Major Overview


This major is for students who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in data analysis within a business context. Students will be given both statistical and computing analytic skills, but will also learn how to apply that to a range of commercial and economic situations. Students will also gain the written and oral communication skills necessary to impart their analysis to a range of business stakeholders.


Students are able to:

  1. demonstrate a core understanding of a range of statistical and data analysis techniques across a range of commercial and economic functions
  2. critically analyse and question data analysis in a business context
  3. communicate data analysis to both technical and non-technical audiences using both written and oral communications
  4. demonstrate effective team work skills
  5. demonstrate reflective learning skills
  6. discuss ethical issues surrounding the collection and use of data, as well as other data-related cultural, social and sustainability.
Broadening guidelines

All students studying towards a Bachelor's Degree at UWA are required to Broaden their studies by completing a minimum of four units (24 points) of study outside their degree specific major. Broadening is your opportunity to explore other areas of interest, investigate new disciplines and knowledge paradigms and to shape your degree to suit your own aspirations and interests. Many of you will be able to undertake more than this minimum amount of broadening study and we encourage you to do so and to pursue as many areas of interest as you can during your course of study. At the same time, we k now that many of you value the University's guidance and assistance in planning your enrolment throughout your course, so we offer the following suggestions for your consideration as possible avenues to broaden your degree. Do always remember, however, that there is no wrong way to broaden your studies as long as you complete at least four units not associated with your Degree Specific Major.


Business Analytics can be taken as a degree-specific major in the following degree courses:

No study plans found for this major. See study plans for more information.


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
not available in 2025 – may be available in 2026 or 2027
non-standard teaching period

Level 1

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (12 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1, S2 CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python
Successful completion of
Mathematics Methods ATAR or equivalent
or MATH1721 Mathematics Foundations: Methods
or MATX1721 Mathematics Foundations
Enrolment in
62510 Master of Information Technology
or 62530 Master of Data Science
or BH011 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Successful completion of
CITS2401 Computer Analysis and Visualisation
or CITS1501 Introduction to Programming with Python
S1, S2 STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics
Mathematics Applications ATAR
or MATH1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
or MATX1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
or ECON1111 Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics or equivalent
STAT1400 Statistics for Science
or STAX1400 Statistics for Science
Bridging units

Take units if applicable:

Students who have not completed Mathematics Method or equivalent will need to take the following bridging units(s)

Students who have not completed Mathematics Method or equivalent will need to take the following bridging units(s)

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 ECON1111 Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
Mathematics Applications (ATAR)
or WACE Mathematics 2C/2D
or TEE Discrete Mathematics
or MATH0700 Preparatory Mathematics
Mathematics Methods (ATAR) or higher.
WACE Mathematics 3A/3B or higher.
TEE Applicable Mathematics.
TEE Calculus.
or MATH1701 Introductory Mathematics Foundations

Level 2

Following completion of Level 1 units, the major broadens into two main study areas: Economic and Financial Analytics: FINA2205 (extra pre-requisite in FINA1221), FINA2207, ECON3371, ECON3206; Management and Marketing Analytics: CITS2402, MKTG2305, MKTG3307, MKTG3308, BUSN3001. Students who wish to study CITS4012 Natural Language Processing in Honours in Business Analytics need to complete CITS2402.

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (12 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S2 BUSN2001 Data Storytelling for Business
Successful completion of
48 points
and Successful completion of
STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics or equivalent
BUSN5003 Data Storytelling
S1 ECON2271 Introductory Econometrics
STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics
or STAX1520 Economic and Business Statistics
or ECON1111 Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics
Degree-specific major units

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S2 CITS2402 Introduction to Data Science
CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python
or CITX1401 Computational Thinking with Python
or CITS2401 Computer Analysis and Visualisation
S1 FINA2205 Practical Finance Analytics
STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics or equivalent
or STAX1520 Economic and Business Statistics
FINA1221 Introduction to Finance or equivalent
or FINX1221 Introduction to Finance or equivalent
S1 FINA2207 Business Analysis and Valuation
Successful completion of
FINA1221 Introduction to Finance ,
or enrolment in
MJD-BUSAN Business Analytics.
or FINX1221 Introduction to Finance
ACCT3302 Financial Statement Analysis
S1 MKTG2305 Marketing Research
Successful completion of
MKTG1203 Introduction to Marketing
or MKTX0203 Introducing Marketing
MKTG3305 Marketing Research

Level 3

Degree-specific major units

Group A—take unit(s) to the value of 12 points:

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 ECON3371 Applied Econometric Methods and Data Analysis
ECON2271 Introductory Econometrics
S2 MKTG3307 Digital Marketing
any Level 2 Marketing unit
S1 MKTG3308 Marketing Analytics
Successful completion of
any one level 2 Marketing unit for students enrolled in Business Analytics Major
or any two level 2 Marketing units
S1 STAT3406 Applied Statistics and Data Visualisation

Course Enrolment in
the MJD-QTMTD Quantitative Methods major
or the MJD-HSDEM Human Sciences and Data Analytics major
or the MNR-ASTAT Applied Statistical Learning minor
and STAT2401 Analysis of Experiments
and STAT2402 Analysis of Observations
or STAT2062 Fundamentals of Probability with Applications
STAT4064 Applied Predictive Modelling
Degree-specific major units

Group B—take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

Capstone experience

Capstone experience

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S2 BUSN3001 Business Development Project
Enrolment in
BP009 Bachelor of Business
or Enrolment in
MJD-BUSAN Business Analytics

and Successful completion of
96 points
WILG3001 Professional Experience Practicum
N/A ECON3206 Economic Analysis Project
Successful completion of
96 points
and Enrolment in
BP013 Bachelor of Economics
or CM002 Bachelor of Economics and Master of Economics
or MJD-BUSAN Business Analytics
NS, S1, S2 WILG3001 Work Integrated Learning Internship Program
Successful completion of
48 points
and Enrolment in
BP009 Bachelor of Business
or BP013 Bachelor of Economics
or MJD-BUSAN Business Analytics
or MJD-POLSC Political Science and International Relations
or MJD-LINGO Linguistics
or MJD-CRMDM Criminology and Criminal Justice
or MNR-CRWRS Creative Writing Studies and a successful application for the WIL Placement Program
BUSN3348 Business Practicum
or HUMA2901 Arts Practicum
or POLS3326 Political Science Internship
or WILG2201 Professional Experience Practicum
or PARL3399 WA Parliamentary Research Program.