Extended Major Overview


This course is for students wishing to qualify as primary school teachers and teach children aged 5 to 11 years (School grades Pre-Primary to Year 6). All students will graduate with an Honours degree, reflecting the demands of professional teachers who need to be knowledgeable, competent and confident decision-makers working in complex and demanding settings in contemporary classrooms and schools. The final year of the course will include an extended professional experience placement in a school, as well as a 24-Credit point Honours Project. The course will also provide all graduates with a recognised Primary Specialisation, as required for the accreditation of all primary education courses in Australia, and students will be offered a choice of specialisations. The specialisation and the honours component will equip graduates to be profession-ready, responsive and resilient teachers who are able to register as teachers in Western Australia, all other national jurisdictions, and global jurisdictions which recognise Australian initial teacher education qualifications.

Students should be aware that this major does not provide a pathway to an Honours.


Students are able to:

  1. apply advanced curriculum and pedagogical knowledge to plan, implement and assess learning
  2. demonstrate skills and dispositions as a resilient and collegial teaching professional
  3. develop and apply evidence-informed responses to complex educational, pedagogical and professional problems
  4. design inclusive, ethical and supportive learning environments
  5. critically analyse and apply educational research and pedagogical knowledges and practices
  6. identify characteristics of effective teaching professionals and knowledge of the teaching profession
  7. apply knowledge and understanding of how to engage with internal and external stakeholders to advocate for the teaching profession.
Broadening guidelines

The major in the Bachelor of Education (Primary Honours) does not include the opportunity to complete broadening units outside the degree specific major.

All units in the course need to be completed by students (except for in the third year when students choose two units, from a set of Primary specialisations available in the course, to form their Primary specialisation). Both of these requirements derive directly from the requirements for the accreditation of initial teacher education programs in Australia.

Graduates of ITE programs must demonstrate that they have met each of the 37 Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at Graduate level, and every unit in the course must be mapped to these standards. Further, every graduate of a Primary initial teacher education course must have a specialisation in an area of the primary school curriculum or relevant to teaching in primary schools. The full requirements can be found here Teacher Registration Board of WA_ITE Program Standards for Accreditation

All Undergraduate ITE courses in Australia are 4 years' duration, in accordance with program accreditation requirements.


Enrolment in Bachelor of Education (Primary Education) (Honours)


Primary Education can only be taken as a degree-specific major in the following degree courses:


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
not available in 2025 – may be available in 2026 or 2027

Level 1

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (48 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 EDUC1000 National Literacy and Numeracy Test LANTITE
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary Education) (Honours)
S1 EDUC1011 Understanding Learners and Learning
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
S1 EDUC1012 Teaching Mathematics in the Early Years of School
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
S1 EDUC1013 Teaching English in the Early Years of School
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
S1 EDUC1014 Introduction to Professional Experience
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
S2 EDUC1015 Assessment Principles and Practices
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
S2 EDUC1016 Teaching the Humanities and Social Sciences in Primary School
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
S2 EDUC1017 Teaching Early Years Science
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
S2 EDUC1018 Professional Experience 1: Environment and Relationships
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)

Level 2

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (48 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 EDUC2011 Teaching English in the Middle and Upper Primary Years
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
S1 EDUC2012 Teaching the Arts in Primary School
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
S1 EDUC2013 Perspectives in Aboriginal Education for Primary Schools
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
S1 EDUC2014 Professional Experience 2: Classroom management and planning for effective teaching
Successful completion of
Unit(s) EDUC1014 Introduction to Professional Experience
Successful completion of
Unit(s) EDUC1018 Environment and Relationships in Primary School Settings (with formal Professional Experience)
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
S2 EDUC2015 Teaching HASS and Science: inquiry and integration
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
S2 EDUC2016 Primary Mathematics Learning Years 3-6
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
S2 EDUC2017 Texts and Literature in Primary School English
Successful completion of
EDUC1013 Teaching English in the Early Years of School
Successful completion of
EDUC2011 Teaching English in the Middle and Upper Primary Years
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary Education) (Honours)
S2 EDUC2018 Health and Physical Education in Primary Schools
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)

Level 3

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (36 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
N/A EDUC3011 Diversity, Inclusion and Differentiation
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
N/A EDUC3012 Teaching Primary School Science
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
N/A EDUC3013 Data-Informed Practice in the Primary English Classroom
Successful completion of
EDUC1013 Teaching English in the Early Years of School
Successful completion of
EDUC2011 Teaching English in the Middle and Upper Primary Years
Successful completion of
EDUC2017 Texts and Literature in Primary School English
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
N/A EDUC3014 Technologies for the Primary classroom
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
N/A EDUC3016 Data-informed Practice in the Primary Mathematics Classroom
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
N/A EDUC3018 Professional Experience 3: Planning in Response to Student Diversity
Successful completion of
Unit(s) EDUC1014 Introduction to Professional Experience
Successful completion of
Unit(s) EDUC1018 Professional Experience 1: Environment and Relationships
Successful completion of
Unit(s) EDUC2014 Professional Experience 2: Planning for Effective Teaching and Learning
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
Degree-specific major units

Group A—take unit(s) to the value of 12 points:

English Primary Specialisation

English Primary Specialisation

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
N/A EDUC3025 Teaching Children for Whom English is a Second or Additional Language or Dialect
Successful completion of
EDUC1013 Teaching English in the Early Years of School
Successful completion of
EDUC2011 Teaching English in the Middle and Upper Primary Years
Successful completion of
EDUC2017 Texts and Literature in Primary School English
Successful completion of
EDUC3013 Data-informed Practice in the Primary English Classroom
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
N/A EDUC3027 Teaching English to Children with Diverse Needs in the Primary School
Successful completion of
Unit(s) EDUC1013 Teaching English in the Early Years of School
Successful completion of
Unit(s) EDUC2011 Teaching English in the Middle and Upper Primary Years
Successful completion of
Unit(s) EDUC2017 Texts and Literature in Primary School English
Successful completion of
Unit(s) EDUC3013 Data-informed Practice in the Primary English Classroom
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
Degree-specific major units

Group B—take unit(s) to the value of 12 points:

Science Primary Specialisation

Science Primary Specialisation

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
N/A EDUC3055 Advanced science pedagogy for primary school
Unit(s) EDUC1017 Teaching Early Years Science Unit(s) EDUC3012 Teaching Primary School Science
Enrolment in
Unit(s) SCOM2205 Science Presentations
S2 SCOM2205 Science Presentations None

Level 4

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (48 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
N/A EDUC4011 The Profession-Ready Teacher
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
N/A EDUC4012 Teaching Performance Assessment
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
Enrolment in
Unit(s) EDUC4013 Professional Experience 4: Final Placement
N/A EDUC4013 Professional Experience 4: Final Placement
Successful completion of
Unit(s) EDUC1014 Introduction to Professional Experience
Successful completion of
Unit(s) EDUC1018 Professional Experience 1: Environment and Relationships
Successful completion of
Unit(s) EDUC2014 Professional Experience 2: Planning for Effective Teaching and Learning
Successful completion of
Unit(s) EDUC3018 Professional Experience 3: Planning in Response to Student Diversity
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)
N/A EDUC4014 Honours Project
Enrolment in
BH020 Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours)