• Current rules
    • Human Sciences
      • Graduate Diploma in Dental Public and Primary Health (80330) Only available to re-enrolling students.

        Note: This course is only available to re-enrolling students.

        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        1.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials and Communication and Research Skills modules

        2.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in this course for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module) and the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module).

        (2) A student must successfully complete the ACE module within the first teaching period of their enrolment. Failure to complete the module within this timeframe will result in the student's unit results from this teaching period being withheld. These results will continue to be withheld until students avail themselves of a subsequent opportunity to achieve a passing grade in the ACE module. In the event that students complete units in subsequent teaching periods without completing the ACE module, these results will similarly be withheld. Students will not be permitted to submit late review or appeal applications regarding results which have been withheld for this reason and which they were unable to access in the normally permitted review period.

        English Language competency requirements

        3. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

        Admission requirements

        4. To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—

        (a) (i) a Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Doctor of Dental Medicine, or an equivalent qualification that allows dentistry practise, as recognised by UWA; and

        (ii) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 50 per cent; or

        (b) (i) a Bachelor of Health Science in Dental Health, or an equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA; and

        (ii) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 50 per cent

        Admission ranking and selection

        5. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

        Articulations and exit awards

        6. The following courses form part of an articulated sequence:

        • 80330 Graduate Diploma in Dental Public and Primary Health (48 points)
        • 80530 Master of Dental Public and Primary Health (96 points)
        Course structure

        7.(1) The course consists of units to a total value of 48 points.

        (2) Units must be selected in accordance with the course structure, as set out in these rules.

        Satisfactory progress

        8. A student will not have made satisfactory progress if they—

        (a) fail a unit twice;


        (b) fail more than two units at the first attempt.

        [Approved exceptions to University Policy]

        9. A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module) when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress even if they have met the other requirements for satisfactory progress in Rule 8.

        Progress status

        10. Students who do not make satisfactory progress under Rule 8 are assigned a progress status of 'Excluded' by the Faculty.

        11. A student who does not make satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 9 is assigned the progress status of 'On Probation', unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to meet other satisfactory progress requirements in Rule 8.

        Award with distinction

        12. This rule is not applicable to this course.


        13. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

        Additional rules

        14. A student must enrol in at least one unit in each semester unless the Faculty permits otherwise in recognition of exceptional circumstances.


        15. If credit is granted for work completed through Continuing Education at this University its value will not exceed 12 points.

        [Approved exception to University Policy]

      • Master of Applied Human Performance Science (coursework and dissertation) (73570)
        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        1.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials and Communication and Research Skills modules

        2.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in this course for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module).

        (2) A student who has previously achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the ACE module is not required to repeat the module.

        English Language competency requirements

        3.(1) To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        (2) Applicants presenting with the IELTS Academic require an overall score of at least 7.0 and no band less than 7.0.

        (3) Applicants presenting with the TOEFL iBT require an overall score of at least 94, a minimum score of 27 in the Writing section, a minimum score of 23 in the Speaking section, and no other sub-score less than 24.

        (4) Applicants presenting with the Pearson Test of English (PTE) (Academic)

        require an overall score of at least 65 and no sub-score less than 65.

        (5) Applicants presenting with the Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) test require an overall score of at least 185.

        (6) The UWA Centre for English Language Teaching (CELT) Bridging Course does not satisfy the English Language Competency requirements of this course.

        Admission requirements

        4.(1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—

        (a) a relevant bachelor's degree, or an equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA;


        (b) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 60 per cent.

        (2) Applicants must compete for a place in Semester 1 if they have either;

        (a) a bachelor's degree that has been accredited by Exercise & Sport Science Australia at the 'Exercise Science' level;


        (b) an official ESSA "Graduate Entry Assessment" letter that demonstrates equivalence with "Exercise Science" members.

        (3) All other applicants must compete for a place in Semester 2, and must have a relevant bachelor's degree that included foundation units in anatomy, functional anatomy, human physiology, biomechanics, exercise physiology and research methods/statistics.

        Admission ranking and selection

        5. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on—

        (a) the weighted average mark;


        (b) the intake quota for that semester

        Articulations and exit awards

        6.(1) This course has the following exit awards:

        • 71240 Graduate Certificate in Applied Human Performance Science (24 points)
        • 71340 Graduate Diploma in Applied Human Performance Science (48 points)

        (2) A student who withdraws from the Master of Applied Human Performance Science course before completing it, and completes all units from the list below:

        SSEH5026 Exploring the Limits of Human Performance

        SSEH5027 Strength and Conditioning in Human Performance

        SSEH5029 Start ups in Human Performance

        SSEH5111 Developing skill sets in Human Performance settings

        , may apply to the School to be awarded the Graduate Certificate in Applied Human Performance Science.

        (3) A student who withdraws from the Master of Applied Human Performance Science course before completing it, and completes all units from the list below:

        SSEH5026 Exploring the Limits of Human Performance

        SSEH5027 Strength and Conditioning in Human Performance

        SSEH5029 Start ups in Human Performance

        SSEH5111 Developing Skill Sets in Human Performance Settings

        SSEH5222 Applications of Knowledge in Human Performance Settings

        SSEH5333 Networks and Collaboration in Human Performance Settings

        HMSC5005 Data Analysis

        HMSC5004 Research Methods, may apply to the School to be awarded the Graduate Diploma in Applied Human Performance Science.

        Course structure

        7.(1) The course consists of units to a total value of 96 points (maximum value) which include conversion units to a value of 24 points.

        (2) Units must be selected in accordance with the course structure, as set out in these rules.

        (3) Students who have completed (a) a bachelor's degree that has been accredited by Exercise & Sport Science Australia at the 'Exercise Science' level; or a relevant bachelor degree and provided an official ESSA "Graduate Entry Assessment" letter that demonstrates equivalence with "Exercise Science" members; are granted credit for conversion units up to a value of 24 points.

        Satisfactory progress

        8. To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

        9. A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module) when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress even if they have met the other requirements for satisfactory progress in Rule 8.

        Progress status

        10.(1) A student who makes satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 8 is assigned the status of 'Good Standing'.

        (2) Unless the relevant board determines otherwise because of exceptional circumstances—

        (a) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the first time under Rule 8 is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation';

        (b) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the second time under Rule 8 is assigned a progress status of 'Suspended';

        (c) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the third time under Rule 8 is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded'.

