Major Overview


Economics is a core subject in the world of commerce. Most business disciplines draw on basic principles from economics. This Business Economics major is, therefore, a complement to other majors in the Bachelor of Commerce. Students completing this major will understand how developments in areas such as technology, consumer behaviour, market structures, competition policy, trade and globalisation relate to real-world business problems. Upon graduation students are positioned to apply for generalist career opportunities in the public and private sectors or for specialist positions depending on your second major. Students majoring in economics and finance, for example, may consider pursuing a career as a financial economist. Similarly students majoring in economics and law may pursue a career in fields such as economic regulation.


Students are able to:

  1. demonstrate comprehensive theoretical and applied economic knowledge
  2. apply sound economic reasoning to analyse key economic information used to inform effective decision-making
  3. be effective and perceptive communicators of economic information to specialist and non-specialist audiences
  4. be effective team members and work effectively and collaboratively with others
  5. apply reflective and critical thinking skills to economic problems with responsibility and accountability.
  6. demonstate awareness of ethical, cultural, social and sustainability issues relevant to the discipline.
Broadening guidelines

All students studying towards a Bachelor Degree at UWA are required to broaden their studies by completing a minimum of four units (24 points) of study outside their degree specific major. Broadening is your opportunity to explore other areas of interest, investigate new disciplines and knowledge paradigms and to shape your degree to suit your own aspirations and interests.


Business Economics can be taken as a degree-specific major in the following degree courses:

No study plans found for this major. See study plans for more information.


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
not available in 2024 – may be available in 2025 or 2026

Bachelor of Commerce students completing a second major in Engineering Science are not required to complete STAT1520 (as MATH1011 and MATH1012 meet this requirement). In addition, students should substitute CITS2401 Computer Analysis and Visualisation as the Level 2 option to meet the requirements of the commerce major. Third-year options must include at least one of ECON3235 International Trade, ECON3236 International Finance or ECON3395 Economic Policy.

Level 1

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (12 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1, S2 ECON1101 Microeconomics: Prices and Markets
ECON1000 Economics for Business
S1, S2 ECON1102 Macroeconomics: Money and Finance None
Bridging units

Students who have not achieved a scaled mark of at least 50 in Mathematics Methods ATAR or equivalent or higher are required to complete

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 ECON1111 Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
Mathematics Applications (ATAR)
or WACE Mathematics 2C/2D
or TEE Discrete Mathematics
or MATH0700 Preparatory Mathematics
Mathematics Methods (ATAR) or higher.
WACE Mathematics 3A/3B or higher.
TEE Applicable Mathematics.
TEE Calculus.
or MATH1701 Introductory Mathematics Foundations

Level 2

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (12 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 ECON2233 Microeconomics: Policy and Applications
ECON1101 Microeconomics: Prices and Markets
or ECOX1101 Microeconomics: Prices and Markets
S2 ECON2234 Macroeconomics: Policy and Applications
ECON1102 Macroeconomics: Money and Finance
or ECOX1102 Macroeconomics: Money and Finance
Degree-specific major units

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
N/A ECON2105 Rise of the Global Economy
ECON1101 Microeconomics: Prices and Markets
or ECOX1101 Microeconomics: Prices and Markets
or ECON1000 Economics for Business
or BUSN1103 Foundations of Global Business
S1 ECON2106 Asia in the World Economy
ECON1101 Microeconomics: Prices and Markets
or ECOX1101 Microeconomics: Prices and Markets
or ECON1000 Economics for Business
or BUSN1103 Foundations of Global Business
or level 1 12 points units in Business
ECON3203 Asia in the World Economy
N/A ECON2210 Monetary Economics
Successful completion of
ECON1102 Macroeconomics: Money and Finance
or ECOX1102 Macroeconomics: Money and Finance
Successful completion of
ECON3210 Monetary Economics
S2 ECON2245 Business Economics
Successful completion of
ECON1000 Economics for Business
or ECON1101 Microeconomics: Prices and Markets
or ECOX1101 Microeconomics: Prices and Markets
S1 ECON2271 Introductory Econometrics
STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics
or STAX1520 Economic and Business Statistics
or ECON1111 Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
S2 ECON2272 Intermediate Mathematics for Economists
ECON1111 Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics or equivalent and
STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics
or STAX1520 Economic and Business Statistics
ECON3272 Intermediate Mathematics for Economists (ID 237)

Level 3

Degree-specific major units

Take unit(s) to the value of 18 points:

Including at least one of ECON3235 International Trade, ECON3236 International Finance or ECON3395 Economic Policy

Including at least one of ECON3235 International Trade, ECON3236 International Finance or ECON3395 Economic Policy

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S2 ECON3205 Health Economics
ECON2233 Microeconomics: Policy and Applications
S1 ECON3220 Development Economics
Completion of at least two Level 2 units in the Economics
or Professional Economics majors.
S2 ECON3235 International Trade
Any two Level 2 economics units in the Economics
or Professional Economics majors.
ECON2235 International Trade
S1 ECON3236 International Finance
ECON2234 Macroeconomics: Policy and Applications
or any Level 2 Finance unit.
for pre-2012 courses: none
ECON2236 International Finance
S2 ECON3301 Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
ECON2233 Microeconomics: Policy and Applications
S1 ECON3302 Applied Microeconomics
ECON2233 Microeconomics: Policy and Applications or equivalent
ECON3364 Microeconomic Theory
S2 ECON3303 Applied Macroeconomics
ECON2234 Macroeconomics: Policy and Applications
ECON3365 Macroeconomic Theory
S1 ECON3310 History of Economic Ideas
ECON2233 Microeconomics: Policy and Applications.
for pre-2012 courses: none
S1 ECON3350 Money, Banking and Financial Markets
ECON2234 Macroeconomics: Policy and Applications (or equivalent)
or any Level 2 Finance unit.
for pre-2012 courses: ECON1102 Macroeconomics: Money and Finance (or equivalent)
S1 ECON3371 Applied Econometric Methods and Data Analysis
ECON2271 Introductory Econometrics
S2 ECON3395 Economic Policy
ECON2233 Microeconomics: Policy and Applications