Minor Overview

About this minor

This minor equips students with technical and creative skills specific to the creation of music and sound within the video game industry. The minor is practical in nature, with a focus on composition and sound design carried out within standard video game and video game sound development platforms that are used in the industry. The minor finishes with a semester-long capstone project--the student creates original music and sound effects for a video game.

Students are able to (1) exercise skills in sound synthesis and sampling in the creation of sound effects and music software instruments; (2) apply specific music composition and sound design techniques toward dynamic, responsive video game environments; (3) evaluate examples from the video game literature in terms of their use of music and sound toward an effective gameplay experience; and (4) demonstrate high-level proficiency in video game music industry software application(s).

MJD-MEMSD - Music: Electronic Music and Sound Design


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
not available in 2024 – may be available in 2025 or 2026
Take the following unit:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
S2 MUSC1055 Electronic Music: Methods and Means None
Take all units (12 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
S1 MUSC2274 Electronic Music: Sampling and Synthesis
MUSC1055 Electronic Music: Methods and Means
or MUSC1442 Contemporary Popular Music Principal Studies 2
S2 MUSC2277 Electronic Music: Interactive Systems
MUSC2273 Electronic Music: Generative Processes
Take the following unit:

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
N/A MUSC3573 Video Game Music and Sound: Project
MUSC2277 Electronic Music: Interactive Systems
and MUSC2274 Electronic Music: Sampling and Synthesis