        11. A student who does not make satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 9 is assigned the progress status of 'On Probation', unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to meet other satisfactory progress requirements in Rule 8.

        Award with distinction

        12. To be awarded the degree with distinction a student must achieve a course weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 80 per cent which is calculated based on—

        (a) all units above Level 3 attempted as part of the course that are awarded a final percentage mark;

        (b) all relevant units above Level 3 undertaken in articulating courses of this University that are awarded a final percentage mark;


        (c) all units above Level 3 completed at this University that are credited to the master's degree course.


        13. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

      • Master of Biological Arts (coursework and dissertation) (71530) Only available to re-enrolling students.

        Note: This course is only available to re-enrolling students.

        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        1.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials and Communication and Research Skills modules

        2.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in this course for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module) and the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module).

        (2) A student must successfully complete the ACE module within the first teaching period of their enrolment. Failure to complete the module within this timeframe will result in the student's unit results from this teaching period being withheld. These results will continue to be withheld until students avail themselves of a subsequent opportunity to achieve a passing grade in the ACE module. In the event that students complete units in subsequent teaching periods without completing the ACE module, these results will similarly be withheld. Students will not be permitted to submit late review or appeal applications regarding results which have been withheld for this reason and which they were unable to access in the normally permitted review period.

        English Language competency requirements

        3. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

        Admission requirements

        4. To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—

        (a) a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, or Bachelor of Fine Arts, or an equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA;


        (b) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 50 per cent

        Admission ranking and selection

        5. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

        Articulations and exit awards

        6.(1) This course has the following exit award:

        • 74330 Graduate Diploma in Biological Arts (48 points)

        (2) A student who withdraws from the Master of Biological Arts course before completing it, but after completing—

        (i) 24 points of conversion in the complementary area to the previous degree (science units for a student with an arts/fine arts background, and arts/fine arts units for a student with a science background); and

        (ii) APHB5510 Advanced Aesthetic Crossovers of Art and Science or APHB5511 Advanced Art and Life Manipulation; and

        (iii) APHB5518 Biological Art Integration Studies II or APHB5519 Biological Art Integration Studies I; and

        (iv) 12 points of level 4 or 5 electives chosen in consultation with the course coordinator, may apply to the School to be awarded the Graduate Diploma in Biological Arts.

        Course structure

        7.(1) The course consists of units to a total value of 96 points (maximum value) which include conversion units to a value of 24 points.

        (2) Units must be selected in accordance with the course structure, as set out in these rules.

        (3) Students who have completed tertiary studies in both arts/fine arts and science, or equivalent are granted credit for conversion units up to a value of 24 points.

        Satisfactory progress

        8. To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

        9. A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module) when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress even if they have met the other requirements for satisfactory progress in Rule 8.

        Progress status

        10. A student who fails to make satisfactory progress under Rule 8 is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded' unless the Faculty decides otherwise in light of exceptional circumstances.

        11. A student who does not make satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 9 is assigned the progress status of 'On Probation', unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to meet other satisfactory progress requirements in Rule 8.

        Award with distinction

        12. To be awarded the degree with distinction a student must achieve a course weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 80 per cent, which is calculated based on —

        (a) all units above Level 3 attempted as part of the course that are awarded a final percentage mark;

        (b) all relevant units above Level 3 undertaken in articulating courses of this University that are awarded a final percentage mark;


        (c) all units above Level 3 completed at this University that are credited to the master's degree course.


        13. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

      • Master of Clinical Audiology (coursework) (90540)
        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        1.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials and Communication and Research Skills modules

        2.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in this course for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module) and the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module).

        (2) A student must successfully complete the ACE module within the first teaching period of their enrolment. Failure to complete the module within this timeframe will result in the student's unit results from this teaching period being withheld. These results will continue to be withheld until students avail themselves of a subsequent opportunity to achieve a passing grade in the ACE module. In the event that students complete units in subsequent teaching periods without completing the ACE module, these results will similarly be withheld. Students will not be permitted to submit late review or appeal applications regarding results which have been withheld for this reason and which they were unable to access in the normally permitted review period.

        English Language competency requirements

        3.(1) To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        (1) Applicants presenting with the IELTS Academic require an overall score of at least 7.0 and no band less than 7.0.

        (2) Applicants presenting with the TOEFL iBT require an overall score of at least 94, a miminum score of 27 in the Writing section, a miminum score of 23 in the Speaking section, and no other sub-score less than 24.

        (3) Applicants presenting with the Pearson Test of English (PTE) (Academic) require an overall score of at least 65 and no sub-score less than 65.

        (4) The UWA Centre for English Language Teaching (CELT) Bridging Course does not satisfy the english language competency requirements for admission to this course.

        Admission requirements

        4.(1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—

        (a) a bachelor's degree or an equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA;


        (b) a selection Weighted Average Mark (sWAM) of at least 65 per cent;

        (2) a current Australian National Police Certificate, or equivalent certification, indicating no criminal convictions. The currency of a National Police Certificate is 12 months.

        Admission ranking and selection

        5. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on—

        (a) a structured interview in which eligible applicants will be assessed based on the personal qualities considered desirable in audiology practitioners;


        (b) the intake quota for that year;


        (c) a selection score determined by the sWAM and interview score for non-rural applicants, or the sWAM, interview score and rurality ranking for rural applicants


        (d) entry via an indigenous pathway

        Articulations and exit awards

        6. This course does not form part of an articulated sequence.

        Course structure

        7.(1) The course consists of units to a total value of 96 points.

        (2) Units must be selected in accordance with the course structure, as set out in these rules.

        Satisfactory progress

        8. To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

        9. A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module) when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress even if they have met the other requirements for satisfactory progress in Rule 8.

        Progress status

        10.(1) A student who makes satisfactory progress under Rule 8 is assigned the status of 'Good Standing'.

        (2) Unless the relevant board determines otherwise because of exceptional circumstances—

        (a) a student who does not make satisfactory progress under Rule 8 for the first time is assigned a progress status of 'Suspended';

        (b) a student who does not make satisfactory progress under Rule 8 for the second time is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded'.

        11. A student who does not make satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 9 is assigned the progress status of 'On Probation', unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to meet other satisfactory progress requirements in Rule 8.

