Honours Overview


Honours in Physiology is a blend of coursework and research project work designed to introduce you to the world of research. It will equip you with the skills and flexibility of outlook needed to deal with rapidly changing technologies and lead into habits of critical thinking, problem analysis and public presentation which will serve in any leadership role. The combination of formal study and practical experience offered by Honours in Physiology is suitable preparation for entry into graduate professional courses such as medicine, physiotherapy, audiology, chiropractic, nursing, teaching or forensics, especially for students interested in furthering those fields through research. The honours specialisation also provides a suitable entry-level qualification for careers in reproductive technology, science communication, biomedical research and primatology.


Students are able to (1) prepare and present an effective oral presentation to a general scientific audience; (2) write a clear and concise review of topics in the scientific literature - showing some degree of critical appraisal of the literature; (3) rigorously formulate research questions and appropriately design experiment(s) to address them; (4) write and compile a scientific dissertation in a format appropriate for the discipline; (5) demonstrate expertise in scientific methods relevant to their research project; (6) apply statistical analysis techniques; (7) apply independent time and work management skills to obtain, analyse and present original research data; (8) interpret and critically appraise their own and other research data; (9) explain the relationship of their findings to other work in the field; and (10) respond to questions on their dissertation in a manner that shows mastery of the content and some knowledge of related areas.

Entry requirements

The equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 65 per cent in the Level 3 units of the Physiology major.

Students must confirm with a supervisor their willingness and availability to supervise their Honours prior to enrolment.

Intake periods

Beginning of year only


Honours in Physiology can be taken as a specialisation in the following degrees:

No study plans found for this course. See study plans for more information.


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
Take all units (48 points):
AvailabilityUnit codeUnit nameUnit requirements
S1 APHB4001 Scientific Communication Part 1
Enrolment in
BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
or BH005 Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)
or HON-PHYGY Physiology
or HON-NEURS Neuroscience
or HON-ANHBY Anatomy and Human Biology
Enrolment in HMSC5004 Research Methods in Human Sciences and
APHB5514 Honours Dissertation Part 1
and APHB5515 Honours Dissertation Part 2
or Enrolment in
NEUR5514 Neuroscience Honours Dissertation Part 1
and NEUR5515 Neuroscience Honours Dissertation Part 2
S2 APHB4008 Scientific Communication Part 2
Enrolment in
BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
or BH005 Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)
or HON-PHYGY Physiology
or HON-NEURS Neuroscience
or HON-ANHBY Anatomy and Human Biology
Successful completion of
or Enrolment in
APHB5516 Honours Dissertation Part 3
or NEUR5516 Neuroscience Honours Dissertation Part 3
and Successful completion of
or Enrolment in
APHB5517 Honours Dissertation Part 4
or NEUR5517 Neuroscience Honours Dissertation Part 4
S1 APHB5514 Honours Dissertation Part 1
Enrolment in
BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
or BH005 Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)
or HON-PHYGY Physiology
or HON-ANHBY Anatomy and Human Biology
Successful completion of
or Enrolment in
APHB4001 Scientific Communication Part 1
and APHB4002 Research Design and Analysis Part 1
and APHB5515 Honours Dissertation Part 2
S2 APHB5515 Honours Dissertation Part 2
Enrolment in
BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
or BH005 Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)
or HON-PHYGY Physiology
or HON-ANHBY Anatomy and Human Biology
Enrolment in
APHB4008 Scientific Communication Part 2
and APHB5516 Honours Dissertation Part 3
S2 APHB5516 Honours Dissertation Part 3
Enrolment in
BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours) (ID 4)
or BH005 Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) (ID 24)
or HON-PHYGY Physiology
or HON-ANHBY Anatomy and Human Biology
Successful completion of
or Enrolment in
APHB5517 Honours Dissertation Part 4
S2 APHB5517 Honours Dissertation Part 4
Enrolment in
BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
or BH005 Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)
or HON-PHYGY Physiology
or HON-ANHBY Anatomy and Human Biology
Successful completion of
or Enrolment in
APHB5516 Honours Dissertation Part 3
S1 HMSC5004 Research Methods in Human Sciences
Successful completion of
APHB5500 Advanced Research Techniques
or SSEH4602 Research Methods
or APHB4002 Research Design and Analysis Part 1
S1 HMSC5005 Data Analysis in Human Sciences
Enrolment in
HON-ANHBY Anatomy & Human Biology
or HON-NEURS Neuroscience
or HON-PHYGY Physiology
or HON-SSCEH Sport Science, Exercise and Health
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 73570 Master of Applied Human Performance Science
or 51610 Master of Exercise Science
Successful completion of
Unit(s) APHB4003 Research Design and Analysis Part 2
or Unit(s) SSEH5655 Fundamentals of Data Analysis in Sport Science, Exercise and Health
or Unit(s) SSEH4603 Data Analysis