Major Overview


The Exercise and Health major provides students with a deep understanding of the role of exercise on physiological and psychological health and wellbeing. Through a series of integrated units, students will explore the intricate systems that govern human movement, nutrition, and motivation, and learn how to apply this knowledge to optimise health and exercise performance.

While this course does not provide accreditation for professional practice as an exercise scientist, it serves as an excellent foundation for other exercise and fitness related careers including education and health promotion. Students who wish to pursue a career in sport and exercise science may transfer to an accredited Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science program within the first year of study, opening pathways to various professional roles in the field.


Students are able to:

  1. apply physiological, anatomical and behavioural concepts to assess and improve health and exercise performance
  2. utilise evidence-based exercise science principles to design effective training programs to enhance physical fitness and health
  3. utilise scientific principles to collect, analyse and interpret health and fitness data
  4. apply nutrition principles to optimise diet for health and performance.
Broadening guidelines
All students studying towards a Bachelor's Degree at UWA are required to Broaden their studies by completing a minimum of four units (24 points) of study outside their degree specific major. Broadening is your opportunity to explore other areas of interest, investigate new disciplines and knowledge paradigms and to shape your degree to suit your own aspirations and interests. Many of you will be able to undertake more than this minimum amount of broadening study and we encourage you to do so if this suits your aspirations. Over the next few months you will find here some broadening suggestions related to your degree-specific major. While we know that many students value guidance of this sort, these are only suggestions and students should not lose sight of the opportunity to explore that is afforded by your Broadening Choices. Advice can also be sought from your Allocated Student Advising Office.
Suggested units to broaden your study area, are:
HMSC1000 Waking Up to Sleep

Mathematics Applications ATAR or equivalent or higher. Students without ATAR mathematics will take a first year mathematics unit.


MJD-SPTSC Sport Science


Exercise and Health can be taken as a degree-specific major in the following degree courses:


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
summer teaching period

Exercise and Health is not an accredited major. Students who are interested in applying to be an accredited exercise scientist upon graduation should apply to transfer to the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences — Major in Sport Science Exercise and Health. Students who transfer after completing more than 30 points of core units in Exercise and Health may take extra time to complete their studies.

Level 1

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (24 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 PHYL1001 Physiology - How your body works
PHYL2001 Physiology of Human Body Systems
S1 SSEH1101 The Musculoskeletal System and Movement None
S2 SSEH1102 Applied Anatomy and Athletic Performance None
S1, S2, SS SSEH1103 Physical Fitness and Health None
Bridging units

Bridging units must be successfully completed within the first 48 points of study. Students who have not achieved a scaled mark of at least 50 in Mathematics Applications ATAR or equivalent or higher are required to complete MATH1720:

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1, S2 MATH1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
Mathematics Applications ATAR [with a scaled score of less than 50] or with permission
Mathematics Applications ATAR [with a scaled score of 50 or greater] or Equivalent or higher

Level 2

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (24 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 SSEH2201 Exercise Prescription and Delivery
Successful completion of
Unit(s) SSEH1101 The Musculoskeletal System and Movement
and Unit(s) SSEH1103 Physical Fitness and Health
Enrolment in
CM018 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
or CM019 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Applied Human Performance Science
or CM017 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Public Health
or 73520 Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
Successful completion of
Unit(s) SSEH3301 Exercise Prescription and Nutrition for Health and Fitness
S1 SSEH2260 Exercise Physiology
Successful completion of PHYL1001 Physiology - How Does the Human Body Work?
Enrolment in
CM017 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Public Health
or CM018 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
or CM019 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Applied Human Performance Science
or CM039 Bachelor of Human Sciences (Pharmaceutical Health) and Master of Pharmacy
or MJD-IMSCP Integrated Medical Sciences and Clinical Practice
or MJD-MEDSI Medical Science
S2 SSEH2270 Psychology of Motivation
Successful completion of
36 points
and Successful completion of SSEH1103 Physical Fitness and Health
or PSYC1101 Psychology: Mind and Brain
and PSYC1102 Psychology: Behaviour in Context )
Enrolment in
CM017 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Public Health
or CM018 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
or CM019 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Applied Human Performance Science
or 73520 Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
and Successful completion of
36 points
S2 SSEH2280 Applied Nutrition for Sport, Exercise and Health
Successful completion of
48 points
and Successful completion of
SSEH1103 Physical Fitness and Health
or IMED1001 Form and Function
or ANHB1101 Human Biology I: Becoming Human
or PHYL1001 Physiology - How your body works
Successful completion of
SSEH3301 Exercise Prescription and Nutrition for Health and Fitness

Level 3

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (24 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S2 SSEH3366 Bioenergetics in Exercise, Nutrition and Energy Balance
Successful completion of
48 points
S2 SSEH3388 Promoting Lifelong Physical Activity
Successful completion of SSEH1101 The Musculoskeletal System and Movement and sucessful completion of 78 points
Enrolment in
CM017 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Public Health
or CM018 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
or CM019 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Applied Human Performance Science
or 73520 Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
or 73570 Master of Applied Human Performance Science
Successful completion of
Unit(s) SSEH2290 Promoting Lifelong Physical Activity
S1 SSEH3553 Exercise as Medicine
Successful completion of SSEH2260 Exercise Physiology
Enrolment in
MJD-IMSCP Integrated Medical Sciences and Clinical Practice
and Successful completion of
48 points
Successful completion of
SSEH3301 Exercise Prescription and Nutrition for Health and Fitness
S1, S2 SSEH3555 Motor Development: Principles to Teaching in Practice
Successful completion of
SSEH2201 Exercise Prescription and Delivery
and successful completion of
78 points
Successful completion of
SSEH3345 Lifespan Motor Development
or SSEH3385 Motor Development and Dysfunction