        Award with distinction

        12. To be awarded the degree with distinction a student must achieve a course weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 80 per cent which is calculated based on—

        (a) all units above Level 3 attempted as part of the course that are awarded a final percentage mark;

        (b) all relevant units above Level 3 undertaken in articulating courses of this University that are awarded a final percentage mark;


        (c) all units above Level 3 completed at this University that are credited to the master's degree course.


        13. Applicants are not permitted to defer admission to this course and are expected to commence their course in the offered intake only. Approved leave is not available during the first academic year of this course. Applicants seeking admission to an alternative intake must submit a new application for that intake.

        Additional rules

        14. Unless the Faculty permits otherwise, a student is not permitted to proceed to units of a higher level (PHYL56XX) until they have completed all units of a previous level (PHYL55XX).

        Time limit

        15. The time limit is two years from the date of first enrolment in the course.

        [Approved exception to University Policy]

        Supplementary assessment

        16.(1) Academic Council has granted permission for an opportunity for supplementary assessment to be granted to a student who—

        (a) obtains a mark of 45 to 49 inclusive in any of the following units: PHYL5501/PHYL5511 Audiological Instrumentation Part 1/Part 2, PHYL5502/PHYL5512 Basic Clinical Audiology Part 1/Part 2, PHYL5510 Physiology of the Auditory System, PHYL5515 Hearing Devices and Adult Aural Rehabilitation;


        (b) obtains a mark of 45 to 49 inclusive in a unit in which they are currently enrolled and which is the only remaining unit that the student must pass in order to complete their course.

        (2) Students must complete all units of the same level in the same year of enrolment unless the Faculty approves otherwise in special cases.

      • Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (coursework or coursework and dissertation) (73520)
        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        1.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials and Communication and Research Skills modules

        2.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in this course for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module) and the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module).

        (2) A student must successfully complete the ACE module within the first teaching period of their enrolment. Failure to complete the module within this timeframe will result in the student's unit results from this teaching period being withheld. These results will continue to be withheld until students avail themselves of a subsequent opportunity to achieve a passing grade in the ACE module. In the event that students complete units in subsequent teaching periods without completing the ACE module, these results will similarly be withheld. Students will not be permitted to submit late review or appeal applications regarding results which have been withheld for this reason and which they were unable to access in the normally permitted review period.

        English Language competency requirements

        3.(1) To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        (2) Applicants presenting with the IELTS Academic require an overall score of at least 7.0 and no band less than 7.0.

        (3) Applicants presenting with the TOEFL iBT require an overall score of at least 94, a minimum score of 27 in the Writing section, a minimum score of 23 in the Speaking section, and no other sub-score less than 24.

        (4) Applicants presenting with the Pearson Test of English (PTE) (Academic) require an overall score of at least 65 and no sub-score less than 65.

        (5) Applicants presenting with the Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) test require an overall score of at least 185.

        (6) The UWA Centre for English Language Teaching (CELT) Bridging Course does not satisfy the English Language Competency requirements of this course.

        Admission requirements

        4.(1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—

        (a) a relevant bachelor's degree, or an equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA;


        (b) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 60 per cent;

        (2) Applicants are awarded a place in the 72-point course if they have either;

        (a) a bachelor's degree that has been accredited by Exercise & Sport Science Australia at the 'Exercise Science' level;


        (b) an official ESSA "Graduate Entry Assessment" letter that demonstrates equivalence with "Exercise Science" members.

        (3) All other applicants are awarded a place in the 96-point course and must have a relevant bachelor's degree that included foundation units in human anatomy, functional anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, exercise and health and research methods/statistics with equivalence to ESSA ‘Exercise Science' standards.

        Admission ranking and selection

        5. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

        Articulations and exit awards

        6.(1) This course has the following exit awards:

        • 74320 Graduate Diploma in Clinical Exercise Physiology (48 points)
        • 93520 Master of Exercise Rehabilitation (min 72 - max 96 points)

        (2) A student who withdraws from the Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology course before completing it, but after completing 48 points of course core units in line with the course regulations, may apply to the School to be awarded the Graduate Diploma in Clinical Exercise Physiology.

        (3) A student who withdraws from the Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology course before completing it, and does not meet requirements of accreditation body ESSA, may apply to the School to be awarded the Master of Exercise Rehabilitation.

        Course structure

        7.(1) The course consists of units to a total value of 96 points (maximum value) which include conversion units to a value of 24 points.

        (2) Units must be selected in accordance with the course structure, as set out in these rules.

        (3) Students who have completed (a) a bachelor's degree that has been accredited by Exercise & Sport Science Australia at the 'Exercise Science' level;


        (b) a relevant bachelor degree and provided an official ESSA "Graduate Entry Assessment" letter that demonstrates equivalence with "Exercise Science" members;


        (c) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 60 per cent. are granted credit for conversion units up to a value of 24 points.

        Satisfactory progress

        8. To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

        9. A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module) when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress even if they have met the other requirements for satisfactory progress in Rule 8.

        Progress status

        10.(1) A student who makes satisfactory progress under Rule 8 is assigned the status of 'Good Standing'.

        (2) Unless the relevant board determines otherwise because of exceptional circumstances—

        (a) a student who does not make satisfactory progress under Rule 8 for the first time is assigned a progress status of 'Suspended';

        (b) a student who does not make satisfactory progress under Rule 8 for the second time is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded'.

        (c) a student who has not demonstrated they have met Exercise Science standard via accreditation or graduate entry assessment with ESSA within first 48 points will be excluded from the course and may undertake an alternative exit pathway, Master of Exercise Rehabilitation 93520.

        11. A student who does not make satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 9 is assigned the progress status of 'On Probation', unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to meet other satisfactory progress requirements in Rule 8.

        Award with distinction

        12. To be awarded the degree with distinction a student must achieve a course weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 80 per cent which is calculated based on—

        (a) all units above Level 3 attempted as part of the course that are awarded a final percentage mark;

        (b) all relevant units above Level 3 undertaken in articulating courses of this University that are awarded a final percentage mark;


        (c) all units above Level 3 completed at this University that are credited to the master's degree course.


        13. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

        Additional rules
        Research project

        14.(1) Students who want to undertake a research project as an optional unit must have —

        (a) entered the degree with a cognate background

        (b) a weighted average mark of at least 65 per cent in at least 24 points of Level 4 and 5 units completed within the course, or equivalent as recognised by the Faculty;


        (c) a supervisor, approved by the Faculty, who has confirmed their willingness and availability to supervise the research project.

