Course overview


Biotechnology is rapidly becoming central to our lives. This signature program is designed to set us apart from other universities by offering a thorough grounding in state-of-the-art biotechnology and combining this with training in enterprise and commercialisation. Biotechnology contributes to solving problems like food, fuel and water insecurities, emerging diseases, and pollutants. The use of plants, animals and bacteria, enhanced by areas such as genetics and genomics gives rise to new food, fibre and chemical production routes, new strategies for environmental protection and stewardship, as well as training the next generation of biomolecular scientists. Key components of the program are provided by the School of Molecular Sciences and UWA School of Agriculture and Environment and include developing the theoretical aspects in parallel with skills training in practical techniques such as next generation genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, genetic engineering methods like CRISPR, and basic and advanced bioinformatics. Current specialisations include the application of biotechnology for the generation of aquatic products, environmental monitoring, food, fibre and fuel security, reuse of waste, and human health and disease. This program also draws on the expertise of staff in the UWA Business School and mentors in biotechnology spinouts to provide the academic and business skills graduates need to make significant contributions to the biotechnology sector now and into the future. Graduates will be well positioned to pursue careers in international research laboratories, government agencies, as well as the private sector.

Course title
Master of Biotechnology (coursework or coursework and dissertation)
Award abbreviation
Course code
Course type
Master's degree by coursework or by coursework and dissertation
Current / 2025
Administered by
Agriculture and Environment

Course details

Intake periods
Beginning of year and mid-year
Attendance type
Full- or part-time (Student visa holders should read Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 for more information.)
The Master of Biotechnology has the following exit awards: 73380 Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (48 points) (48 points), 73280 Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology (24 points) (24 points)
Credit points required
A standard full-time load is 24 points per semester.
Standard course duration
1.5 years full-time (or equivalent part-time) comprising 72 points of taught units and 24 points of admission credit, as recognised and granted by the School
Maximum course duration
2 years full-time (or equivalent part-time) comprising up to 96 points of taught study (see Rule 5 for further information)
Time limit
5 years
Delivery mode
Locations offered
UWA (Perth)
Domestic fee type
Commonwealth supported and/or HECS-HELP
Available to international students
Yes. For information on international student fees see 'Student Procedures: Fees'. (Enquiries:
Course Coordinator(s)
Dr Sasha Jenkins and Dr Luke Smithers
Visit the fees calculator.

Prospective students should see the Future Students website for details on admission requirements, intake periods, fees, availability to international students, careers information etc.


SP-BCHMB Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
SP-ENVBT Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology
SP-GENOM Genetics and Genomics
SP-SYNBIO Synthetic Biology

Course structure

Key to availability of units:
Semester 1
Semester 2
not available in 2025 – may be available in 2026 or 2027
non-standard teaching period

All units have a value of six points unless otherwise stated.

Take all units (24 points):

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1MKTG5503Enterprise and InnovationNonelectures/workshops/seminars: total of 36 hours over 8 weeks
S2MKTG5604Technology Commercialisation
MKTG5503 Enterprise and Innovation
or enrolment in
the Master of Professional Engineering (Biomedical Engineering specialisation)
MKTG5603 Management of Technology and Innovation
lectures/seminars: 36 hours (12 x 3 hours)
S1, S2SCIE4001Collecting, Analysing and Interpreting Big Data in Biology
Enrolment in
62550 Master of Professional Engineering
or 72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 72520 Master of Biological Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
Lectures and Seminars: 27 hours
S2SCIE5507Food Fibre and Fuel Security
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 74230 Graduate Certificate in Bioinformatics
lectures, tutorials and/or workshops: 6 hours per week

Students in course by coursework only take all units from this group (12 points):

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1, S2SCIE5004Professional Skills in Science
Enrolment in
72530 Master of Environmental Science
or 72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 74540 Master of Marine Biology
or 73530 Master of Agricultural Economics
or 51580 Master of Science Communication
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 72520 Master of Biological Science 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
and Successful completion of
48 points in your chosen degree
S1, S2SCIE5005Science in Practice
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) SCIE5004 Professional Skills in Science
1x 2hr session per week contact by consultation as required

Students in course by coursework and dissertation take 24 points.

