Extended Major Overview


This extended major has been specifically designed to give an understanding of biological function at the molecular level and how this knowledge integrates into understanding how individual cells and entire organisms function. Emphasis is placed on developing and practicing the laboratory skills and technologies of cutting-edge molecular life sciences. Both theoretical and practical information is presented in the contexts of health sciences and agriculture. Critical thinking; developing and testing hypotheses; and analysing data, including big data, are integrated throughout the degree. Completion of this extended major opens the possibility of a Master in Biotechnology with a choice of specialisations such as Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology, Genetics and Genomics, or Synthetic Biology. This degree will also serve as an excellent stepping stone into careers in synthetic biology, bioscience, medicine and allied health fields, industry, as well as post-graduate studies in multiple bioscience disciplines.


Students are able to:

  1. demonstrate an understanding of the current theoretical basis of the molecular life sciences in animals, plants and microorganisms
  2. demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics of cellular environments, including biological systems and soils
  3. modify experimental protocols
  4. critically analyse and interpret experimental results
  5. apply techniques and technologies to solve problems in the molecular life sciences
  6. effectively communicate in the context of the molecular life sciences in both written and oral forms
  7. apply high-level critical thinking, teamwork and communication and skills required for employment and further studies related to molecular life sciences.
Broadening guidelines

All students studying towards a Bachelor's Degree at UWA are required to Broaden their studies by completing a minimum of four units (24 points) of study outside their degree specific major. Broadening is your opportunity to explore other areas of interest, investigate new disciplines and knowledge paradigms and to shape your degree to suit your own aspirations and interests. Over the next few months you will find here some broadening suggestions related to your degree-specific major. While we know that many students value guidance of this sort, these are only suggestions and students should not lose sight of the opportunity to explore that is afforded by your Broadening Choices. Advice can also be sought from your Allocated Student Advising Office. If you are completing this major in a Combined Bachelor's masters Course, you have elected to pursue a highly specialised and in-depth program of study in your chosen field. While you are encouraged to use the free elective units available in your course to study in other disciplines offered at UWA, your formal requirement to broaden your course will be met through the Honours and Postgraduate units which form an integral part of your course.


ATAR Mathematics Methods or equivalent or higher or ATAR Mathematics Applications with a mathematics unit taken in the first year. Students without ATAR mathematics will take two first year mathematics unit.

Chemistry ATAR or an additional chemistry unit taken in the first year


Molecular Life Sciences can only be taken as a degree-specific major in the following degree courses:


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2

Level 1

Degree-specific major units

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points from this group:

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1, S2 SCIE1104 Science, Society and Data Analysis
MATH1721 Mathematics Foundations: Methods
or MATX1721 Mathematics Foundations
or SCIE1500 Analytical Methods for Scientists or equivalent
Successful completion of
STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics
or STAX1520 Economic and Business Statistics
S1, S2 STAT1400 Statistics for Science
Mathematics Applications ATAR
or MATH1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
or MATX1720 Mathematics Fundamentals or equivalent
STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics
Degree-specific major units

Take all units (24 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S2 BIOC1001 Introductory Cellular Biochemistry
Successful completion of
ATAR Subject(s) Chemistry ATAR
or CHEM1003 Introductory Chemistry
or CHEX1003 Introductory Chemistry
Successful completion of
CHEM1004 Biological Chemistry
S1 BIOL1130 Frontiers in Biology None
S1, S2 CHEM1001 Chemistry—Properties and Energetics
Successful completion of
CHEM1003 Introductory Chemistry (ID 1063)
or CHEX1003 Introductory Chemistry
or ATAR Subject(s) Chemistry
or ATAR Subject(s) WACE Chemistry 3A/3B or equivalent
S2 SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
Successful completion of
ATAR Subject(s) Human Biology or equivalent
or ATAR Subject(s) Biology or equivalent
or ANHB1101 Human Biology I: Becoming Human
or ANHX1101 Human Biology 1 (Becoming Human)
or ANHX1102 Human Biology 2 (Being Human)
or ANHB1102 Human Biology II: Being Human
or BIOL1130 Frontiers in Biology
or IMED1001 Form and Function
and Successful completion of
ATAR Subject(s) Chemistry or equivalent
or CHEM1003 Introductory Chemistry
or CHEX1003 Introductory Chemistry
Unit(s) SCIE2225 Molecular Biology
Bridging units

Bridging units must be successfully completed within the first 48 points of study. Students without Mathematics Methods ATAR or equivalent or higher take MATH1721. Students without Mathematics Applications ATAR or equivalent or higher take MATH1720 and MATH1721. Students without Chemistry ATAR or equivalent or higher take CHEM1003.