        (2) Students who are required to complete conversion units are normally not permitted to complete a research project.

      • Master of Dental Public and Primary Health (coursework and dissertation) (80530) Only available to re-enrolling students.

        Note: This course is only available to re-enrolling students.

        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        1.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials and Communication and Research Skills modules

        2.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in this course for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module) and the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module).

        (2) A student must successfully complete the ACE module within the first teaching period of their enrolment. Failure to complete the module within this timeframe will result in the student's unit results from this teaching period being withheld. These results will continue to be withheld until students avail themselves of a subsequent opportunity to achieve a passing grade in the ACE module. In the event that students complete units in subsequent teaching periods without completing the ACE module, these results will similarly be withheld. Students will not be permitted to submit late review or appeal applications regarding results which have been withheld for this reason and which they were unable to access in the normally permitted review period.

        English Language competency requirements

        3. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

        Admission requirements

        4. To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—

        (a) (i) a Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Doctor of Dental Medicine, or an equivalent qualification that allows dentistry practise, as recognised by UWA; and

        (ii) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 50 per cent;


        (b) (i) a Bachelor of Health Science in Dental Health, or an equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA; and

        (ii) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 50 per cent;


        (c) (i) a Graduate Diploma in Dental Public and Primary Health of this University; and

        (ii) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 50 per cent

        Admission ranking and selection

        5. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

        Articulations and exit awards

        6.(1) The following courses form part of an articulated sequence:

        • 80330 Graduate Diploma in Dental Public and Primary Health (48 points)
        • 80530 Master of Dental Public and Primary Health (96 points)

        (2) A student who withdraws from the Master of Dental Public and Primary Health course before completing it, but after fulfilling the requirements of a lesser award in the above sequence, may apply for the relevant award.

        Course structure

        7.(1) The course consists of units to a total value of 96 points.

        (2) Units must be selected in accordance with the course structure, as set out in these rules.

        Satisfactory progress

        8. Students will not have made satisfactory progress if they—

        (a) fail a core unit twice;


        (b) fail more than two units at the first attempt.

        [Approved exceptions to University Policy]

        9. A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module) when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress even if they have met the other requirements for satisfactory progress in Rule 8.

        Progress status

        10. Students who do not make satisfactory progress under Rule 8 are assigned a progress status of 'Excluded' by the Faculty.

        11. A student who does not make satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 8 is assigned the progress status of 'On Probation', unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to meet other satisfactory progress requirements in Rule 8.

        Award with distinction

        12. To be awarded the degree with distinction a student must achieve a course weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 80 per cent which is calculated based on—

        (a) all units above Level 3 attempted as part of the course that are awarded a final percentage mark;

        (b) all relevant units above Level 3 undertaken in articulating courses of this University that are awarded a final percentage mark;


        (c) all units above Level 3 completed at this University that are credited to the master's degree course.


        13. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

        Additional rules

        14. Before being permitted to enrol in the Master of Dental Public and Primary Health dissertation unit, students must have completed all Master of Dental Public and Primary Health core units.

        Time limit

        15.(1) Subject to (2), the time limit is five years from the date of first enrolment in the course.

        [Approved exception to University Policy]

        (2) The time limit for students who have completed the Graduate Diploma in Dental Public and Primary Health will commence from the year of first enrolment in the graduate diploma.

        [Approved addition to University Policy]


        16. Unless the Faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Primary, Aboriginal and Rural Health Care, permits otherwise, a student must enrol in units to the value of at least 12 points in any year of enrolment.

        Submission of dissertation

        17. The School of Primary, Aboriginal and Rural Health Care, on the recommendation of the Centre for Rural and Remote Oral Health, appoints examiners for, and considers the reports on, students' dissertations and reports the results to the Board of Examiners in Dentistry.

        (2) The time limit for students who have completed the Graduate Diploma in Dental Public and Primary Health will commence from the year of first enrolment in the graduate diploma.

        [Approved addition to University Policy]

      • Master of Exercise Science (thesis and coursework) (51610)
        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        1.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials and Communication and Research Skills modules

        2.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in this course for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module) and the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module).

        (2) A student must successfully complete the ACE module within the first teaching period of their enrolment. Failure to complete the module within this timeframe will result in the student's unit results from this teaching period being withheld. These results will continue to be withheld until students avail themselves of a subsequent opportunity to achieve a passing grade in the ACE module. In the event that students complete units in subsequent teaching periods without completing the ACE module, these results will similarly be withheld. Students will not be permitted to submit late review or appeal applications regarding results which have been withheld for this reason and which they were unable to access in the normally permitted review period.

        English Language competency requirements

        3. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

        Admission requirements

        4. To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—a) either:

        (i) a Bachelor of Science (Honours) with first class or upper second-class honours in Sport Science, Exercise Science, or Exercise and Health, or an equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA; or

        (ii) a relevant bachelor's degree, or equivalent as recognised by UWA, and at least three years of relevant documented professional experience; and

        (b) secured a supervisor and research topic in the area of study

        Admission ranking and selection

        5. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

        Articulations and exit awards

        6. This course does not form part of an articulated sequence.

        Course structure

        7.(1) The course consists of units to a total value of 48 points.

        (2) Units must be selected in accordance with the course structure, as set out in these rules.

        Satisfactory progress

        8. To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

        9. A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module) when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress even if they have met the other requirements for satisfactory progress in Rule 8.

        Progress status

        10. A student who fails to make satisfactory progress under Rule 8 is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded' unless the Faculty decides otherwise in light of exceptional circumstances.

        11. A student who does not make satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 9 is assigned the progress status of 'On Probation', unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to meet other satisfactory progress requirements in Rule 8.

        Award with distinction

        12. To be awarded the degree with distinction a student must achieve a course weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 80 per cent which is calculated based on—

        (a) all units above Level 3 attempted as part of the course that are awarded a final percentage mark;

        (b) all relevant units above Level 3 undertaken in articulating courses of this University that are awarded a final percentage mark;


        (c) all units above Level 3 completed at this University that are credited to the master's degree course.


        13. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

      • Master of Hearing Sciences (coursework and dissertation) (73560)

        Note: This course is not available in 2024.

        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        1.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials and Communication and Research Skills modules

        2.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in this course for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module).

        (2) A student who has previously achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the ACE module is not required to repeat the module.