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1, S2SCIE5571Dissertation Part 1
Enrolment in
HON-AGSCI Agricultural Science
or HON-ENVSC Environmental Science
or HON-NRMGT Natural Resource Management
or 72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 72530 Master of Environmental Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 73530 Master of Agricultural Economics
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics and satisfy eligibility criteria for research project
or dissertation
as required by supervisor
S1, S2SCIE5572Dissertation Part 2
Successful completion of
or Enrolment in
Unit(s) SCIE5571 Dissertation Part 1
as required by supervisor
S1, S2SCIE5573Dissertation Part 3
Successful completion of
or Enrolment in
Unit(s) SCIE5572 Dissertation Part 2
as required by supervisor
S1, S2SCIE5574Dissertation Part 4
Successful completion of
or Enrolment in
Unit(s) SCIE5573 Dissertation Part 3
as required by supervisor

AQUAtech specialisation

Students who have not completed tertiary units that are deemed equivalent to the conversion units for the chosen specialisation must complete relevant conversion units up to the value of 24 points from this group, as advised by the School(s):

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1, S2BIOC4002Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I
Enrolment in
71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
and Successful completion of
ATAR Subject(s) Chemistry
or CHEM1003 Introductory Chemistry or equivalent
or CHEX1003 Introductory Chemistry
Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
6 x 2 hr workshops over the course of a semester.
S1, S2GENE4002Integrated Topics in Genetics I
Enrolment in
72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 72520 Master of Biological Science
or 71540 Master of Health Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
or 74540 Master of Marine Biology
Unit(s) GENE2230 Molecular Genetics I
and Unit(s) GENE2250 Principles of Inheritance
6 x 2 hr workshops over the course of a semester.
S1, S2SCIE4403Ethical Conduct and Communication in Science
Successful completion of
SCOM1101 Communicating Science (ID 1553)
or SCOX1101 Communicating Science
Weekly face-to-face OR online workshops. This unit runs in Semester 1 and Semester 2, and can be taken in either semester.
NSSCIE4404Techniques in Molecular Sciences
Enrolment in
71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
1x 1 hour Introduction Workshop 7x 3 hour Laboratory Sessions 5x 1 hour Post-laboratory Workshop

Take all units (24 points):

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
N/AENVT5004Decoding and Recoding for Environmental Biotechnology
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 72520 Master of Biological Science
S1ENVT5005Waste and the Circular Economy
Enrolment in
72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 72530 Master of Environmental Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
Lectures 15 x 1 hour (online and pre-recorded), 5 x 1hr Industry seminar (Face to Face), Industry Contact (dependent on partner selected)
S2ENVT5514Environmental Biosensing Agents and Assays
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) BIOC4002 Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I
lectures/tutorials: 2 hours per fortnight; field trips/practical work: 4 hours per fortnight
S1ENVT5575Aquaculture and the Blue Economy
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 72530 Master of Environmental Science
or 74540 Master of Marine Biology
or 72520 Master of Biological Science
Lectures: 20 x 1hr (Online and Face to Face) Workshops: 3 x 3hr (Face to Face)

For students in course by coursework only, take unit(s) to the value of 12 points:

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S2BIOL4407Marine Conservation and Fisheries Management
Enrolment in
72520 Master of Biological Science (ID 165)
or 70630 Master of Science (ID 202)
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science (ID 359)
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology (ID 389)
or 71570 Master of Geographic Information Science (ID 390)
or BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours) (ID 4)
or 62540 Master of Ocean Leadership (ID 1432)
or 74540 Master of Marine Biology
150 hours in total
N/ABIOL4410Environmental Genomics
Successful completion of
level 2 Unit(s) in genetics or equivalent
Block teaching of lectures and fieldwork over two weeks. Block teaching of bioinformatic analysis, biological data analysis and group presentation over 1 week, 8 weeks after initial block. lectures x 15hrs, fieldwork x 8hrs, lab work x 24hrs, analysis x 40hrs, prep delivery & group presentation x 15hrs, essay prep x 48hrs
S2ENVT5576Aquatic Ecology
Enrolment in
72530 Master of Environmental Science
or 72520 Master of Biological Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 74540 Master of Marine Biology
or HON-ENVSC Environmental Science
or HON-GGRPY Geographical Sciences
1x2hr lecture 1x3hr laboratory/practical plus a field trip
S1SCIE5505Global Change and the Marine Environment
72530 Master of Environmental Science
or 72520 Master of Biological Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71570 Master of Geographic Information Science
or BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
or 74540 Master of Marine Biology
or 71590 Master of Oceanography
7 hours per week for 6 weeks

