Extended Major Overview


Note: this major is only available to re-enrolling students.

Are you interested in finding out how diseases can be controlled, cured or prevented? Studying Biomedical Science will enable you to understand how the human body functions in health and disease, which is essential for the development of new treatments. You will gain an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body, the microbes that cause disease and the molecular and pathological processes of disease and how these diseases are treated. This is an extended major. The first component comprises a set of core units (giving you a broad perspective of the field). The second component provides a deeper understanding in your chosen area of specialisation. Areas of specialisation are Anatomy and Human Biology, Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Immunology, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, or Pharmacology.

Students should be aware that this major does not provide a pathway to an Honours.


Students are able to:

  1. understand the basic sciences necessary for an understanding of biomedical science including the chemistry, human biology, molecular biology and physiology of the cells
  2. describe the major chemical and biochemical constituents of the human body, how the human body functions at the cellular and molecular level and the genetic mechanisms involved in inheritance
  3. understand these processes further and describe the basic cellular biochemical and molecular biological processes involved in maintaining human life, and the anatomy and physiology of the human body systems including the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, neurological, skeletal and muscular, immune system
  4. describe the basic principles of the paraclinical sciences of microbiology, pathology and laboratory medicine and pharmacology
  5. demonstrate an integrated understanding of the paraclinical sciences through the choice of specified combinations of units
  6. describe the anatomy, biochemistry and physiology of the human body, how these may be influenced by environmental and genetic factors to produce disease per se, the major disease producing biological processes such as acute and chronic inflammation, the major disease producing bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, and how the diseases may be treated using both pharmaceutical and immunological interventions
  7. demonstrate deep understanding of an area of specialisation
  8. demonstrate a range of laboratory skills while undertaking both majors including the manipulation of commonly used instrumentation in the biomedical sciences
  9. demonstrate competency in the laboratory; (10) demonstrate written and oral communication skills including the abilities to write a scientific report and present an oral communication to their peers; and (11) develop an awareness of the ethical requirements necessary for undertaking studies involving human subjects.
Broadening guidelines

All students studying towards a Bachelor's Degree at UWA are required to Broaden their studies by completing a minimum of four units (24 points) of study outside their degree specific major. Broadening is your opportunity to explore other areas of interest, investigate new disciplines and knowledge paradigms and to shape your degree to suit your own aspirations and interests. Many of you will be able to undertake more than this minimum amount of broadening study and we encourage you to do so if this suits your aspirations. Over the next few months you will find here some broadening suggestions related to your degree-specific major. While we know that many students value guidance of this sort, these are only suggestions and students should not lose sight of the opportunity to explore that is afforded by your Broadening Choices. Advice can also be sought from your Allocated Student Advising Office.


Biomedical Science can only be taken as a degree-specific major in the following degree courses:

No study plans found for this major. See study plans for more information.


Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
not available in 2025 – may be available in 2026 or 2027

Level 1

Degree-specific major units

Take the following unit:

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S2 SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
Successful completion of
ATAR Subject(s) Human Biology or equivalent
or ATAR Subject(s) Biology or equivalent
or ANHB1101 Human Biology I: Becoming Human
or ANHX1101 Human Biology 1 (Becoming Human)
or ANHX1102 Human Biology 2 (Being Human)
or ANHB1102 Human Biology II: Being Human
or BIOL1130 Frontiers in Biology
or IMED1001 Form and Function
and Successful completion of
ATAR Subject(s) Chemistry or equivalent
or CHEM1003 Introductory Chemistry
or CHEX1003 Introductory Chemistry
Unit(s) SCIE2225 Molecular Biology
Degree-specific major units

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 ANHB1101 Human Biology I: Becoming Human None
S2 ANHB1102 Human Biology II: Being Human None
Complementary units

Take all complementary units (12 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
CHEM1004 None
S1 SCOM1101 Communicating Science
Successful completion of
ATAR Subject(s) ATAR Mathematics Applications
or ATAR Subject(s) WACE Mathematics 2C/2D or equivalent
MATH1720 Mathematics Fundamentals
or MATX1720 Mathematics Fundamentals