        English Language competency requirements

        3. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

        Admission requirements

        4. To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—

        (a) a bachelor's degree, or equivalent qualification as recognised by UWA: and

        (b) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 65 percent, from the most recent degree of at least one year full-time duration.

        Admission ranking and selection

        5. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

        Articulations and exit awards

        6. This course does not form part of an articulated sequence.

        Course structure

        7.(1) The course consists of units to a total value of 96 points.

        (2) Units must be selected in accordance with the course structure, as set out in these rules.

        Satisfactory progress

        8. To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

        9. A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module) when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress even if they have met the other requirements for satisfactory progress in Rule 8.

        Progress status

        10.(1) A student who makes satisfactory progress under Rule 8 is assigned the status of 'Good Standing'.

        (2) Unless the relevant board determines otherwise because of exceptional circumstances—

        (a) a student who does not make satisfactory progress under Rule 8 for the first time is assigned a progress status of 'Suspended';

        (b) a student who does not make satisfactory progress under Rule 8 for the second time is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded'.

        11. A student who does not make satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 9 is assigned the progress status of 'On Probation', unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to meet other satisfactory progress requirements in Rule 8.

        Award with distinction

        12. To be awarded the degree with distinction a student must achieve a course weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 80 per cent which is calculated based on—

        (a) all units above Level 3 attempted as part of the course that are awarded a final percentage mark;

        (b) all relevant units above Level 3 undertaken in articulating courses of this University that are awarded a final percentage mark;


        (c) all units above Level 3 completed at this University that are credited to the master's degree course.


        13. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

      • Bachelor of Human Sciences and Master of Biomedical Science (CM030)

        Note: This course is not available in 2024.


        1. These rules are the Bachelor of Human Sciences and Master of Biomedical Science Degree Combined Course Rules.

        Terms Used

        2. The Glossary provides an explanation of the terms used in these rules.

        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        3.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials module

        4.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in an undergraduate degree course of the University for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module), Communication and Research Skills (the CARS module) and Indigenous Studies Essentials (the ISE module) in the teaching period in which they are first enrolled.

        (2) A student who has previously achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the ACE module, the CARS module or the ISE module is not required to repeat the relevant module.

        English Language competency requirements

        5. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

        Admission requirements

        6.(1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—
        (a) achieved an ATAR of at least 90, or equivalent as recognised by UWA;


        (b) an assured pathway offer;


        (c) a place in a relevant UWA access program.

        Admission ranking and selection

        7. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

        Transfer Requirements

        8.(1) A student enrolled in an undergraduate degree course at UWA may apply to transfer into this combined degree course if they satisfy the following conditions:

        (a) the student has not commenced their final semester of enrolment in their current course;


        (b) the course transfer is undertaken within the two transfer windows in each academic year;


        (c) there are no quotas preventing the student from enrolling in a major or unit in which the student seeks to enrol; and
        (2) the student has completed a minimum of 48 points of study in their current course and achieved a WAM of at least 65

        Course structure

        9.(1) The Combined Bachelor's and Master's degree consists of 192 credit points (normally 32 units), comprising:

        (a) 120 credit points (normally 20 units) of an undergraduate component, including:

        (i) no more than 60 credit points (normally 10 units) at Level 1; and

        (ii) at least 60 credit points (normally 10 units) at Level 2 and Level 3, including at least 18 credit points (normally 3 units) at Level 3; and

        (iii) the degree-specific major: MJD-HSNEM Human Science and Neuroscience


        (iv) any relevant foundation units.


        (b) a postgraduate component, including at least 72 credit points (normally 12 units) completed at Level 4 and Level 5.

        (2) A student enrolled in this combined degree course must complete all requirements of the Master of 71520 Master of Biomedical Science, subject to any restrictions specified in these rules.

        (3) Students are not able to take additional majors or minors in this course.

        Exit awards

        10.(1) This course has the following exit award:

        • Bachelor of Human Sciences (Advanced)

        (2) A student who withdraws from this Combined Degree Course before completing it, but after completing a minimum of 144 points of study, comprising 120 credit points of undergraduate study at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 and at least 24 credit points of study at Level 4 and/or Level 5 may apply to the School to be awarded the exit awards mentioned in (1).

        Satisfactory progress

        11.(1) To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

        (2) A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the CARS module or the ISE module when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress.

        (3) A student who fails a unit twice is not permitted to enrol again in that unit unless the relevant board approves otherwise.

        (4) Students must meet any additional progress requirements set out in the rules for the Master of 71520 Master of Biomedical Science course.N/A

        Progress status

        12.(1) A student who makes satisfactory progress is assigned the status of 'Good Standing'.

        (2) Unless the relevant board determines otherwise because of exceptional circumstances —

        (a) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the first time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation';

        (b) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the second time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'Suspended';

        (c) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the third time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded';

        (d) a student who does not make satisfactory progress under Rule 11(2) is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation' unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to make satisfactory progress under Rule 11(1).N/A


        13. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

      • Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Public Health (CM017)

        1. These rules are the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Public Health Degree Combined Course Rules.

        Terms Used

        2. The Glossary provides an explanation of the terms used in these rules.

        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        3.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials module

        4.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in an undergraduate degree course of the University for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module), Communication and Research Skills (the CARS module) and Indigenous Studies Essentials (the ISE module) in the teaching period in which they are first enrolled.

        (2) A student who has previously achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the ACE module, the CARS module or the ISE module is not required to repeat the relevant module.

        English Language competency requirements

        5. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

        Admission requirements

        6.(1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—
        (a) achieved an ATAR of at least 90, or equivalent as recognised by UWA;


        (b) an assured pathway offer;


        (c) a place in a relevant UWA access program.

        Admission ranking and selection

        7. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

        Transfer Requirements

        8.(1) A student enrolled in an undergraduate degree course at UWA may apply to transfer into this combined degree course if they satisfy the following conditions:

        (a) the student has not commenced their final semester of enrolment in their current course;


        (b) the course transfer is undertaken within the two transfer windows in each academic year;


        (c) there are no quotas preventing the student from enrolling in a major or unit in which the student seeks to enrol; and
        (2) the student has completed a minimum of 48 points of study in their current course and achieved a WAM of at least 65

        Course structure

        9.(1) The Combined Bachelor's and Master's degree consists of 192 credit points (normally 32 units), comprising:

        (a) 120 credit points (normally 20 units) of an undergraduate component, including:

        (i) no more than 60 credit points (normally 10 units) at Level 1; and

        (ii) at least 60 credit points (normally 10 units) at Level 2 and Level 3, including at least 18 credit points (normally 3 units) at Level 3; and

        (iii) the degree-specific major: MJD-SEHDM Sport Science, Exercise and Health


        (iv) any relevant foundation units.