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology specialisation

Students who have not completed tertiary units that are deemed equivalent to the conversion units for the chosen specialisation must complete relevant conversion units up to the value of 24 points from this group, as advised by the School(s):

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1, S2BIOC4003Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II
Enrolment in
71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or Successful completion of
two Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell or equivalent
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function or equivalent
Unit(s) BIOC3003 Omics—Global Approaches to Cell Function
and Unit(s) BIOC3005 Cellular Biochemistry
lectures: 29 x 40 - 60 minute online lectures; workshops: 6 x 1.5 - 2 hour workshops per semester.
S1, S2SCIE4401Data Use in Science
Enrolment in
72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 72520 Master of Biological Science
or 72530 Master of Environmental Science
or 72550 Master of Geoscience
or 72540 Master of Hydrogeology
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71570 Master of Geographic Information Science
or 73530 Master of Agricultural Economics
or 73550 Master of Business Psychology
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
or 71590 Master of Oceanography
or 74540 Master of Marine Biology
STAT1400 Statistics for Science
or STAX1400 Statistics for Science
STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics
or STAX1520 Economic and Business Statistics
and SCIE1104 Science, Society and Data Analysis
24 hours. The total workload for this unit is 150 hours.
S1, S2SCIE4403Ethical Conduct and Communication in Science
Successful completion of
SCOM1101 Communicating Science (ID 1553)
or SCOX1101 Communicating Science
Weekly face-to-face OR online workshops. This unit runs in Semester 1 and Semester 2, and can be taken in either semester.
NSSCIE4404Techniques in Molecular Sciences
Enrolment in
71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
1x 1 hour Introduction Workshop 7x 3 hour Laboratory Sessions 5x 1 hour Post-laboratory Workshop

Take all units (24 points):

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1BIOC4001Advanced Studies in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71540 Master of Health Science
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
and Successful completion of
Unit(s) BIOC4003 Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II (ID 6620)
or Major(s) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
workshops: 12 hours; presentation sessions: approx. 6 hours (depending on number of students); consultation with academic staff during presentation planning approx. 0.5 hours
S1, S2BIOC5001Advanced Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Techniques
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71540 Master of Health Science
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
and Successful completion of
one Unit(s) BIOC4003 Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II (ID 6620)
or Major(s) MJD-BCHMB Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
tutorials/workshops: 24 hours per semester
S1MSCI4006Advanced Techniques in Molecular Sciences
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71540 Master of Health Science
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
and Successful completion of
one Unit(s) BIOC4003 Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II
or Unit(s) GENE4003 Integrated Topics in Genetics II
or Successful completion of
Major(s) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
or Major(s) Chemistry
or Major(s) Genetics
lectures and tutorials: 24 hours per semester
S2SCIE5508Synthetic Biology: Solving Global Challenges
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology (ID 389)
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science (ID 359)
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics (ID 1490)
lectures, tutorials / workshops; 5 hours per week

For students in course by coursework only, take unit(s) to the value of 12 points.