Level 2

Degree-specific major units

Take all units (24 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 ANHB2212 Human Structure and Development
Successful completion of
IMED1001 Form and Function
and IMED1002 The Facts of Life
or Successful completion of 12 points from
ANHB1101 Human Biology I: Becoming Human
or ANHX1101 Human Biology 1 (Becoming Human)
ANHB1102 Human Biology II: Being Human
or ANHX1102 Human Biology 2 (Being Human)
or 6 points ANHB1101 Human Biology I: Becoming Human
or ANHX1101 Human Biology 1 (Becoming Human)
or ANHB1102 Human Biology II: Being Human
or ANHX1102 Human Biology 2 (Being Human)
and 6 points BIOL1130 Frontiers in Biology
or BIOL1131 Plant and Animal Biology
or IMED1001 Form and Function
or SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
or SCIX1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
or SSEH1101 The Musculoskeletal System and Movement
or SSEH1102 Applied Anatomy and Athletic Performance
S1 BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
Successful completion of
IMED1001 Form and Function
and IMED1002 The Facts of Life
or Successful completion of two Unit(s)
SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
or SCIX1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
and CHEM1004 Biological Chemistry
or BIOC1001 Introductory Cellular Biochemistry
or CHEM1002 Chemistry—Structure and Reactivity
or CHEX1002 Chemistry Structure and Reactivity
Unit(s) BIOC2201 Biochemistry of the Cell
and Unit(s) SCIE2225 Molecular Biology
S2 MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
For MJD-MCBIM Microbiology and Immunology Major:
Successful completion of
SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
or SCIX1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
and BIOL1130 Frontiers in Biology .
For MJD-MEDSI Medical Science Extended Maj
or Successful completion of
IMED1001 Form and Function
and IMED1002 The Facts of Life .
For students taking as an elective:
Successful completion of
SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
or SCIX1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
and any one Unit(s) ANHB1101 Human Biology I: Becoming Human
, ANHX1101 Human Biology 1 (Becoming Human)
, ANHB1102 Human Biology II: Being Human
, ANHX1102 Human Biology 2 (Being Human)
, BIOC1001 Introductory Cellular Biochemistry
or CHEM1002 Chemistry—Structure and Reactivity
for pre-2012 courses: MICR2205 General and Applied Microbiology
S1 PHAR2210 Foundations of Pharmacology
CHEM1002 Chemistry—Structure and Reactivity
and SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
CHEX1002 Chemistry Structure and Reactivity
and SCIX1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
CHEM1004 Biological Chemistry
and SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
BIOC1001 Introductory Cellular Biochemistry
and SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
IMED1001 Form and Function
and IMED1002 The Facts of Life
Complementary units

Take all complementary units (12 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
N/A PATH2220 Introduction to Human Disease
ANHB1102 Human Biology II: Being Human (ID 1120)
or ANHX1102 Human Biology 2 (Being Human)
SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell (ID 1019)
or SCIX1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell
IMED1001 Form and Function (ID 5965)
and IMED1002 The Facts of Life (ID 5966)
PATH2299 Special Unit: Fundamentals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
or PATH2201 Introduction to Human Disease
PHYL2001 None

Level 3

Anatomy and Human Biology specialisation
Degree-specific major units

Take all units (18 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 BIOC3001 Molecular Biology
Successful completion of
two Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
PATH3304 None
S2 PHAR3320 Systems Pharmacology
[PHAR2210 Foundations of Pharmacology,
and PHAR2220 Human Pharmacology].
or [IMED2002 Blood and Drugs and one of the following units: IMED2001 Body Defences.
IMED2003 Essentials of Research in the Health and Medical Sciences
or IMED2004 Human Development and Genetics]
PHAR3303 Drugs and Disease A,
Degree-specific major units

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 MICR3305 Immunobiology and Immune Diseases
Successful completion of
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
PATH2210 Fundamentals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
and PATH2220 Introduction to Human Disease
PATH2221 Principles of Human Disease
and PATH2222 Pathology of Body Systems
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and IMED2001 Body Defences
MICR3340 Infections and Immunity
and PATH3307 Pathology and Laboratory Medicine I.
S1 MICR3330 Bacteria and Bacterial Disease
Successful completion of
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and IMED2001 Body Defences
MICR3302 Infections and Immunity
Degree-specific major units

Take unit(s) to the value of 18 points:

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S2 ANHB3315 Human Evolutionary Ecology
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) ANHB2215 Biological Anthropology: Human Adaptation and Variation (ID 1171)
or Unit(s) ANHB3321 Biological Anthropology: Genes and Society
or Unit(s) ANHB3322 Human/Primate Social Organisation
S2 ANHB3316 Human Reproduction
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) ANHB2216 Human Reproductive Biology
or Successful completion of
two Unit(s) ANHB2212 Human Structure and Development
or Unit(s) ANHB2214 Human Organs and Systems
or Unit(s) ANHB2215 Biological Anthropology: Human Adaptation and Variation
or Successful completion of
Unit(s) ANHB2212 Human Structure and Development and two Unit(s) PHAR2210 Foundations of Pharmacology
or Unit(s) PHYL2001 Physiology of Human Body Systems
or Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
or Unit(s) MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
or Unit(s) PHAR2220 Human Pharmacology
S1 ANHB3321 Biological Anthropology: Genes and Society None
N/A ANHB3322 Human/Primate Social Organisation
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) ANHB2215 Biological Anthropology: Human Adaptation and Variation
or Unit(s) ANHB3321 Biological Anthropology: Genes and Society
or Unit(s) ANHB3315 Human Evolutionary Ecology
S1 ANHB3323 Cells, Tissues and Development
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) ANHB2212 Human Structure and Development
or Unit(s) ANHB2214 Human Organs and Systems
or Enrolment in
MJD-HSNEM Human Science and Neuroscience
N/A ANHB3324 Human Structure and Function
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) ANHB2212 Human Structure and Development
or Successful completion of 96 points
and Unit(s) SSEH1101 The Musculoskeletal System and Movement (ID 1064) and
Unit(s) ANHB1101 Human Biology I: Becoming Human
or Unit(s) ANHX1101 Human Biology 1 (Becoming Human)
or Unit(s) ANHB1102 Human Biology II: Being Human
or Unit(s) ANHX1102 Human Biology 2 (Being Human)
or Successful completion of
96 points
and Unit(s) ANHB2214 Human Organs and Systems
or ANHB2217 Human Neurobiology
Degree-specific major units

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 ANHB3310 Human Biology: Applications and Investigations I
MJD-ANHBY Anatomy and Human Biology
or MJD-HSNEM Human Science and Neuroscience
ANHB3321 Biological Anthropology: Genes and Society
or ANHB3323 Cells, Tissues and Development
ANHB3320 Human Biology: Applications and Investigations II
S2 ANHB3320 Human Biology: Applications and Investigations II
Enrolment in
Major(s) MJD-ANHBY Anatomy and Human Biology (ID 1343) Major(s) MJD-BIOMS Biomedical Science
ANHB3315 Human Evolutionary Ecology
or ANHB3316 Human Reproduction
or ANHB3322 Human/Primate Social Organisation
or ANHB3324 Human Structure and Function
Unit(s) ANHB3310 Human Biology: Applications and Investigations I
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology specialisation
Degree-specific major units

Take all units (48 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 ANHB3323 Cells, Tissues and Development
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) ANHB2212 Human Structure and Development
or Unit(s) ANHB2214 Human Organs and Systems
or Enrolment in
MJD-HSNEM Human Science and Neuroscience
S1 BIOC3001 Molecular Biology
Successful completion of
two Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
S1 BIOC3002 Structural and Functional Biochemistry
Successful completion of
two Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
S2 BIOC3003 Omics—Global Approaches to Cell Function
Successful completion of
two Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
S2 BIOC3005 Cellular Biochemistry
Successful completion of
two Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
PATH3304 None
S2 PHAR3320 Systems Pharmacology
[PHAR2210 Foundations of Pharmacology,
and PHAR2220 Human Pharmacology].
or [IMED2002 Blood and Drugs and one of the following units: IMED2001 Body Defences.
IMED2003 Essentials of Research in the Health and Medical Sciences
or IMED2004 Human Development and Genetics]
PHAR3303 Drugs and Disease A,
S1 PHYL3001 Experimental Physiology
Successful completion of
PHYL2002 Physiology of Cells
Microbiology and Immunology specialisation
Degree-specific major units