        (b) a postgraduate component, including at least 72 credit points (normally 12 units) completed at Level 4 and Level 5.

        (2) A student enrolled in this combined degree course must complete all requirements of the 91550 Master of Public Health, subject to any restrictions specified in these rules.

        (3) Students may choose to undertake an additional major and/or up to two minors from any undergraduate degree, provided the student will be able to complete all nominated majors and minors within 192 credit points.

        Exit awards

        10.(1) This course has the following exit award:

        • Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences (Advanced)

        (2) A student who withdraws from this Combined Degree Course before completing it, but after completing a minimum of 144 points of study, comprising 120 credit points of undergraduate study at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 and at least 24 credit points of study at Level 4 and/or Level 5 may apply to the School to be awarded the exit awards mentioned in (1).

        Satisfactory progress

        11.(1) To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

        (2) A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the CARS module or the ISE module when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress.

        (3) A student who fails a unit twice is not permitted to enrol again in that unit unless the relevant board approves otherwise.

        (4) Students must meet any additional progress requirements set out in the rules for the 91550 Master of Public Health course.

        Progress status

        12.(1) A student who makes satisfactory progress is assigned the status of 'Good Standing'.

        (2) Unless the relevant board determines otherwise because of exceptional circumstances —

        (a) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the first time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation';

        (b) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the second time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'Suspended';

        (c) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the third time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded';

        (d) a student who does not make satisfactory progress under Rule 11(2) is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation' unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to make satisfactory progress under Rule 11(1).


        13. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

      • Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (CM018)

        1. These rules are the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology Degree Combined Course Rules.

        Terms Used

        2. The Glossary provides an explanation of the terms used in these rules.

        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        3.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials module

        4.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in an undergraduate degree course of the University for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module), Communication and Research Skills (the CARS module) and Indigenous Studies Essentials (the ISE module) in the teaching period in which they are first enrolled.

        (2) A student who has previously achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the ACE module, the CARS module or the ISE module is not required to repeat the relevant module.

        English Language competency requirements

        5. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

        Admission requirements

        6.(1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—
        (a) achieved an ATAR of at least 90, or equivalent as recognised by UWA; and meet the additional requirements stated at (2) below


        (b) an assured pathway offer;


        (c) a place in a relevant UWA access program.



        Admission ranking and selection

        7. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

        Transfer Requirements

        8.(1) A student enrolled in an undergraduate degree course at UWA may apply to transfer into this combined degree course if they satisfy the following conditions:

        (a) the student has not commenced their final semester of enrolment in their current course;


        (b) the course transfer is undertaken within the two transfer windows in each academic year;


        (c) there are no quotas preventing the student from enrolling in a major or unit in which the student seeks to enrol; and
        (2) the student has completed a minimum of 48 points of study in their current course and achieved a WAM of at least 65

        Course structure

        9.(1) The Combined Bachelor's and Master's degree consists of 192 credit points (normally 32 units), comprising:

        (a) 120 credit points (normally 20 units) of an undergraduate component, including:

        (i) no more than 60 credit points (normally 10 units) at Level 1; and

        (ii) at least 60 credit points (normally 10 units) at Level 2 and Level 3, including at least 18 credit points (normally 3 units) at Level 3; and

        (iii) the degree-specific major: MJD-SEHDM Sport Science, Exercise and Health


        (iv) any relevant foundation units.


        (b) a postgraduate component, including at least 72 credit points (normally 12 units) completed at Level 4 and Level 5.

        (2) A student enrolled in this combined degree course must complete all requirements of the 73520 Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (ID 429), subject to any restrictions specified in these rules.

        (3) Students may choose to undertake an additional major and/or up to two minors from any undergraduate degree, provided the student will be able to complete all nominated majors and minors within 192 credit points.

        Exit awards

        10.(1) This course has the following exit award:

        • Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences (Advanced)

        (2) A student who withdraws from this Combined Degree Course before completing it, but after completing a minimum of 144 points of study, comprising 120 credit points of undergraduate study at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 and at least 24 credit points of study at Level 4 and/or Level 5 may apply to the School to be awarded the exit awards mentioned in (1).

        Satisfactory progress

        11.(1) To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

        (2) A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the CARS module or the ISE module when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress.

        (3) A student who fails a unit twice is not permitted to enrol again in that unit unless the relevant board approves otherwise.

        (4) Students must meet any additional progress requirements set out in the rules for the 73520 Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (ID 429) course.

        Progress status

        12.(1) A student who makes satisfactory progress is assigned the status of 'Good Standing'.

        (2) Unless the relevant board determines otherwise because of exceptional circumstances —

        (a) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the first time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation';

        (b) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the second time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'Suspended';

        (c) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the third time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded';

        (d) a student who does not make satisfactory progress under Rule 11(2) is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation' unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to make satisfactory progress under Rule 11(1).


        13. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

      • Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Applied Human Performance Science (CM019)

        1. These rules are the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences and Master of Applied Human Performance Science Degree Combined Course Rules.

        Terms Used

        2. The Glossary provides an explanation of the terms used in these rules.

        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        3.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials module

        4.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in an undergraduate degree course of the University for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module), Communication and Research Skills (the CARS module) and Indigenous Studies Essentials (the ISE module) in the teaching period in which they are first enrolled.

        (2) A student who has previously achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the ACE module, the CARS module or the ISE module is not required to repeat the relevant module.

        English Language competency requirements

        5. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

        Admission requirements

        6.(1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—
        (a) achieved an ATAR of at least 90, or equivalent as recognised by UWA;


        (b) an assured pathway offer;


        (c) a place in a relevant UWA access program.

