Major Overview


Chemistry is one of the central disciplines studied by scientists as it covers essential understanding for virtually all areas of modern science. Chemistry encompasses the preparation and investigation of molecules and materials to the exploration of their properties. Do you want to contribute to the major advances being made in pharmaceuticals, catalysis, new materials, industrial manufacturing, nanotechnology, clean energy and solving environment problems? Studying Chemistry provides both a foundation in and detailed understanding of fields including chemical reactions and processes, catalysis, green chemistry, chemical engineering, natural products, food science, cosmetic and fragrance industries, materials science, nanotechnology, biochemistry, molecular biology and the environment. In the Chemistry Major students will develop an understanding of complex reactions, the mechanisms of reactions and the physical and chemical manipulations that can be used to make reactions occur. Students will also develop an understanding of chemistry in the energy sector, environmental processes, thermodynamics, kinetics, chemical equilibrium and the properties of materials. A major in Chemistry will complement majors in other disciplines such as biochemistry and molecular biology, pharmacology, engineering science, environmental science, geology and physics.


Students are able to:

  1. devise and test hypotheses, analyse chemical data
  2. interpret experimental results and present outcomes in oral and written formats
  3. write coherent reports and prepare and deliver coherent presentations, using appropriate software as required
  4. apply the literature to perform experiments and understand current practices in chemistry
  5. solve basic chemical problems (e.g. calculations of yields, dilutions, stoichiometry in chemical reactions)
  6. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of principles of chemical safety
  7. explain the properties of common classes of chemicals and materials
  8. demonstrate knowledge of for e.g. chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, spectroscopy, reaction mechanisms, equilibria and periodic properties
  9. apply relevant employability skills for chemistry.
Broadening guidelines

All students studying towards a Bachelor's Degree at UWA are required to Broaden their studies by completing a minimum of four units (24 points) of study outside their degree specific major. Broadening is your opportunity to explore other areas of interest, investigate new disciplines and knowledge paradigms and to shape your degree to suit your own aspirations and interests. Many of you will be able to undertake more than this minimum amount of broadening study and we encourage you to do so and to pursue as many areas of interest as you can during your course of study. At the same time, we k now that many of you value the University's guidance and assistance in planning your enrolment throughout your course, so we offer the following suggestions for your consideration as possible avenues to broaden your degree. Do always remember, however, that there is no wrong way to broaden your studies as long as you complete at least four units not associated with your Degree Specific Major.


Chemistry ATAR or equivalent and Mathematical Methods ATAR or equivalent or higher


MJD-CHMDM Chemistry (Double major), MJD-CHEMS Chemistry, MJD-CHMPH Chemistry - Physical and Analytical, MJD-CHMSY Chemistry - Synthetic, MJD-CHMEM Chemistry, MJD-GECDM Geochemistry


Chemistry can be taken as a degree-specific major in the following degree courses:

*Students enrolling in this as part of a combined course must use the code MJDC-CHEMY when selecting this as their extended major.

Example Study Plan

See study plans for more information.


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2

Level 1

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (18 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1, S2 CHEM1001 Chemistry—Properties and Energetics
Successful completion of
CHEM1003 Introductory Chemistry (ID 1063)
or CHEX1003 Introductory Chemistry
or ATAR Subject(s) Chemistry
or ATAR Subject(s) WACE Chemistry 3A/3B or equivalent
S1, S2 CHEM1002 Chemistry—Structure and Reactivity
Successful completion of
CHEM1003 Introductory Chemistry (ID 1063)
or CHEX1003 Introductory Chemistry
or ATAR Subject(s) Chemistry
or ATAR Subject(s) WACE Chemistry 3A/3B or equivalent
S1 SCOM1101 Communicating Science
Successful completion of
ATAR Subject(s) ATAR Mathematics Applications
or ATAR Subject(s) WACE Mathematics 2C/2D or equivalent
MATH1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
or MATX1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
Bridging units

Bridging units must be successfully completed within the first 48 points of study. Students who have not achieved a scaled mark of at least 50 or higher in Mathematics Methods ATAR or equivalent are required to complete MATH1721. Students who have not achieved a scaled mark of at least 50 or higher in Mathematics Applications ATAR or equivalent are required to complete MATH1720 and MATH1721. Students who have not achieved a scaled mark of at least 50 or higher in Chemistry ATAR or equivalent are required to complete CHEM1003.

