 336 points 10 years Combined bachelor’s degrees 192 points 12 years 240 points 12 years 264 points 12 years Combined bachelor’s and master’s degrees 192 points 12 years 216 points 12 years Undergraduate Diplomas 48 points 10 years 54 points Graduate Certificates 24 points 2 years Graduate Diplomas 24 points 2 years 48 points 4 years Higher Degree by Research Preliminary 48 points 2 years Master’s degrees by thesis and coursework 48 points 4 years Master’s degrees by coursework or by coursework and dissertation 48 points 4 years 72 points 5 years 96 points 5 years 144 points 6 years 168 points 7 years 192 points 10 years Professional Doctorates 144 points 9 years Time Limits by Course Type
- Division 2—Enrolment
- Part 2—Admission and enrolment
- Student Rules