Course overview


This degree is designed to equip its graduates with advanced economic skills and knowledge. Students are required to complete advanced studies in microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics. Options exist to undertake a research dissertation and / or to specialise in areas such as applied economics, health economics and financial economics. Successful completion of the degree demonstrates competence in interpreting frontier research and applying advanced data analysis techniques.

Graduates from the M.Ec acquire technical knowledge which is in high demand in a variety of industries. Students will be equipped to pursue a career as a professional economist in either the public, private or not-for-profit sector. In the public and not-for-profit sectors your chosen career path may see you appointed as economic analysts and/or policy advisers. Economic analysts are also in demand in the private sector in areas such as consulting, regulation, business analytics and finance.

Course title
Master of Economics (coursework or coursework and dissertation)
Award abbreviation
Course code
Course type
Master's degree by coursework or by coursework and dissertation
Current / 2024
Administered by
UWA Business School

Course details

Intake periods
Beginning of year and mid-year
Attendance type
Full- or part-time (Student visa holders should read Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 for more information.)
The Master of Economics has the following exit awards: 42330 Graduate Diploma in Economics (48 points) (48 points), 42290 42290 Graduate Certificate in Health Economics and Analysis (24 points) (24 points)
Credit points required
A standard full-time load is 24 points per semester.
Standard course duration
1.5 years full-time (or equivalent part-time) comprising 72 points of taught units and 24 points of admission credit, as recognised and granted by the School
Maximum course duration
2 years full-time (or equivalent part-time) comprising up to 96 points of taught study (see Rule 5 for further information)
Time limit
5 years
Delivery mode
Locations offered
UWA (Perth)
Domestic fee type
Postgraduate fee-paying/FEE-HELP
Available to international students
Yes. For information on international student fees see 'Student Procedures: Fees'. (Enquiries:
Course Coordinator(s)
Professor Alison Preston
Visit the fees calculator.

Prospective students should see the Future Students website for details on admission requirements, intake periods, fees, availability to international students, careers information etc.

No study plans found for this course. See study plans for more information.


SP-ECOAP Applied Economics
SP-ECOFE Financial Economics
SP-ECOHE Health Economics
SP-ECORD Research Dissertation

Course structure

Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
not available in 2024 – may be available in 2025 or 2026
non-standard teaching period

All units have a value of six points unless otherwise stated.

Students in the course by coursework only take the following:

All units in Core A (18 points)
All units from one specialisation Groups B, F - H (24 points)
All units from an additional specialisation or options Groups B, F - H (30 points)

Students in the course by coursework and dissertation take the following:

All units in Core A (18 points)
All units in Core D (24 points)
Remaining units from an additional specialisation or options Groups B, F - H (30 points)

Take all units (18 points):

Group A
AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1ECON4402Microeconomic Theory
Enrolment in BH002 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
or BH013 Bachelor of Economics (Honours)
or 42620 Master of Economics
or 42670 Master of Economics
or CM002 Bachelor of Economics and Master of Economics
Enrolment in
BH005 Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)
and Successful completion of
144 credit points
lectures/tutorials/seminars/workshops: up to 3 hours per week
S1ECON4413Applied Advanced Econometrics
Enrolment in BP013 Bachelor of Economics
or BH002 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
or 42670 Master of Economics
or CM002 Bachelor of Economics and Master of Economics
Enrolment in
BH005 Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)
and Successful completion of
144 credit points
lectures/tutorials/seminars/workshops: up to 3 hours per week
S2ECON4418Macroeconomic Theory
Enrolment in BP013 Bachelor of Economics
or BH002 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
or 42670 Master of Economics
or CM002 Bachelor of Economics and Master of Economics
Enrolment in
BH005 Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)
and Successful completion of
144 credit points
lectures/tutorials/seminars/workshops: up to 3 hours per week

Applied Economics specialisation

Take unit(s) to the value of 24 points:

Note: Students specialising in Applied Economics must take 4 units to the value of 24 credit points from this group.

Group B
AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S2ECON4408Advanced Development Economics
Successful completion of
12 points level 4
or level 5 Unit(s)
lectures/tutorials/seminars/workshops: up to 3 hours per week
S1ECON4410Environmental and Resource Economics
Enrolment in
HON-ECONS Economics
or HON-NRMGT Natural Resource Management
or HON-ECNPF Professional Economics
or 61550 Master of Professional Engineering
or 42330 Graduate Diploma in Economics
or 42620 Master of Economics
or 42580 Master of Public Policy
or 72530 Master of Environmental Science
or 62550 Master of Professional Engineering
or 73530 Master of Agricultural Economics
or 62540 Master of Ocean Leadership
lectures: 2 hours; tutorials: 1 hour; labs: 1 hour (4 hours/week for 12 weeks)
S2ECON4503Advanced Economic Analysis
Enrolment in BP013 Bachelor of Economics
or BH002 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
or 42670 Master of Economics
or CM002 Bachelor of Economics and Master of Economics
Enrolment in
BH005 Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)
and Successful completion of
144 credit points
workshops: 3 hours per week on a face-to-face basis. Note: Workshops will not be recorded and attendance is strongly recommended.
S2ECON5511Climate, Energy and Water Economics
Enrolment in
HON-ENVSC Environmental Science
or HON-NRMGT Natural Resource Management
or 72530 Master of Environmental Science
or 73530 Master of Agricultural Economics
or 73540 Master of Petroleum Geoscience
or 62540 Master of Ocean Leadership
and Successful completion of
one Unit(s) ECON1120 Environmental Economics 1
or Unit(s) ECON1101 Microeconomics: Prices and Markets
or Unit(s) ECOX0101 Introduction to Economics
or Unit(s) ECON1102 Macroeconomics: Money and Finance
or Unit(s) ECOX1102 Macroeconomics: Money and Finance
or Unit(s) ECON2224 Environmental Economics 2
lectures/tutorials: 3 hours per week for 10 weeks
S2ECON5519Public Economics
Enrolment in BH013 Bachelor of Economics (Honours)
or CM002 Bachelor of Economics and Master of Economics
or BH002 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
or 42620 Master of Economics
or 42670 Master of Economics
or 41680 Master of Commerce
Enrolment in
BH005 Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)
and Successful completion of
144 Points
lectures/tutorials/seminars/workshops: up to 3 hours per week
N/AECON5520Text-to-Data Applications and Novel Data Sources
Enrolment in
42630 Master of Business Analytics
or 42620 Master of Economics
or 42670 Master of Economics
or CM002 Bachelor of Economics and Master of Economics
seminars: 3 hours per week for 12 weeks
S2ECON5521Economic Policy and CommunicationNoneseminars: 3 hours per week
S2PARL5599WA Parliamentary Research Program
Acceptance into the WA Parliamentary Research Program
and Successful completion of
48 points
and Enrolment in
72560 Master of Urban and Regional Planning
or 72530 Master of Environmental Science
or 42580 Master of Public Policy
or permission from the unit coordinator
PARL3399 WA Parliamentary Research Program
150 hours of study
NS, S1, S2SVLG5001McCusker Centre for Citizenship Internship
The vast Majority of students - No prerequistes
or Enrolment in
20820 Juris Doctor and the following units ( LAWS4101 Foundations of Law and Lawyering
and LAWS4102 Criminal Law .
and LAWS4103 Contract
and LAWS4104 Property
and LAWS4106 Torts
and LAWS4109 Legal Theory and Ethics
for Juris Doctor students: LAWS5174 Legal Internship
Internship experience: approximately 100 hours; McCusker Centre attendance: approximately 8 hours
NS, S1, S2WILG5001Work Integrated Learning Internship Program
Completion of 24 points of post graduate units and approval from the unit coordinator.
Industry experience: 100 hours Online sessions with Unit Coordinator: 1-2 hours

Financial Economics specialisation

Take unit(s) to the value of 24 points:

Note: Students specialising in Financial Economics must take 4 units to the value of 24 credit points from this group.

Group F
AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1ECON5506The Economics of Financial Markets
Enrolment in 41680 Master of Commerce
or CM002 Bachelor of Economics and Master of Economics
or 42670 Master of Economics
ECON5541 Economics for Business: Applications and Policy
or ECON5516 The Economics of Public Policy
FINA5533 Finance Essentials
and FINA5632 Investments
lectures/seminars/workshops: up to 3 hours per week
N/AECON5517Public Finance
Enrolment in
the Master of Economics
or the Master of Public Policy
seminars: 3 hours per week
S1, S2FINA5521Quantitative Methods in Finance
FINA5533 Finance Essentials (or equivalent)
and FINA5632 Investments
lectures/seminars/workshops: up to 3 hours per week
S1, S2FINA5533Finance Essentials
FINA5432 Introduction to Finance
AND FINA5635 Corporate Finance
lectures: 3 hours per week (maximum students per class: 45)
S1, S2FINA5632Investments
ACCT5432 Introductory Financial Accounting or equivalent Graduate Certificate in Finance students: none
FINA5533 Finance Essentials (or equivalent)
lectures/seminars/workshops: up to 3 hours per week

Health Economics specialisation

Take all units (18 points):

Group G
AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1ECON5518Economics of Global Health and Policy
Enrolment in
CM002 Bachelor of Economics and Master of Economics
or 42580 Master of Public Policy
or 42620 Master of Economics
or 42670 Master of Economics
or 41680 Master of Commerce
or 42230 Graduate Certificate in Economics
seminars: 3 hours per week
S2ECON5570Health Analytics
Enrolment in
CM002 Bachelor of Economics and Master of Economics
or 42620 Master of Economics
or 42670 Master of Economics
or 42630 Master of Business Analytics
or 42580 Master of Public Policy
or 62530 Master of Data Science
seminars: up to 3 hours per week for 12 weeks
S2PUBH5752Health Systems and EconomicsNonelectures/tutorials: 3 hours per week

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

Note: Students specialising in Health Economics must take all 3 units from group G and any 1 unit from group H.

Group H
AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1PUBH5749Foundations of Public HealthNonelectures/tutorials: 3 hours per week
N/APUBH5801Economic Evaluation of Health Care
PUBH5752 Health Systems and Economics (ID 3924)
1 week full-time

Research Dissertation specialisation

Take all units (24 points):

Note: Students doing the Research Dissertation specialisation must complete all 4 units in this group D and all units from group A.

Group D
AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1, S2ECON5881Master's Dissertation (Economics) Part 1
Enrolment in
42620 Master of Economics with a minimum UWA WAM of 75 in first 24 points in the course
or 42670 Master of Economics with a minimum UWA WAM of 75 in first 24 points in the course
S1, S2ECON5882Master's Dissertation (Economics) Part 2
Enrolment in
42620 Master of Economics with a minimum UWA WAM of 75 in first 24 points in the course
or 42670 Master of Economics with a minimum UWA WAM of 75 in first 24 points in the course
ECON5881 Master's Dissertation (Economics) Part 1
S1, S2ECON5883Master's Dissertation (Economics) Part 3
Enrolment in
42620 Master of Economics with a minimum UWA WAM of 75 in first 24 points in the course.
or Enrolment in
42670 Master of Economics with a minimum UWA WAM of 75 in first 24 points in the course.
ECON5881 Master's Dissertation (Economics) Part 1
S1, S2ECON5884Master's Dissertation (Economics) Part 4
Enrolment in
42620 Master of Economics with a minimum UWA WAM of 75 in first 24 points in the course
or 42670 Master of Economics with a minimum UWA WAM of 75 in first 24 points in the course
ECON5881 Master's Dissertation (Economics) Part 1

See also the rules for the course and the Student Rules.


Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

1.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

(2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

Academic Conduct Essentials and Communication and Research Skills modules

2.(1) A student who enrols in this course for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module) and the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module).

(2) A student must successfully complete the ACE module within the first teaching period of their enrolment. Failure to complete the module within this timeframe will result in the student's unit results from this teaching period being withheld. These results will continue to be withheld until students avail themselves of a subsequent opportunity to achieve a passing grade in the ACE module. In the event that students complete units in subsequent teaching periods without completing the ACE module, these results will similarly be withheld. Students will not be permitted to submit late review or appeal applications regarding results which have been withheld for this reason and which they were unable to access in the normally permitted review period.

English Language competency requirements

3. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

Admission requirements

4. To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—

(a) Bachelor degree with a major in economics or an equivalent qualification as recognised by UWA with a weighted average mark of at least 65 per cent in Level 3 economic units;


(b) be enrolled in the Combined Bachelor Master (CBM) degree (Bachelor of Economics and Master of Economics degree).

Admission ranking and selection

5. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

Articulations and exit awards

6.(1) This course has the following exit awards:

  • 42330 Graduate Diploma in Economics (48 points)
  • 42290 42290 Graduate Certificate in Health Economics and Analysis (24 points)

(2) A student who withdraws from the Master of Economics course before completing it, but completes units to the value of 48 points towards the Master of Economics, may apply to the School to be awarded the Graduate Diploma in Economics.

(3) A student who withdraws from the Master of Economics course before completing it, who has completed 24 points from the Health Economics specialisation (consisting of 18 points of core units and 6 points of option units), may apply to the School to be awarded the 42290 Graduate Certificate in Health Economics and Analysis.

Course structure

7.(1) The course consists of units to a total value of 96 points (maximum value) which includes conversion units to a value of 24 points, course core units and specialisation units. The course comprises the following specialisations :

  • SP-ECOAP Applied Economics
  • SP-ECOFE Financial Economics
  • SP-ECOHE Health Economics
  • SP-ECORD Research Dissertation

(2) Units must be selected in accordance with the course structure, as set out in these rules.

(3) Students who have completed the relevant conversion units or equivalent, as advised by the School, are granted credit for conversion units up to a value of 24 points.

Satisfactory progress

8. To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

9. A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module) when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress even if they have met the other requirements for satisfactory progress in Rule 8.

Progress status

10.(1) A student who makes satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 8 is assigned the status of 'Good Standing'.

(2) Unless the relevant board determines otherwise because of exceptional circumstances—

(a) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the first time under Rule 8 is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation';

(b) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the second time under Rule 8 is assigned a progress status of 'Suspended';

(c) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the third time under Rule 8 is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded'.

11. A student who does not make satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 9 is assigned the progress status of 'On Probation', unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to meet other satisfactory progress requirements in Rule 8.

Award with distinction

12. To be awarded the degree with distinction a student must achieve a course weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 80 per cent which is calculated based on—

(a) all units above Level 3 attempted as part of the course that are awarded a final percentage mark;

(b) all relevant units above Level 3 undertaken in articulating courses of this University that are awarded a final percentage mark;


(c) all units above Level 3 completed at this University that are credited to the master's degree course.


13. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

Additional rules
Time limit

14.(1) The time limit is five calendar years from the date of first enrolment in the course, not including periods of suspension of candidature.

(2) The time limit for a student who has previously completed the requirements for the Graduate Diploma in Economics, or equivalent as recognised by the University, is five years from the year in which the first unit was credited towards the master's course.

(3) In exceptional circumstances, the University may extend the time limit by one or two semesters.

Eligibility for dissertation specialisation

15.(1) Students wishing to undertake the Master of Economics by coursework and dissertation must achieve a UWA weighted average mark of at least 75 in Level 3 core economics units in their undergraduate degree or a WAM of 75 in their first 24 points of coursework which must include ECON4402 Microeconomic Theory and ECON4413 Applied Advanced Econometrics. Offer of a place on the research specialisation is also conditional on appropriate supervision being available. Students who are not offered a place in the research specialisation are still eligible for the Master of Economics (coursework).