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S2ENVT5001Biotechnology in the Natural Environment
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or HON-BTECH Biotechnology
lectures/tutorials: 2 hours per fortnight; field trips/case study work: 2 hours per fortnight
S1GENE4001Advanced Studies in Genetics and Genomics
Enrolment in
71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71540 Master of Health Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
and Successful completion of
one Unit(s) GENE4003 Integrated Topics in Genetics II
or Enrolment in
Major(s) Genetics
or Major(s) Anatomy and Human Biology
and Successful completion of
one Unit(s) ANHB3321 Biological Anthropology: Genes and Society
workshops: 12 hours; presentation sessions: approx. 6 hours (depending on number of students); consultation with academic staff during presentation planning approx. 0.5 hours
S1GENE5001Advanced Genomics Techniques
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) GENE4003 Integrated Topics in Genetics II
or Major(s) Genetics or equivalent
lectures and tutorials: 24 hours per teaching period
S2SCIE4002Bioinformatics and Data Analysis for Genomics
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71540 Master of Health Science
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
or 62550 Master of Professional Engineering
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
and Successful completion of
one Unit(s) SCIE4001 Collecting, Analysing and Interpreting Big Data in Biology
lectures and tutorials: 24 hours per semester; presentation sessions: approx. 6 (depending on student enrolment)
S1SCIE5509Synthetic Biology: Novel Tools for Bioengineering
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology (ID 389)
S1, S2SCIE5515Global Challenges in Biomedical Science
Enrolment in
71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or CM004 Bachelor of Molecular Sciences and Master of Biomedical Science
or CM024 Bachelor of Molecular Sciences and Master of Bioinformatics
or CM021 Bachelor of Human Sciences and Master of Bioinformatics
or CM007 Bachelor of Molecular Sciences and Master of Biotechnology
or 62550 Master of Professional Engineering Biomedical Engineering specialisation
or 54540 Master of Infectious Diseases
lectures: 2 hours per week; tutorials: 2 hours per week

Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology specialisation

Students who have not completed tertiary units that are deemed equivalent to the conversion units for the chosen specialisation must complete relevant conversion units up to the value of 24 points from this group, as advised by the School(s):

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1, S2BIOC4002Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I
Enrolment in
71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
and Successful completion of
ATAR Subject(s) Chemistry
or CHEM1003 Introductory Chemistry or equivalent
or CHEX1003 Introductory Chemistry
Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function
6 x 2 hr workshops over the course of a semester.
S1, S2GENE4002Integrated Topics in Genetics I
Enrolment in
72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 72520 Master of Biological Science
or 71540 Master of Health Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
or 74540 Master of Marine Biology
Unit(s) GENE2230 Molecular Genetics I
and Unit(s) GENE2250 Principles of Inheritance
6 x 2 hr workshops over the course of a semester.
S1, S2SCIE4403Ethical Conduct and Communication in Science
Successful completion of
SCOM1101 Communicating Science (ID 1553)
or SCOX1101 Communicating Science
Weekly face-to-face OR online workshops. This unit runs in Semester 1 and Semester 2, and can be taken in either semester.
NSSCIE4404Techniques in Molecular Sciences
Enrolment in
71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
1x 1 hour Introduction Workshop 7x 3 hour Laboratory Sessions 5x 1 hour Post-laboratory Workshop

Take all units (24 points):

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S2ENVT5001Biotechnology in the Natural Environment
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or HON-BTECH Biotechnology
lectures/tutorials: 2 hours per fortnight; field trips/case study work: 2 hours per fortnight
N/AENVT5004Decoding and Recoding for Environmental Biotechnology
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 72520 Master of Biological Science
S1ENVT5005Waste and the Circular Economy
Enrolment in
72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 72530 Master of Environmental Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
Lectures 15 x 1 hour (online and pre-recorded), 5 x 1hr Industry seminar (Face to Face), Industry Contact (dependent on partner selected)
S2ENVT5514Environmental Biosensing Agents and Assays
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) BIOC4002 Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I
lectures/tutorials: 2 hours per fortnight; field trips/practical work: 4 hours per fortnight

For students in course by coursework only, take unit(s) to the value of 12 points.