        Admission ranking and selection

        7. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

        Transfer Requirements

        8.(1) A student enrolled in an undergraduate degree course at UWA may apply to transfer into this combined degree course if they satisfy the following conditions:

        (a) the student has not commenced their final semester of enrolment in their current course;


        (b) the course transfer is undertaken within the two transfer windows in each academic year;


        (c) there are no quotas preventing the student from enrolling in a major or unit in which the student seeks to enrol; and
        (2) the student has completed a minimum of 48 points of study in their current course and achieved a WAM of at least 65

        Course structure

        9.(1) The Combined Bachelor's and Master's degree consists of 192 credit points (normally 32 units), comprising:

        (a) 120 credit points (normally 20 units) of an undergraduate component, including:

        (i) no more than 60 credit points (normally 10 units) at Level 1; and

        (ii) at least 60 credit points (normally 10 units) at Level 2 and Level 3, including at least 18 credit points (normally 3 units) at Level 3; and

        (iii) the degree-specific major: MJD-SEHDM Sport Science, Exercise and Health


        (iv) any relevant foundation units.


        (b) a postgraduate component, including at least 72 credit points (normally 12 units) completed at Level 4 and Level 5.

        (2) A student enrolled in this combined degree course must complete all requirements of the 73570 Master of Applied Human Performance Science, subject to any restrictions specified in these rules.

        (3) Students may choose to undertake an additional major and/or up to two minors from any undergraduate degree, provided the student will be able to complete all nominated majors and minors within 192 credit points.

        Exit awards

        10.(1) This course has the following exit award:

        • Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences (Advanced)

        (2) A student who withdraws from this Combined Degree Course before completing it, but after completing a minimum of 144 points of study, comprising 120 credit points of undergraduate study at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 and at least 24 credit points of study at Level 4 and/or Level 5 may apply to the School to be awarded the exit awards mentioned in (1).

        Satisfactory progress

        11.(1) To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

        (2) A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the CARS module or the ISE module when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress.

        (3) A student who fails a unit twice is not permitted to enrol again in that unit unless the relevant board approves otherwise.

        (4) Students must meet any additional progress requirements set out in the rules for the 73570 Master of Applied Human Performance Science course.

        Progress status

        12.(1) A student who makes satisfactory progress is assigned the status of 'Good Standing'.

        (2) Unless the relevant board determines otherwise because of exceptional circumstances —

        (a) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the first time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation';

        (b) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the second time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'Suspended';

        (c) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the third time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded';

        (d) a student who does not make satisfactory progress under Rule 11(2) is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation' unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to make satisfactory progress under Rule 11(1).


        13. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

      • Bachelor of Human Sciences and Master of Bioinformatics (CM021)

        1. These rules are the Bachelor of Human Sciences and Master of Bioinformatics Degree Combined Course Rules.

        Terms Used

        2. The Glossary provides an explanation of the terms used in these rules.

        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        3.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials module

        4.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in an undergraduate degree course of the University for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module), Communication and Research Skills (the CARS module) and Indigenous Studies Essentials (the ISE module) in the teaching period in which they are first enrolled.

        (2) A student who has previously achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the ACE module, the CARS module or the ISE module is not required to repeat the relevant module.

        English Language competency requirements

        5. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

        Admission requirements

        6.(1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—
        (a) achieved an ATAR of at least 90, or equivalent as recognised by UWA; and meet the additional requirements stated at (2) below


        (b) an assured pathway offer;


        (c) a place in a relevant UWA access program.


        (2) A scaled mark of at least 50 in ATAR Chemistry or equivalent or higher.

        Admission ranking and selection

        7. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

        Transfer Requirements

        8.(1) A student enrolled in an undergraduate degree course at UWA may apply to transfer into this combined degree course if they satisfy the following conditions:

        (a) the student has not commenced their final semester of enrolment in their current course;


        (b) the course transfer is undertaken within the two transfer windows in each academic year;


        (c) there are no quotas preventing the student from enrolling in a major or unit in which the student seeks to enrol; and
        (2) the student has completed a minimum of 48 points of study in their current course and achieved a WAM of at least 65

        Course structure

        9.(1) The Combined Bachelor's and Master's degree consists of 192 credit points (normally 32 units), comprising:

        (a) 120 credit points (normally 20 units) of an undergraduate component, including:

        (i) no more than 60 credit points (normally 10 units) at Level 1; and

        (ii) at least 60 credit points (normally 10 units) at Level 2 and Level 3, including at least 18 credit points (normally 3 units) at Level 3; and

        (iii) the degree-specific major: MJD-HSDEM Human Sciences and Data Analytics


        (iv) any relevant foundation units.


        (b) a postgraduate component, including at least 72 credit points (normally 12 units) completed at Level 4 and Level 5.

        (2) A student enrolled in this combined degree course must complete all requirements of the 70550 Master of Bioinformatics, subject to any restrictions specified in these rules.

        (3) Students may choose to undertake an additional major and/or up to two minors from any undergraduate degree, provided the student will be able to complete all nominated majors and minors within 192 credit points.

        Exit awards

        10.(1) This course has the following exit award:

        • Bachelor of Human Sciences (Advanced)

        (2) A student who withdraws from this Combined Degree Course before completing it, but after completing a minimum of 144 points of study, comprising 120 credit points of undergraduate study at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 and at least 24 credit points of study at Level 4 and/or Level 5 may apply to the School to be awarded the exit awards mentioned in (1).

        Satisfactory progress

        11.(1) To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

        (2) A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the CARS module or the ISE module when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress.

        (3) A student who fails a unit twice is not permitted to enrol again in that unit unless the relevant board approves otherwise.

        (4) Students must meet any additional progress requirements set out in the rules for the 70550 Master of Bioinformatics course.

        Progress status

        12.(1) A student who makes satisfactory progress is assigned the status of 'Good Standing'.

        (2) Unless the relevant board determines otherwise because of exceptional circumstances —

        (a) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the first time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation';

        (b) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the second time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'Suspended';

        (c) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the third time under Rule 11(1) is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded';

        (d) a student who does not make satisfactory progress under Rule 11(2) is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation' unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to make satisfactory progress under Rule 11(1).


        13. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

      • Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BP026)

        1. These rules are the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences (Specialised) degree Course Rules.

        Terms Used

        2. The Glossary provides an explanation of the terms used in these rules.

        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        3.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials, Communication and Research Skills And Indigenous Studies Essentials module

        4.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in an undergraduate degree course of the University for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module), Communication and Research Skills (the CARS module) and Indigenous Studies Essentials (the ISE module) in the teaching period in which they are first enrolled.

        (2) A student must successfully complete the ACE module within the first teaching period of their enrolment. Failure to complete the module within this timeframe will result in the student's unit results from this teaching period being withheld. These results will continue to be withheld until students avail themselves of a subsequent opportunity to achieve a passing grade in the ACE module. In the event that students complete units in subsequent teaching periods without completing the ACE module, these results will similarly be withheld. Students will not be permitted to submit late review or appeal applications regarding results which have been withheld for this reason and which they were unable to access in the normally permitted review period.

        (3) A student who has previously achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the CARS module or the ISE module is not required to repeat the relevant module.

        English Language competency requirements

        5. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

        Admission requirements

        6.(1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—
        (a) achieved an ATAR of at least 80, or equivalent as recognised by UWA;


        (b) an assured pathway offer;


        (c) a place in a relevant UWA access program.

        Admission ranking and selection

        7. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

        Transfer Requirements

        8.(1) A student enrolled in an undergraduate degree course at UWA may apply to transfer into this course if they satisfy the following conditions:

        (a) the student has not commenced their final semester of enrolment;


        (b) the course transfer is undertaken within the two transfer windows in each academic year;


        (c) there are no quotas preventing the student from enrolling in a major or unit in which the student seeks to enrol; and
        (2) (a) have completed a minimum of 24 points of study in their current course and achieved a WAM of at least 50; and

        (b) have met any subject prerequisites for their intended majors.

        Course structure

        9.(1) The Undergraduate Bachelor's degree consists of:

        (a) 144 credit points (normally 24 units), which will include:

        (i) a degree-specific major chosen from the list below:

        MJD-SEHDM Sport Science, Exercise and Health


        (ii) no more than 72 credit points (normally 12 units) of Level 1 units; and

        (iii) at least 72 credit points (normally 12 units) of Level 2 or Level 3 units, including at least 36 credit points (normaly 6 units) of Level 3 units; and

        (iv) any relevant foundation units.

        and(2) Students may choose to undertake an additional major and/or up to two minors from any undergraduate degree, provided the student will be able to complete all nominated majors and minors within 144 credit points.

        Satisfactory progress

        10.(1) To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

        (2) A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the CARS module or the ISE module when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress.

        (3) A student who fails a unit twice is not permitted to enrol again in that unit unless the relevant board approves otherwise.

        Progress status

        11.(1) A student who makes satisfactory progress is assigned the status of 'Good Standing'.

        (2) Unless the relevant board determines otherwise because of exceptional circumstances —

        (a) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the first time under Rule 10(1) is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation';

        (b) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the second time under Rule 10(1) is assigned a progress status of 'Suspended';

        (c) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the third time under Rule 10(1) is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded';

        (d) a student who does not make satisfactory progress under Rule 10(2) is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation' unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to make satisfactory progress under Rule 10(1).


        12. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

      • Bachelor of Human Sciences (BP031)

        1. These rules are the Bachelor of Human Sciences (Specialised) degree Course Rules.

        Terms Used

        2. The Glossary provides an explanation of the terms used in these rules.

        Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

        3.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

        (2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

        Academic Conduct Essentials, Communication and Research Skills And Indigenous Studies Essentials module

        4.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in an undergraduate degree course of the University for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module), Communication and Research Skills (the CARS module) and Indigenous Studies Essentials (the ISE module) in the teaching period in which they are first enrolled.

        (2) A student must successfully complete the ACE module within the first teaching period of their enrolment. Failure to complete the module within this timeframe will result in the student's unit results from this teaching period being withheld. These results will continue to be withheld until students avail themselves of a subsequent opportunity to achieve a passing grade in the ACE module. In the event that students complete units in subsequent teaching periods without completing the ACE module, these results will similarly be withheld. Students will not be permitted to submit late review or appeal applications regarding results which have been withheld for this reason and which they were unable to access in the normally permitted review period.

        (3) A student who has previously achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the CARS module or the ISE module is not required to repeat the relevant module.

        English Language competency requirements

        5. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

        Admission requirements

        6.(1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—
        (a) achieved an ATAR of at least 80, or equivalent as recognised by UWA; and meet the additional requirements stated at (2) below


        (b) an assured pathway offer;


        (c) a place in a relevant UWA access program.


        Mathematics Methods ATAR or equivalent or higher or Mathematics Applications ATAR with a mathematics unit taken in the first year. Students without ATAR mathematics will take two first year mathematics units

        Admission ranking and selection

        7. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

        Transfer Requirements

        8.(1) A student enrolled in an undergraduate degree course at UWA may apply to transfer into this course if they satisfy the following conditions:

        (a) the student has not commenced their final semester of enrolment;


        (b) the course transfer is undertaken within the two transfer windows in each academic year;


        (c) there are no quotas preventing the student from enrolling in a major or unit in which the student seeks to enrol; and
        (2) (a) have completed a minimum of 24 points of study in their current course and achieved a WAM of at least 50; and

        (b) have met any subject prerequisites for their intended majors.

        Course structure

        9.(1) The Undergraduate Bachelor's degree consists of:

        (a) 144 credit points (normally 24 units), which will include:

        (i) a degree-specific major chosen from the list below:

        (1) MJD-HSNEM Human Science and Neuroscience

        (2) MJD-HSANP Human Sciences (Anatomy and Physiology)

        (3) MJD-HSDEM Human Sciences and Data Analytics


        (ii) no more than 72 credit points (normally 12 units) of Level 1 units; and

        (iii) at least 72 credit points (normally 12 units) of Level 2 or Level 3 units, including at least 36 credit points (normaly 6 units) of Level 3 units; and

        (iv) any relevant foundation units.

        and(2) Students may choose to undertake an additional major and/or up to two minors from any undergraduate degree, provided the student will be able to complete all nominated majors and minors within 144 credit points.

        Satisfactory progress

        10.(1) To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

        (2) A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the CARS module or the ISE module when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress.

        (3) A student who fails a unit twice is not permitted to enrol again in that unit unless the relevant board approves otherwise.

        Progress status

        11.(1) A student who makes satisfactory progress is assigned the status of 'Good Standing'.

        (2) Unless the relevant board determines otherwise because of exceptional circumstances —

        (a) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the first time under Rule 10(1) is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation';

        (b) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the second time under Rule 10(1) is assigned a progress status of 'Suspended';

        (c) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the third time under Rule 10(1) is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded';

        (d) a student who does not make satisfactory progress under Rule 10(2) is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation' unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to make satisfactory progress under Rule 10(1).


        12. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).