Extended Major Overview


Organisations across all industries and sectors are increasingly using data science in information analysis, storage, communication and distribution. In the Bachelor of Advanced Computer Science (Computing and Data Science) you will acquire the computing and data science knowledge and skills to understand and apply appropriate analytical methods to transform the way an organisation achieves its objectives, to deal effectively with large data management tasks, to master the statistical and machine learning foundations on which data analytics is built, and to evaluate and communicate the effectiveness of new technologies; putting you in high demand in the growing data science job market and providing you with many diverse career options as a graduate. This major will prepare you with practical skills in data science technologies for data collection, cleaning, conversion, analysis, visualisation, interpretation, storage, search, synthesis and cloud management.

Coordinator: Dr DĂ©bora CorrĂȘa.

Email: [email protected]


Students are able to:

  1. apply data visualisation, interpretation, storage and synthesis skills in complex real-world settings
  2. use predictive modelling to forecast future trends, outcomes and scenarios
  3. discuss the opportunities and constraints of contemporary data science practice as it applies in various industries
  4. work effectively as a team member and as a team leader for real-world data science projects
  5. communicate data science, modelling and analytics clearly in oral, graphical and written formats
  6. extend knowledge in data science through research, experimentation and analysis.
Broadening guidelines

All students studying towards a Bachelor's Degree at UWA are required to Broaden their studies by completing a minimum of four units (24 points) of study outside their degree specific major. Broadening is your opportunity to explore other areas of interest, investigate new disciplines and knowledge paradigms and to shape your degree to suit your own aspirations and interests. Many of you will be able to undertake more than this minimum amount of broadening study and we encourage you to do so if this suits your aspirations. Over the next few months you will find here some broadening suggestions related to your degree-specific major. While we know that many students value guidance of this sort, these are only suggestions and students should not lose sight of the opportunity to explore that is afforded by your Broadening Choices. Advice can also be sought from your Allocated Student Advising Office.


Mathematics Methods ATAR


MJD-CMPSC Computer Science (ID 468) MJD-DATSC Data Science (ID 700) MJD-ARTIF Artificial Intelligence (ID 4873) MJD-INTCY International Cybersecurity (ID 4870) MJD-CYBER Cybersecurity (ID 4874)


Computing and Data Science can only be taken as a degree-specific major in the following degree courses:

Example Study Plan

See study plans for more information.


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2

Level 1

Students are recommended to take MATH1722 Mathematics Foundations: Specialist as an elective.

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (30 points):

Students are recommended to take MATH1722 Mathematics Foundations: Specialist as an elective.

Students are recommended to take MATH1722 Mathematics Foundations: Specialist as an elective.

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1, S2 CITS1003 Introduction to Cybersecurity
CITS3004 Cybersecurity
S1, S2 CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python
Successful completion of
Mathematics Methods ATAR or equivalent
or MATH1721 Mathematics Foundations: Methods
or MATX1721 Mathematics Foundations
Enrolment in
62510 Master of Information Technology
or 62530 Master of Data Science
or BH011 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Successful completion of
CITS2401 Computer Analysis and Visualisation
or CITS1501 Introduction to Programming with Python
S1, S2 CITS1402 Relational Database Management Systems

Successful completion of
Mathematics Applications ATAR or equivalent
or MATH1720 Mathematics Fundamentals or equivalent
or MATX1720 Mathematics Fundamentals

or Enrolment in 62510 Master of Information Technology
or 62530 Master of Data Science
CITS2232 Databases
S1 PHIL1001 Ethics for the Digital Age: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy
PHIL1107 Ethics, Free Will and Meaning
S1, S2 STAT1400 Statistics for Science
Mathematics Applications ATAR
or MATH1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
or MATX1720 Mathematics Fundamentals or equivalent
STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics

Level 2

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (42 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S2 CITS2002 Systems Programming
Successful completion of
CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python
or CITX1401 Computational Thinking with Python
or CITS2401 Computer Analysis and Visualisation

Enrolment in
62510 Master of Information Technology
and Successful completion of
CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python
CITS1002 Programming and System
S1 CITS2005 Object Oriented Programming
ATAR Mathematics Methods
or MATH1721 Mathematics Foundations: Methods or equivalent
or MATX1721 Mathematics Foundations
or Enrolment in
62510 Master of Information Technology
and CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python
or CITX1401 Computational Thinking with Python
or CITS2401 Computer Analysis and Visualisation
CITS1001 Software Engineering with Java
or CITX1001 Software Engineering with Java
S1 CITS2200 Data Structures and Algorithms
CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python
or CITX1401 Computational Thinking with Python
Mathematics Methods ATAR
or MATH1721 Mathematics Foundations: Methods or equivalent
or MATX0721 Mathematics Foundations: Methods
S2 CITS2211 Discrete Structures
MATH1721 Mathematics Foundations: Methods or equivalent
or MATX1721 Mathematics Foundations
and CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python or equivalent )
S2 CITS2402 Introduction to Data Science
CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python
or CITX1401 Computational Thinking with Python
or CITS2401 Computer Analysis and Visualisation
S1 STAT2401 Analysis of Experiments
Mathematics Applications ATAR
or MATH1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
or MATX1720 Mathematics Fundamentals or equivalent
Enrolment in
62530 Master of Data Science
S2 STAT2402 Analysis of Observations
Mathematics Applications ATAR
or MATH1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
or MATX1720 Mathematics Fundamentals or equivalent
Enrolment in
62530 Master of Data Science

Level 3

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (42 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S2 CITS3001 Advanced Algorithms
Successful completion of
CITS2200 Data Structures and Algorithms
S1 CITS3002 Computer Networks
CITS2002 Systems Programming
S2 CITS3200 Professional Computing
completion of at least 84 points, including
CITS2002 Systems Programming
or CITS2200 Data Structures and Algorithms
or CITS2402 Introduction to Data Science
CITS5206 Professional Computing
S1 CITS3401 Data Warehousing
CITS1402 Relational Database Management Systems
or CITX1402 Relational Database Management Systems
and CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python
CITS5504 Data Warehousing
S1 CITS3403 Agile Web Development
CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python
or CITX1401 Computational Thinking with Python or equivalent
CITS5505 Agile Web Development
S2 STAT3064 Statistical Learning
Enrolment in
MJD-CDSDM Computing and Data Science
or MJD-MTHST Mathematics and Statistics
or MJD-DATSC Data Science
or MJD-HSDEM Human Sciences and Data Analytics
STAT2401 Analysis of Experiments
and STAT2402 Analysis of Observations
STAT2062 Fundamentals of Probability with Applications
or STAT2063 Probabilistic Methods and their Applications
STAT4067 Applied Statistics and Data Visualisation
and STAT5061 Statistical Data Science
S1 STAT3401 Advanced Data Analysis
STAT2401 Analysis of Experiments
and STAT2402 Analysis of Observations
or STAT2062 Fundamentals of Probability with Applications
STAT4065 Multilevel and Mixed-Effects Modelling
Degree-specific major units

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 CITS3003 Graphics and Animation
CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python
or CITS2002 Systems Programming
or CITS2401 Computer Analysis and Visualisation
or CITX1401 Computational Thinking with Python
S2 CITS3005 Knowledge Representation
CITS2200 Data Structures and Algorithms
and CITS2211 Discrete Structures
S1 CITS3007 Secure Coding
Successful completion of
CITS2200 Data Structures and Algorithms
or CITS2002 Systems Programming
or CITS2005 Object Oriented Programming
or CITS2402 Introduction to Data Science
S1, S2 CITS3009 Computer Science WIL Internship
Enrolment in
BH008 Bachelor of Advanced Computer Science [Honours]
or Enrolment in
MJD-CMPSC Computer Science

and Successful completion of
96 points
WILG3001 Work Integrated Learning Internship Program
or WILG2201 Work Integrated Learning Internship Program
S2 CITS3011 Intelligent Agents
Successful completion of
CITS2200 Data Structures and Algorithms
S2 CITS3402 High Performance Computing
CITS2002 Systems Programming
CITS5507 High Performance Computing
or PHYS4022 Advanced Quantum Computing
or SHPC4002 Advanced Computational Physics

Level 4

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (48 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1, S2 CITS4010 Computer Science Honours Research Project Part 1
Enrolment in
( BH008 Bachelor of Advanced Computer Science [Honours]
or BH005 Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)

and Successful completion of 144 points and UWA weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 70 percent )
Enrolment in
BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours) and HON-CMSSE Computer Science and Software Engineering
S1, S2 CITS4011 Computer Science Honours Research Project Part 2
Successful completion of
CITS4010 Computer Science Honours Research Project Part 1
S2 CITS5503 Cloud Computing
Enrolment in
HON-CMSSE Computer Science and Software Engineering
or 62510 Master of Information Technology
or 62530 Master of Data Science
or 42630 Master of Business Analytics
or BH008 Bachelor of Advanced Computer Science [Honours]
or MJD-ICYDM International Cybersecurity
or MJD-CDSDM Computing and Data Science

Successful completion of
( CITS2002 Systems Programming
or CITS2005 Object Oriented Programming
or CITS2200 Data Structures and Algorithms
or CITS2402 Introduction to Data Science
or ( CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python
and CITS4009 Computational Data Analysis

or BUSN5101 Programming for Business
and BUSN5002 Fundamentals of Business Analytics
or Enrolment in 62550 Master of Professional Engineering
Software Engineering specialisation
Enrolment in
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) or an associated Combined Degree
and 120 points
and 12 points of programming-based units
S1 CITS5508 Machine Learning
Enrolment in
HON-CMSSE Computer Science and Software Engineering
or 62510 Master of Information Technology
or 62530 Master of Data Science
or 42630 Master of Business Analytics
or 62550 Master of Professional Engineering
or 53560 Master of Physics
or BH008 Bachelor of Advanced Computer Science [Honours]
or 73660 Master of Medical Physics
or ( Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) or an associated Combined Degree
and 96 points
and Successful completion of
CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python
or CITX1401 Computational Thinking with Python
or BUSN5101 Programming for Business
or CITS2401 Computer Analysis and Visualisation
S1 STAT4062 Statistical Modelling and Inference

Course Enrolment in
the HON-MTHST Mathematics and Statistics [Honours]
or the MJD-CDSDM Computing and Data Science major
and STAT3062 Statistical Science
or STAT3401 Advanced Data Analysis
and STAT3064 Statistical Learning
S2 STAT4066 Bayesian Computing and Statistics
STAT2401 Analysis of Experiments
and STAT2402 Analysis of Observations
or STAT2062 Fundamentals of Probability with Applications
STAT3405 Introduction to Bayesian Computing and Statistics