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1AGRI4410Breeding and Biotechnology
Enrolment in
72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or HON-AGSCI Agricultural Science
and Successful completion of
SCIE4401 Data Use in Science
interactive workshops 2 hours per week practicals 3 hours per week
N/AAGRI5502Case Studies in Breeding and Biotechnology
Enrolment in
72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or HON-AGSCI Agricultural Science
or HON-BTECH Biotechnology
2 x 3-hr sessions every second week for six weeks
S2BIOL4407Marine Conservation and Fisheries Management
Enrolment in
72520 Master of Biological Science (ID 165)
or 70630 Master of Science (ID 202)
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science (ID 359)
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology (ID 389)
or 71570 Master of Geographic Information Science (ID 390)
or BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours) (ID 4)
or 62540 Master of Ocean Leadership (ID 1432)
or 74540 Master of Marine Biology
150 hours in total
S2BIOL5542Conservation Genetics
Enrolment in
72520 Master of Biological Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71570 Master of Geographic Information Science
or BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
and Successful completion of
one Unit(s) GENE4002 Integrated Topics in Genetics I
or Unit(s) GENE2250 Principles of Inheritance
or Unit(s) BIOL3364 Evolutionary Processes
The total workload for the unit is 150 hours.
S2ENVT5515Environmental Management in Mining
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) ENVT4421 Fundamentals of Environmental Management
1x 2hr lectures per week 1x 2hr online practicals per week 1 x field trip – virtual
S2ENVT5517Ecological RehabilitationNoneLectures: 2 hours per week Workshops: up to 2 hours per week
S2SCIE4002Bioinformatics and Data Analysis for Genomics
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71540 Master of Health Science
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
or 62550 Master of Professional Engineering
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
and Successful completion of
one Unit(s) SCIE4001 Collecting, Analysing and Interpreting Big Data in Biology
lectures and tutorials: 24 hours per semester; presentation sessions: approx. 6 (depending on student enrolment)

Genetics and Genomics specialisation

Students who have not completed tertiary units that are deemed equivalent to the conversion units for the chosen specialisation must complete relevant conversion units up to the value of 24 points from this group, as advised by the School(s):

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1, S2GENE4003Integrated Topics in Genetics II
Enrolment in
71540 Master of Health Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
and Successful completion of
one Unit(s) GENE4002 Integrated Topics in Genetics I
or Successful completion of
or two Unit(s) GENE2230 Molecular Genetics I
and Unit(s) GENE2250 Principles of Inheritance
Unit(s) GENE3340 Molecular Genetics II
and Unit(s) GENE3350 Evolution and Development
6 x 2 hr workshops over the course of a semester.
S1, S2SCIE4401Data Use in Science
Enrolment in
72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 72520 Master of Biological Science
or 72530 Master of Environmental Science
or 72550 Master of Geoscience
or 72540 Master of Hydrogeology
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71570 Master of Geographic Information Science
or 73530 Master of Agricultural Economics
or 73550 Master of Business Psychology
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
or 71590 Master of Oceanography
or 74540 Master of Marine Biology
STAT1400 Statistics for Science
or STAX1400 Statistics for Science
STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics
or STAX1520 Economic and Business Statistics
and SCIE1104 Science, Society and Data Analysis
24 hours. The total workload for this unit is 150 hours.
S1, S2SCIE4403Ethical Conduct and Communication in Science
Successful completion of
SCOM1101 Communicating Science (ID 1553)
or SCOX1101 Communicating Science
Weekly face-to-face OR online workshops. This unit runs in Semester 1 and Semester 2, and can be taken in either semester.
NSSCIE4404Techniques in Molecular Sciences
Enrolment in
71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
1x 1 hour Introduction Workshop 7x 3 hour Laboratory Sessions 5x 1 hour Post-laboratory Workshop

Take all units (24 points):

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1GENE4001Advanced Studies in Genetics and Genomics
Enrolment in
71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71540 Master of Health Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
and Successful completion of
one Unit(s) GENE4003 Integrated Topics in Genetics II
or Enrolment in
Major(s) Genetics
or Major(s) Anatomy and Human Biology
and Successful completion of
one Unit(s) ANHB3321 Biological Anthropology: Genes and Society
workshops: 12 hours; presentation sessions: approx. 6 hours (depending on number of students); consultation with academic staff during presentation planning approx. 0.5 hours
S1GENE5001Advanced Genomics Techniques
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
Successful completion of
one Unit(s) GENE4003 Integrated Topics in Genetics II
or Major(s) Genetics or equivalent
lectures and tutorials: 24 hours per teaching period
S2SCIE4002Bioinformatics and Data Analysis for Genomics
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71540 Master of Health Science
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
or 62550 Master of Professional Engineering
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
and Successful completion of
one Unit(s) SCIE4001 Collecting, Analysing and Interpreting Big Data in Biology
lectures and tutorials: 24 hours per semester; presentation sessions: approx. 6 (depending on student enrolment)
S2SCIE5508Synthetic Biology: Solving Global Challenges
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology (ID 389)
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science (ID 359)
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics (ID 1490)
lectures, tutorials / workshops; 5 hours per week

For students in course by coursework only, take unit(s) to the value of 12 points, of which at least 1 unit must be at Level 5.