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1, S2 CHEM1003 Introductory Chemistry
ATAR Subject(s) Chemistry or equivalent
S1, S2 MATH1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
Mathematics Applications ATAR [with a scaled score of less than 50] or with permission
Mathematics Applications ATAR [with a scaled score of 50 or greater] or Equivalent or higher
S1, S2 MATH1721 Mathematics Foundations: Methods
Mathematics Applications ATAR
or MATH1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
or MATX1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
or Mathematics Methods ATAR (with a scaled score of less than 50) or equivalent
MATH1001 Mathematical Methods 1
and MATH1002 Mathematical Methods 2 and
MATH1011 Multivariable Calculus
or MATX1011 Multivariable Calculus
MATH1012 Mathematical Theory and Methods
or MATX1012 Mathematical Theory and Methods
STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics
or STAX1520 Economic and Business Statistics

Level 2

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (42 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
Successful completion of
IMED1001 Form and Function
and IMED1002 The Facts of Life
or Successful completion of two Unit(s)
SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
or SCIX1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
and CHEM1004 Biological Chemistry
or BIOC1001 Introductory Cellular Biochemistry
or CHEM1002 Chemistry—Structure and Reactivity
or CHEX1002 Chemistry Structure and Reactivity
Unit(s) BIOC2201 Biochemistry of the Cell
and Unit(s) SCIE2225 Molecular Biology
S2 BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
Successful completion of two Unit(s)
SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
or SCIX1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
and any one
BIOC1001 Introductory Cellular Biochemistry
or CHEM1002 Chemistry—Structure and Reactivity
or CHEX1002 Chemistry Structure and Reactivity
or Successful completion of
Unit(s) IMED1001 Form and Function
and IMED1002 The Facts of Life
Enrolment in
Major(s) MJD-BCNDM Biochemistry of Nutrition
or MJD-MLSDM Molecular Life Sciences
Unit(s) SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
or SCIX1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
Unit(s) BIOC2202 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
S1, S2 CITS2401 Computer Analysis and Visualisation
ATAR Subject(s) Mathematics Methods
or MATH1721 Mathematics Foundations: Methods or equivalent
or MATX1721 Mathematics Foundations
or Enrolment in
MJD-AGTDM Agricultural Science and Technology
or MJD-IEMDM Integrated Earth and Marine Sciences
or MJD-MARDM Marine Science MJD-AGTEC Agricultural Technology MJD-MARCP Marine and Coastal Processes
and SCIE1500 Analytical Methods for Scientists
CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python
or CITX1401 Computational Thinking with Python
S2 ENVT2221 Global Climate Change and Biodiversity
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) BIOL1130 Frontiers in Biology (ID 1254)
or Unit(s) BIOL1131 Plant and Animal Biology (ID 1244)
or Unit(s) EART1105 Dynamic Planet (ID 1247)
or Unit(s) ENVT1104 Environmental Science and Technology (ID 5950)
S1 ENVT2236 Soil Science
Successful completion of
any one CHEM1003 Introductory Chemistry
or CHEX1003 Introductory Chemistry
or ATAR Subject(s) Chemistry
and Successful completion of
any one EART1105 Dynamic Planet
or ENVT1104 Environmental Science and Technology
or BIOL1131 Plant and Animal Biology
or BIOL1130 Frontiers in Biology
and Successful completion of
any one SCIE1104 Science, Society and Data Analysis
or STAT1400 Statistics for Science
or STAX1400 Statistics for Science
or STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics
or STAX1520 Economic and Business Statistics
Unit(s) EART2222 Geomorphology and Soils
S2 GENE2230 Molecular Genetics I
Successful completion of
IMED1001 Form and Function
and IMED1002 The Facts of Life
or Successful completion of
SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
or SCIX1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
or IMED1003 Cell Survival and Communication
S2 PLNT2201 Plants in Action
Successful completion of
any one Unit(s)
or BIOL1130 Frontiers in Biology
or BIOL1131 Plant and Animal Biology
or SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
or SCIX1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell )

Level 3

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (36 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 BIOC3001 Molecular Biology
Successful completion of
two Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
S1 BIOC3002 Structural and Functional Biochemistry
Successful completion of
two Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
S2 BIOC3003 Omics—Global Approaches to Cell Function
Successful completion of
two Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
S2 BIOC3005 Cellular Biochemistry
Successful completion of
two Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
S2 GENE3350 Evolution and Development
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) GENE2230 Molecular Genetics I
S1 GENE3370 Genomics
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) GENE2230 Molecular Genetics I