Honours Overview


Honours in Asian Studies examines how knowledge about Asia has been constructed historically, and explores the various methodological issues that arise when studying Asian cultures and societies today. You will engage in a survey of social theory, starting with the 'grand narratives' of humanism, constructionism, Marxism and nationalism, and ending with a study of critical theory including post-structuralism, identity theory and cultural studies. You will be carry out independent research, think critically about existing knowledge about Asia, write clearly and engage effectively in discussion about a range of issues pertinent to Asian Studies. With these capacities, you will be well-equipped for further research and to find employment in the rapidly expanding range of professions that require expertise in the cultures, societies and politics of the Asian region.


Students are able to (1) demonstrate coherent and advanced knowledge of key theories and methods in Asian studies; (2) have cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate a working knowledge of empirical and theoretical concepts in Asian studies; (3) demonstrate ability to critically review, analyse, consolidate and synthesize knowledge with with intellectual independence to provide assessment of complex problems and issues in Asian studies; (4) identify, plan and implement an original research project in Asian studies, including appropriate ethical issues; and (5) produce high-level oral and written communication appropriate to the discipline.

Entry requirements
(a) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 70 per cent in the Level 3 units of the Asian Studies major; or (b)(i) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 70 per cent in the Level 3 units in a major in Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian or Korean Studies; and (ii) a second major in a field relevant to the proposed research dissertation; and (c ) an offer of a place in the program is also contingent on the availability of appropriate supervision, as confirmed by the discipline chair.
Intake periods

Beginning of year only


Honours in Asian Studies can be taken as a specialisation in the following degrees:

No study plans found for this course. See study plans for more information.


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
non-standard teaching period

See the School of Social Sciences Honours Handbook for details on semester study patterns. Please note: units may be swapped out according to individual candidates' specific project/disciplinary need.

Take all units (48 points):
AvailabilityUnit codeUnit nameUnit requirements
NS ANTH4103 Knowing Social Realities: Theoretical Foundations
ANTH7483 Honours Seminar 3 (Anthropology)
S1 ASIA5001 Key Debates in the Asian RegionNone
NS COMM5704 Global Media and Cross-cultural CommunicationNone
NS SOCS4100 Social Sciences Research Skills
Enrolment in
any Honours Programme
or a Masters dissertation project.
COMM4101 Concepts in Communication, COMM7481 Honours Seminar 1 (Communication Studies)
S1, S2 SOCS4140 Honours Dissertation 1None
S1, S2 SOCS4141 Honours Dissertation 2
Successful completion of
SOCS4140 Honours Dissertation 1