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1AGRI4410Breeding and Biotechnology
Enrolment in
72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or HON-AGSCI Agricultural Science
and Successful completion of
SCIE4401 Data Use in Science
interactive workshops 2 hours per week practicals 3 hours per week
N/AAGRI5502Case Studies in Breeding and Biotechnology
Enrolment in
72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or HON-AGSCI Agricultural Science
or HON-BTECH Biotechnology
2 x 3-hr sessions every second week for six weeks
S2BIOL5542Conservation Genetics
Enrolment in
72520 Master of Biological Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71570 Master of Geographic Information Science
or BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
and Successful completion of
one Unit(s) GENE4002 Integrated Topics in Genetics I
or Unit(s) GENE2250 Principles of Inheritance
or Unit(s) BIOL3364 Evolutionary Processes
The total workload for the unit is 150 hours.
S2ENVT5001Biotechnology in the Natural Environment
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or HON-BTECH Biotechnology
lectures/tutorials: 2 hours per fortnight; field trips/case study work: 2 hours per fortnight
S1SCIE5509Synthetic Biology: Novel Tools for Bioengineering
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology (ID 389)
S1, S2SCIE5515Global Challenges in Biomedical Science
Enrolment in
71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or CM004 Bachelor of Molecular Sciences and Master of Biomedical Science
or CM024 Bachelor of Molecular Sciences and Master of Bioinformatics
or CM021 Bachelor of Human Sciences and Master of Bioinformatics
or CM007 Bachelor of Molecular Sciences and Master of Biotechnology
or 62550 Master of Professional Engineering Biomedical Engineering specialisation
or 54540 Master of Infectious Diseases
lectures: 2 hours per week; tutorials: 2 hours per week

Synthetic Biology specialisation

Students who have not completed tertiary units that are deemed equivalent to the conversion units for the chosen specialisation must complete relevant conversion units up to the value of 24 points from this group, as advised by the School(s):

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1, S2BIOC4003Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II
Enrolment in
71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or Successful completion of
two Unit(s) BIOC2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell or equivalent
and Unit(s) BIOC2002 Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function or equivalent
Unit(s) BIOC3003 Omics—Global Approaches to Cell Function
and Unit(s) BIOC3005 Cellular Biochemistry
lectures: 29 x 40 - 60 minute online lectures; workshops: 6 x 1.5 - 2 hour workshops per semester.
S1, S2SCIE4401Data Use in Science
Enrolment in
72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 72520 Master of Biological Science
or 72530 Master of Environmental Science
or 72550 Master of Geoscience
or 72540 Master of Hydrogeology
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71570 Master of Geographic Information Science
or 73530 Master of Agricultural Economics
or 73550 Master of Business Psychology
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
or 71590 Master of Oceanography
or 74540 Master of Marine Biology
STAT1400 Statistics for Science
or STAX1400 Statistics for Science
STAT1520 Economic and Business Statistics
or STAX1520 Economic and Business Statistics
and SCIE1104 Science, Society and Data Analysis
24 hours. The total workload for this unit is 150 hours.
S1, S2SCIE4403Ethical Conduct and Communication in Science
Successful completion of
SCOM1101 Communicating Science (ID 1553)
or SCOX1101 Communicating Science
Weekly face-to-face OR online workshops. This unit runs in Semester 1 and Semester 2, and can be taken in either semester.
NSSCIE4404Techniques in Molecular Sciences
Enrolment in
71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
1x 1 hour Introduction Workshop 7x 3 hour Laboratory Sessions 5x 1 hour Post-laboratory Workshop

Take all units (24 points):

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S2SCIE4002Bioinformatics and Data Analysis for Genomics
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71540 Master of Health Science
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or BH004 Bachelor of Science (Honours)
or 62550 Master of Professional Engineering
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics
and Successful completion of
one Unit(s) SCIE4001 Collecting, Analysing and Interpreting Big Data in Biology
lectures and tutorials: 24 hours per semester; presentation sessions: approx. 6 (depending on student enrolment)
S2SCIE5508Synthetic Biology: Solving Global Challenges
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology (ID 389)
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science (ID 359)
or 70550 Master of Bioinformatics (ID 1490)
lectures, tutorials / workshops; 5 hours per week
S1SCIE5509Synthetic Biology: Novel Tools for Bioengineering
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology (ID 389)
S1SCIE5516Materials Characterisation for Bioengineering and Synthetic Biology
62550 Master of Professional Engineering (ID 356) Biomedical Engineering specialisation, Electrical and Electronic Engineering specialisation
or Mechanical Engineering specialisation
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology (ID 389)
lectures: 2 hrs per week; tutorial/activity: 2 hrs per week for up to 12 weeks

For students in course by coursework only, take unit(s) to the value of 12 points.

AvailabilityUnit codeUnitnameUnit requirementsContact hours
S1AGRI4410Breeding and Biotechnology
Enrolment in
72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or HON-AGSCI Agricultural Science
and Successful completion of
SCIE4401 Data Use in Science
interactive workshops 2 hours per week practicals 3 hours per week
S2ENVT5001Biotechnology in the Natural Environment
Enrolment in
71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or HON-BTECH Biotechnology
lectures/tutorials: 2 hours per fortnight; field trips/case study work: 2 hours per fortnight
S1ENVT5005Waste and the Circular Economy
Enrolment in
72510 Master of Agricultural Science
or 72530 Master of Environmental Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
Lectures 15 x 1 hour (online and pre-recorded), 5 x 1hr Industry seminar (Face to Face), Industry Contact (dependent on partner selected)
S2SCIE4481Good, Bogus and Corrupted Science
enrolment in
or postgraduate course
seminars: 3 hours per week for 12 weeks—theory is provided by the unit coordinators and guest speakers; tutorials: 2 hour per week for 12 weeks—students present cases of bogus and corrupted science in classes, discuss further the material covered in the seminars, and are asked to support their learning with examples of their choice, thus guaranteeing a multidisciplinary flavour to this unit. The advanced academic training and research experience required of the postgraduate and honours students attending this unit provide the grounds for scholarly and informed discussions during the tutorials.
S1, S2SCIE5515Global Challenges in Biomedical Science
Enrolment in
71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or 71580 Master of Biotechnology
or 71520 Master of Biomedical Science
or CM004 Bachelor of Molecular Sciences and Master of Biomedical Science
or CM024 Bachelor of Molecular Sciences and Master of Bioinformatics
or CM021 Bachelor of Human Sciences and Master of Bioinformatics
or CM007 Bachelor of Molecular Sciences and Master of Biotechnology
or 62550 Master of Professional Engineering Biomedical Engineering specialisation
or 54540 Master of Infectious Diseases
lectures: 2 hours per week; tutorials: 2 hours per week

See also the rules for the course and the Student Rules.


Applicability of the Student Rules, policies and procedures

1.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

(2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

Academic Conduct Essentials and Communication and Research Skills modules

2.(1) A student who enrols in this course for the first time irrespective of whether they have previously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (the ACE module) and the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module).

(2) A student must successfully complete the ACE module within the first teaching period of their enrolment. Failure to complete the module within this timeframe will result in the student's unit results from this teaching period being withheld. These results will continue to be withheld until students avail themselves of a subsequent opportunity to achieve a passing grade in the ACE module. In the event that students complete units in subsequent teaching periods without completing the ACE module, these results will similarly be withheld. Students will not be permitted to submit late review or appeal applications regarding results which have been withheld for this reason and which they were unable to access in the normally permitted review period.

English Language competency requirements

3. To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University's English language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework.