Take all units (48 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 ANHB3323 Cells, Tissues and Development
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) ANHB2212 Human Structure and Development
or Unit(s) ANHB2214 Human Organs and Systems
or Enrolment in
MJD-HSNEM Human Science and Neuroscience
S1 MICR3305 Immunobiology and Immune Diseases
Successful completion of
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
PATH2210 Fundamentals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
and PATH2220 Introduction to Human Disease
PATH2221 Principles of Human Disease
and PATH2222 Pathology of Body Systems
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and IMED2001 Body Defences
MICR3340 Infections and Immunity
and PATH3307 Pathology and Laboratory Medicine I.
S2 MICR3310 Microbial Ecology and One Health
Successful completion of
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and IMED2001 Body Defences
S2 MICR3320 Viruses and Viral Disease
Successful completion of
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and IMED2001 Body Defences
MICR3302 Infection and Immunity
S1 MICR3330 Bacteria and Bacterial Disease
Successful completion of
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and IMED2001 Body Defences
MICR3302 Infections and Immunity
PATH3304 None
S2 PHAR3320 Systems Pharmacology
[PHAR2210 Foundations of Pharmacology,
and PHAR2220 Human Pharmacology].
or [IMED2002 Blood and Drugs and one of the following units: IMED2001 Body Defences.
IMED2003 Essentials of Research in the Health and Medical Sciences
or IMED2004 Human Development and Genetics]
PHAR3303 Drugs and Disease A,
S1 PHYL3001 Experimental Physiology
Successful completion of
PHYL2002 Physiology of Cells
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine specialisation
Degree-specific major units

Take all units (48 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 ANHB3323 Cells, Tissues and Development
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) ANHB2212 Human Structure and Development
or Unit(s) ANHB2214 Human Organs and Systems
or Enrolment in
MJD-HSNEM Human Science and Neuroscience
S2 BIOC3005 Cellular Biochemistry
Successful completion of
two Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
S1 MICR3305 Immunobiology and Immune Diseases
Successful completion of
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
PATH2210 Fundamentals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
and PATH2220 Introduction to Human Disease
PATH2221 Principles of Human Disease
and PATH2222 Pathology of Body Systems
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and IMED2001 Body Defences
MICR3340 Infections and Immunity
and PATH3307 Pathology and Laboratory Medicine I.
S1 MICR3330 Bacteria and Bacterial Disease
Successful completion of
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and IMED2001 Body Defences
MICR3302 Infections and Immunity
S1 PATH3305 Medical Genetics
Successful completion of
PATH2210 Fundamentals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
and PATH2211 Molecular Medicine
and PATH2220 Introduction to Human Disease
and MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
GENE2230 Molecular Genetics I
and GENE2250 Principles of Inheritance
PATH2221 Principles of Human Disease
and PATH2222 Pathology of Body Systems
GENE3320 Medical Genetics
S2 PATH3308 Biotherapeutics and Regenerative Medicine
Successful completion of
PATH2210 Fundamentals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
and PATH2211 Molecular Medicine
and PATH2220 Introduction to Human Disease
and MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
PATH2221 Principles of Human Disease
and PATH2222 Pathology of Body Systems
PATH3311 Biotherapeutics and Regenerative Medicine (ID 4721)
or PATH3304 Drugs and Disease B
S2 PATH3309 Cancer Pathology
Successful completion of
PATH2210 Fundamentals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
and PATH2220 Introduction to Human Disease
PATH2221 Principles of Human Disease
and PATH2222 Pathology of Body Systems
S2 PHYL3003 Nutritional and Metabolic Physiology
Successful completion of
PHYL1001 Physiology - How your body works
and 96 points

Successful completion of
48 points
and Enrolment in
MJD-IMSCP Integrated Medical Sciences and Clinical Practice
Pharmacology specialisation
Degree-specific major units