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1, S2 CHEM1003 Introductory Chemistry
ATAR Subject(s) Chemistry or equivalent
S1, S2 MATH1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
Mathematics Applications ATAR [with a scaled score of less than 50] or with permission
Mathematics Applications ATAR [with a scaled score of 50 or greater] or Equivalent or higher
S1, S2 MATH1721 Mathematics Foundations: Methods
Mathematics Applications ATAR
or MATH1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
or MATX1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
or Mathematics Methods ATAR (with a scaled score of less than 50) or equivalent
MATH1001 Mathematical Methods 1
and MATH1002 Mathematical Methods 2 and
MATH1011 Multivariable Calculus
or MATX1011 Multivariable Calculus
MATH1012 Mathematical Theory and Methods
or MATX1012 Mathematical Theory and Methods
STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics
or STAX1520 Economic and Business Statistics

Level 2

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (24 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 CHEM2101 Analytical Methods
Successful completion of
CHEM1002 Chemistry—Structure and Reactivity
or CHEX1002 Chemistry Structure and Reactivity
CHEM1001 Chemistry—Properties and Energetics
or CHEX1001 Chemistry—Properties and Energetics
or CHEM1003 Introductory Chemistry provided a mark of at least 70 percent is achieved
or CHEX1003 Introductory Chemistry provided a mark of at least 70 percent is achieved
CHEM2001 Core Chemical Concepts and Techniques
S1 CHEM2102 Metals in Molecules
Successful completion of
CHEM1001 Chemistry—Properties and Energetics
or CHEX1001 Chemistry—Properties and Energetics
CHEM1002 Chemistry—Structure and Reactivity
or CHEX1002 Chemistry Structure and Reactivity
CHEM2101 Analytical Methods
CHEM2003 Chemical Synthesis
or CHEM2005 The Molecules of Life
or CHEM3008 The Molecules of Life
S2 CHEM2103 Synthetic and Biological Organic Chemistry
Successful completion of
CHEM1001 Chemistry—Properties and Energetics
or CHEX1001 Chemistry—Properties and Energetics
CHEM1002 Chemistry—Structure and Reactivity
or CHEX1002 Chemistry Structure and Reactivity
and CHEM2101 Analytical Methods
CHEM2003 Chemical Synthesis
or CHEM2005 The Molecules of Life
or CHEM3008 The Molecules of Life
S2 CHEM2104 Energy and Materials
Successful completion of
CHEM1001 Chemistry—Properties and Energetics
or CHEX1001 Chemistry—Properties and Energetics
CHEM1002 Chemistry—Structure and Reactivity
or CHEX1002 Chemistry Structure and Reactivity
and CHEM2101 Analytical Methods
CHEM2002 Physical and Analytical Chemistry
or CHEM2004 The Chemistry of Reactions
or CHEM3007 The Chemistry of Reactions

Level 3

Degree-specific major units

Take the following unit:

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 CHEM3101 Workplace Safety and Advanced Analytical Methods
CHEM2101 Analytical Methods
CHEM3001 Essential Chemical Skills
Degree-specific major units

Take unit(s) to the value of 18 points:

Note: Recommended unit CHEM3102 Chemistry: A Global View for students undertaking a second major with Chemistry

Note: Recommended unit CHEM3102 Chemistry: A Global View for students undertaking a second major with Chemistry

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S2 CHEM3102 Chemistry: A Global View
CHEM3101 Workplace Safety and Advanced Analytical Methods and special approval from the Chemistry Major Coordinator
or Unit Coordinator
CHEM3002 Chemical Explorations
S2 CHEM3103 Organometallic Chemistry
Successful completion of
CHEM2101 Analytical Methods
and CHEM2102 Metals in Molecules
and CHEM3101 Workplace Safety and Advanced Analytical Methods
CHEM3003 Advanced Chemical Synthesis
S1 CHEM3104 Organic Chemistry
CHEM2101 Analytical Methods
and CHEM2103 Synthetic and Biological Organic Chemistry
CHEM3101 Workplace Safety and Advanced Analytical Methods
CHEM3004 Modern Methods in Organic Chemistry
S2 CHEM3105 Advanced Materials
CHEM2101 Analytical Methods
and CHEM2104 Energy and Materials
and CHEM3101 Workplace Safety and Advanced Analytical Methods
CHEM3005 Chemical Spectroscopy and Structure
, CHEM3006 Chemistry Beyond the Laboratory