• Current rules
    • Student Rules
      • Part 2—Admission and enrolment
        • Division 4—Approved leave and cancellation of enrolment
          20. Approved leave

          (1) A student must apply to the relevant school or board for approval of a period of leave from a course if the student—

          (a) does not wish to re-enrol in any units in the course in the following teaching period; or

          (b) withdraws from each unit in which they are enrolled before achieving any results for that teaching period; and

          (c) intends to return to the award course after the period of leave.

          (2) To extend a period of approved leave a student must apply to the relevant school or board, setting out the reasons why the extension is wanted.

          21. Cancellation of enrolment

          (1) A student may cancel their enrolment in a course or in non-award studies by notifying the relevant school or board that—

          (a) they are withdrawing from each unit in which they are enrolled; and

          (b) they do not intend to return to the course or non-award studies at a later time.

          (2) Rule 12 applies to a student who withdraws from one or more units as the result of cancelling their enrolment under (1).

          (3) A student who—

          (a) does not re-enrol in any teaching period during their course; and

          (b) has not successfully applied for approved leave under Rule 20, is taken to have cancelled their enrolment under (1) and is classed as having discontinued their course.

          22. Termination of enrolment

          (1) A student's admission and/or enrolment may be terminated or re-enrolment may be denied at the discretion of the University in situations where:

          (i) the student has engaged in dishonest and/or deceitful behaviour (not already covered under the University Policy on: Academic integrity) during the course of study at the University;

          (ii) the student has been excluded from a course at the University on more than one occasion;

          (iii) the student has previously been suspended or excluded from a course at another institution;

          (iv) there is evidence that the student has made minimal or no academic progress during the enrolled course of study over four standard teaching periods and/or would be unable to meet the requirements of the course within the time limit specified for the course; or

          (v) the University considers that the student poses a risk to members of the University and/or the wider community.