Minor Overview

About this minor

Physical activity, nutrition and sleep all play important role in human health and performance. Applied Exercise and Nutrition offers an integrative approach to understand the relationship between each of these factors. The minor covers essential topics including the impact of physical inactivity on health, the science of motivation in health behaviours, the role of nutrition in sport and exercise, and the importance of sleep. By the end of this course, students will have knowledge and skills to develop basic health and fitness programs, apply motivational strategies, and optimise nutritional intake for personal wellbeing and effectiveness. This minor is ideal for anyone interested in personal health, fitness and wellbeing.

Students are able to (1) describe the physiological, psychological, and nutritional factors that influence health, fitness, and human performance.; (2) design and implement basic fitness and health programs for personal use.; and (3) apply strategies to enhance motivation and adherence to health and fitness behaviours..

MJD-EXHSC - Exercise and Health MJD-SEHDM - Sport Science, Exercise and Health


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
summer teaching period
Take all units (24 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name Unit requirements
S1, S2 HMSC1000 Waking Up to Sleep None
S1, S2, SS SSEH1103 Physical Fitness and Health None
S2 SSEH2270 Psychology of Motivation
Successful completion of
36 points
and Successful completion of SSEH1103 Physical Fitness and Health
or PSYC1101 Psychology: Mind and Brain
and PSYC1102 Psychology: Behaviour in Context )
Enrolment in
CM017 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Public Health
or CM018 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
or CM019 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Applied Human Performance Science
or 73520 Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
and Successful completion of
36 points
S2 SSEH2280 Applied Nutrition for Sport, Exercise and Health
Successful completion of
48 points
and Successful completion of
SSEH1103 Physical Fitness and Health
or IMED1001 Form and Function
or ANHB1101 Human Biology I: Becoming Human
or PHYL1001 Physiology - How your body works
Successful completion of
SSEH3301 Exercise Prescription and Nutrition for Health and Fitness