Admission requirements

4.(1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—

(a) a Bachelor of Science, or an equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA;


(b) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 50 per cent;


(c) met the prerequisite for the chosen specialisation

(2) For the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology specialisation an applicant must have—

(a) successfully completed intermediate units at a tertiary level in Biochemistry, or equivalent, as recognised by UWA; and

(b) successfully completed intermediate units at a tertiary level in Molecular Biology, or equivalent, as recognised by UWA

(3) For the Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology specialisation, an applicant must have successfully completed Chemistry ATAR, or CHEM1003 Introductory Chemistry equivalent, as recognised by UWA

(4) For the Genetics and Genomics specialisation, an applicant must have successfully completed intermediate units at a tertiary level in Genetics, or equivalent, as recognised by UWA

(5) For the AQUAtech specialistion an applicant must have successfully completed Chemistry ATAR, or equivalent, as recognised by UWA

(6) For the Synthetic Biology specialisation an applicant must have successfully completed intermediate units at a tertiary level in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology or Genetics, or equivalent, as recognised by UWA

Admission ranking and selection

5. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

Articulations and exit awards

6.(1) This course has the following exit awards:

  • 73380 Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (48 points)
  • 73280 Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology (24 points)

(2) A student who withdraws from the Master of Biotechnology course before completing it, but after completing 48 points, including at least four core units, may apply to the School to be awarded the Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology.

(3) A student who withdraws from the Master of Biotechnology course before completing it, but after completing 24 points excluding conversion units, with at least 12 points of core units, of which a minimum of 6 points must be degree core

, may apply to the School to be awarded the Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology.

Course structure

7.(1) The course consists of units to a total value of 96 points (maximum value) which includes conversion units to a value of 24 points, course core units and specialisation units. The course comprises the following specialisations :

  • SP-BCHMB Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • SP-ENVBT Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology
  • SP-GENOM Genetics and Genomics
  • SP-SYNBIO Synthetic Biology

(2) Units must be selected in accordance with the course structure, as set out in these rules.

(3) Students who have completed tertiary units that are deemed equivalent to the conversion units for the chosen specialisation are granted credit for conversion units up to a value of 24 points.

Satisfactory progress

8. To make satisfactory progress a student must pass units to a point value greater than half the total value of units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

9. A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the Communication and Research Skills module (the CARS module) when their progress status is assessed will not have made satisfactory progress even if they have met the other requirements for satisfactory progress in Rule 8.

Progress status

10.(1) A student who makes satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 8 is assigned the status of 'Good Standing'.

(2) Unless the relevant board determines otherwise because of exceptional circumstances—

(a) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the first time under Rule 8 is assigned a progress status of 'On Probation';

(b) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the second time under Rule 8 is assigned a progress status of 'Suspended';

(c) a student who does not make satisfactory progress for the third time under Rule 8 is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded'.

11. A student who does not make satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 9 is assigned the progress status of 'On Probation', unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to meet other satisfactory progress requirements in Rule 8.

Award with distinction

12. To be awarded the degree with distinction a student must achieve a course weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 80 per cent which is calculated based on—

(a) all units above Level 3 attempted as part of the course that are awarded a final percentage mark;

(b) all relevant units above Level 3 undertaken in articulating courses of this University that are awarded a final percentage mark;


(c) all units above Level 3 completed at this University that are credited to the master's degree course.


13. Applicants awarded admission to the course are entitled to a deferral of up to 12 months, as per the University Policy on: Admissions (Coursework).

Additional rules
Research project or dissertation

14. Students who request approval to undertake a research project or dissertation in this course must:

(i) have a weighted average mark of at least 65 per cent in at least 24 points of Level 3 units in their UWA undergraduate major. These units must be relevant to the master's specialisation; or

(ii) have a weighted average mark of at least 65 per cent in at least 24 points of Level 3, 4 and 5 units completed within the course; or equivalent as recognised by the School; and

(iii) must have a supervisor, approved by the School, who has confirmed their willingness and availability to supervise the research project.

(iv) Students in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology or Genetics and Genomics,or Synthetic Biology or Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology or AQUAtech specialisations who were required to complete SCIE4404 Techniques in Molecular Sciences must have achieved a mark of at least 70% in this unit.