Take all units (42 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 ANHB3323 Cells, Tissues and Development
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) ANHB2212 Human Structure and Development
or Unit(s) ANHB2214 Human Organs and Systems
or Enrolment in
MJD-HSNEM Human Science and Neuroscience
S2 BIOC3005 Cellular Biochemistry
Successful completion of
two Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
S1 PHAR3310 Molecular Pharmacology
Successful completion of
PHAR2210 Foundations of Pharmacology
and PHAR2220 Human Pharmacology ,
or Successful completion of IMED2002 Blood and Drugs and
IMED2001 Body Defences
or IMED2003 Medical Sciences Research Methodologies
or IMED2004 Human Development and Genetics
PHAR3303 Drugs and Disease A
and PATH3304 Drugs and Disease B
S1 PHAR3311 Molecular Pharmacology Methods
Successful completion of
PHAR2210 Foundations of Pharmacology
and PHAR2220 Human Pharmacology ,
or Successful completion of IMED2002 Blood and Drugs and
IMED2001 Body Defences
or IMED2003 Medical Sciences Research Methodologies
or IMED2004 Human Development and Genetics
Enrolment in
PHAR3310 Molecular Pharmacology
PHAR3303 Drugs and Disease A,
and PATH3304 Drugs and Disease B
S2 PHAR3320 Systems Pharmacology
[PHAR2210 Foundations of Pharmacology,
and PHAR2220 Human Pharmacology].
or [IMED2002 Blood and Drugs and one of the following units: IMED2001 Body Defences.
IMED2003 Essentials of Research in the Health and Medical Sciences
or IMED2004 Human Development and Genetics]
PHAR3303 Drugs and Disease A,
S2 PHAR3321 Systems Pharmacology Methods
[PHAR2210 Foundations of Pharmacology,
and PHAR2220 Human Pharmacology].
or [IMED2002 Blood and Drugs and one of the following units: IMED2001 Body Defences.
IMED2003 Essentials of Research in the Health and Medical Sciences
or IMED2004 Human Development and Genetics]
PHAR3320 Systems Pharmacology
PHAR3303 Drugs and Disease A
and PATH3304 Drugs and Disease B
S2 PHYL3003 Nutritional and Metabolic Physiology
Successful completion of
PHYL1001 Physiology - How your body works
and 96 points

Successful completion of
48 points
and Enrolment in
MJD-IMSCP Integrated Medical Sciences and Clinical Practice
Degree-specific major units

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 MICR3305 Immunobiology and Immune Diseases
Successful completion of
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
PATH2210 Fundamentals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
and PATH2220 Introduction to Human Disease
PATH2221 Principles of Human Disease
and PATH2222 Pathology of Body Systems
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and IMED2001 Body Defences
MICR3340 Infections and Immunity
and PATH3307 Pathology and Laboratory Medicine I.
S1 MICR3330 Bacteria and Bacterial Disease
Successful completion of
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and IMED2001 Body Defences
MICR3302 Infections and Immunity
Physiology specialisation
Degree-specific major units

Take all units (42 points):

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 BIOC3001 Molecular Biology
Successful completion of
two Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
PATH3304 None
S2 PHAR3320 Systems Pharmacology
[PHAR2210 Foundations of Pharmacology,
and PHAR2220 Human Pharmacology].
or [IMED2002 Blood and Drugs and one of the following units: IMED2001 Body Defences.
IMED2003 Essentials of Research in the Health and Medical Sciences
or IMED2004 Human Development and Genetics]
PHAR3303 Drugs and Disease A,
S1 PHYL3001 Experimental Physiology
Successful completion of
PHYL2002 Physiology of Cells
S1 PHYL3002 Clinical Physiology
Successful completion of
PHYL1001 Physiology - How your body works
and SSEH2260 Exercise Physiology
S2 PHYL3003 Nutritional and Metabolic Physiology
Successful completion of
PHYL1001 Physiology - How your body works
and 96 points

Successful completion of
48 points
and Enrolment in
MJD-IMSCP Integrated Medical Sciences and Clinical Practice
S2 PHYL3004 Extreme Environmental Physiology
Successful completion of Unit(s) PHYL1001 Physiology - How your body works and
PHYL2002 Physiology of Cells
or PHYL3002 Physiology of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
or Enrolment in
CM039 Bachelor of Human Sciences (Pharmaceutical Health) and Master of Pharmacy
Degree-specific major units

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

Availability Unit code Unit name unit requirements
S1 MICR3305 Immunobiology and Immune Diseases
Successful completion of
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
PATH2210 Fundamentals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
and PATH2220 Introduction to Human Disease
PATH2221 Principles of Human Disease
and PATH2222 Pathology of Body Systems
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and IMED2001 Body Defences
MICR3340 Infections and Immunity
and PATH3307 Pathology and Laboratory Medicine I.
S1 MICR3330 Bacteria and Bacterial Disease
Successful completion of
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and MICR2209 Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
MICR2208 Introductory Microbiology
and IMED2001 Body Defences
MICR3302 Infections and Immunity